
My graduate application season is kind of in its finale now, and I want to use the following interesting words to memorize my anxieties and aspirations during the past few months.

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  1. Innovation:
    • One point of view: moonshoot, completely new idea, something that breaks the mold
    • Every once in a while, every generation has few of these
    • Small acquisitive changes, doing something with something you already have, going and finding something new. Can be small changes from generation to generation, offering changes
    • In a nutshell positive changes, a lit bit suprising
    • simplifying everything: simplying the way you work, the process => require changes, eaiser for customer to use, or make it more accessible
    • Leave space for asking questiion that is out of scope: Sometimes, people may hesitate to ask questions because they feel that their questions might be perceived as silly or unimportant. However, by creating a safe space where people are free to ask any question, you can help ensure that everyone's voice is heard and that everyone feels included. This can lead to a more diverse range of perspectives and ideas being shared, which can inspire innovation.
    • You can have a hundred ideas, but if you do not try one. Innovation will not happen.


1 Modify your resume skillset according to the job description


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Tip 1: Background figure settings under theme Next 7.xx

  1. Find the _config.yml file in theme next, its path should be like this: your_blog\themes\next\_config.yml

  2. Search the custom_file_path property using Ctrl + F, it should be like this:

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