
1 How to deal with townhouse noisy neighbors

  1. 不买townhouse,换成sfh(single family house)

difference from google: townhouses are attached to each other, with each having at least one shared wall with adjacent townhouse, while single-family homes are freestanding

2)报告HOA(homeowner's association), 有quiet time.如果私自把地毯换成地板不隔音, HOA会处理

  1. 再装一层dry wall就可以隔音了,两层dry wall直接可以贴上high weight sound barrier,YouTube有教学

4)注意很多新建的三层th都是和邻居很近,可能有噪音 来源:https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-704123-1-1.html

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1 International students investment

1)总结一下:大盘ETF定投,Roth IRA,“投资自己”,high-yield savings。

2)如果以后有留美打算的话,趁着现在基本没什么收入,先去把ira和roth ira开了,把每年的额度给放满了,等毕业了有些就放不了了。


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1 Learning path

自学路线 CS50 -> CS61A -> CS61B -> LeetCode



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1 Timeline for Finding Intern

1 实习的Timeline:大约感觉找暑期的话开学前就得准备好简历和刷题,以后看到更多的TL再扔过来

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