
Microsoft Azure Certificates Preparation

I passed Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals and Exam DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals recently. I got 880/1000 for AZ-900 and 1000/1000 for DP-900. The examinations are not difficulat as long as you prepare it well. In this post I will introduce some of the resources I used to prepare for the exanimations.

  1. Training | Microsoft Learn, this is the official website to prepare for Microsoft Certificate exanimations. I finished all the related learning materials related to the exams. There are also free practice assessments for the course.

  2. Examtopics: There is a question bank for AZ-900 and DP-900 on examtopics, reviewing all the questions there can be very helpful. Notice some answers on Examtopics are wrong, you can check the question discussion area check if the answer is correct, find references or help you understand the answer.

Hope this post can be helpful for your exam preparation.