
AWS Certificate Preparation

General background

  1. AWS introduction
    • AWS has regions and each region has multiple availability zones
    • How to choose a region
      • Compliance with laws and rules
      • Proximity to customers: reduce latency
      • Service availability: some services are not available in all regions
      • Pricing should be considered
    • AZs are isolated from each other and connected with high bandwidth, low latency network
    • Some service are global, some are region-scoped
    • AWS management console is a web-based user interface


  1. IAM introduction
    • IAM = identity and access management, global service
    • Root account is created by default, should not be used or shared
    • Users should be grouped, groups can contain users but not other groups, users can be in multiple groups and don't have to belong to a group
  2. IAM permissions
    • Users and groups can be assigned JSON documents called policies
    • Policies define permissions for users
    • The least privilege principle: don't give more permissions than a user needs
    • Policy structure: version, id, statement(sid, effect, principal, action, resource, condition))
  3. IAM security
    • IAM password policy: length, character types, expiration, reuse prevention, etc.
    • IAM MFA: multi-factor authentication
      • Virtual MFA device
      • Universal 2nd Factor(U2F) Security Key
      • Hardware Key Fob MFA device
      • Hardware Fob MFA device for AWS GovCloud
  4. How to access AWS
    • AWS Management Console (also you can use AWS CloudShell)
    • AWS CLI: use aws --version to check the version
    • AWS SDKs(for code)
  5. IAM Roles
    • IAM roles are permissions assigned to ASW services
    • Example: EC2 instance roles, Lambda function roles, Roles for CloudFormation
  6. IAM security Tools(audit purpose)
    • IAM credentials report(account-level)
    • IAM access advisor(user-level)

EC2 Fundamentals

  1. You can setup budgets for your AWS account

  2. EC2 Basics

    • EC2 = Elastic Compute Cloud = Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS)
    • EC2(rent virtual machines), EBS(store data on virtual drives), ELB(distribute load across machines), ASG(scaling the services using an auto-scaling group)
    • You can use EC2 User data to bootstrap EC2 instances(only run once at first start, run on root user)

AWS services

  1. EC2 Fundamentals
    • Introduction
      • AWS EC2 is one of the most popular services
      • EC2(Elastic computer cloud) is an infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
      • It contains renting virtual machines(EC2), storing data on virtual drives(EBS), distribute load across machines(ELB), scaling the services using an auto-scaling group(ASG)
      • You need to specify OS, CPU, RAM, storage space(network-attached: EBS&EFS, or hardware: EC2 instance store), network card(speed of the card, public IP address), firewall rules(security group), bootstrap script(EC2 user data)
      • It is possible to bootstrap EC2 instances using an EC2 user data script at the instance first start, it only runs once
    • Create an EC2 instance
      • Tips: create key pair for login, allow HTTP traffic from the internet, add setup user data, the public IP may change after restart, but the private IP remains the same
    • EC2 instance types
      • AWS instance naming convention: [instance class] + [generation].[size within instance class]
    • Security groups
      • Security groups are the fundamental of network security in AWS
      • Security groups control how traffic is allowed into or out of EC2 instances (access to ports, authorized IP ranges, inbound/outbound traffic, etc.)
      • Security groups can only contain allow rules, rules can reference by IP or by security group
      • Security group can attach to multiple instances, a instance can have multiple security groups
      • It's good to maintain one separate security group for SSH access
      • Error type: timeout error, the problem is related to security groups, connection refused error, then it's an application error or it's not launched
      • By default, all inbound traffic is blocked, all outbound traffic is allowed
    • Classic ports to know
      • port 22: SSH(secure shell), login into a Linux instance
      • port 21: FTP(file transfer protocol), upload files into a file share
      • port 22: SFTP(SSH file transfer protocol) upload files through SSH
      • port 80: HTTP(hypertext transfer protocol), access unsecured websites
      • port 443: HTTPS(hypertext transfer protocol secure), access secured websites
      • port 3389: RDP(remote desktop protocol), login into a Windows instance
    • Connect to EC2 instances
      • The default user name is ec2-user
      • Use local SSH to connect with public key
      • Use EC2 instance connect(a browser based SSH terminal) provided by AWS
      • Do not set aws configure on EC2 instances, otherwise all iam users can access your credentials. Attach IAM roles to EC2 instances instead: instance -> right click -> security -> modify IAM roles
    • EC2 instance purchasing options:
      • On-demand instances: pay full price after launch
      • Saving plans: commit to use for a time period, get discount
      • Reserved instances: commit to use a consistent instance configuration(like instance type, region), get discount
      • Spot instances: use unused instances, large discount
        • Spot fleet: set of spot instances + optional on-demand instances
        • Strategies to allocate spot instances within a spot fleet
          • lowestPrice: from the pool with the lowest price, cost optimization, short workload
          • diversified: distributed across all pools, great for availability, long workload
          • capacityOptimized: pool with the optimal capacity for the number of instances
      • Dedicated hosts: a physical server with EC2 instance capacity fully dedicated to your use
      • Dedicated instances: an instance on virtual private cloud that's dedicated to a single customer
      • Capacity reservations: allow customers to reserve instances in a specific zone for any duration
  2. EC2 Solutions Architect Associate Level
    • Public IP & private IP
      • Networking has two sorts of IPs: IPv4 and IPv6
      • At present, IPv4 is more common than IPv6
      • Ipv4 format: [0-255].[0-255].[0-255].[0-255]
      • Public IP allows access from everywhere on the Internet, private IP allows access from local networks
      • Elastic IP
        • When you stop and then start an EC2 instance, it can change its public IP
        • If you need to have a fixed public IP for your instance, you need an Elastic IP
        • An elastic IP is a public IPv4 IP you own as long as you don't delete it, you can attach it to one instance at a time
        • Try avoiding elastic IP, instead use a random public IP and register a DNS name to it
    • EC2 Placement groups
      • Cluster
        • Place cluster instances into a low-latency group in a single available zone
        • Great network, if the rack fails then all instances fail at the same time
        • Suitable for big that needs low latency and high network throughput
      • Spread
        • Spreads instances across underlying hardware
        • Can span across available zones, reduce risk in simultaneous failure, but limited to 7 instances per available zone per placement group
        • Suitable for application that maximize high availability, and those that must be isolated from each other
      • Partition
        • Spreads instances across many different partitions within a available zone
        • Can span across multiple available zones, instances in different available zone do not share racks, a partition failure can affect many instances but won't affect other partitions
        • Suitable for distributed applications like HDFS, HBase, Kafka, Cassandra
    • Elastic Network Interfaces(ENI)
      • ENI is a logical component in a VPC that represents a virtual network card
      • Attributes of ENI
        • One primary private Ipv4, one or more secondary IPv4
        • One elastic IPv4 per private Ipv4
        • One public Ipv4
        • One or more security groups
        • A MAC address
      • You can create ENI independently and attach them on EC2 instances
      • Bound to a specific available zone
    • EC2 Hibernate
      • Stop/terminate an instance
        • Stop: the data on disk(EBS) is kept intact in the next start
        • Terminate: any EBS volumes also set-upt to be destroyed is lost
      • On start
        • For the first start: the OS boots & the EC2 User Data script is run
        • Following starts: the OS boots up
        • Then your application starts, caches get warmed up, and that can take time
      • EC2 Hibernate
        • The RAM state is preserved, then instance boot is much faster
        • Actually, the RAM state is written to a file in the root EBS volume, the root EBS volume must be encrypted
      • EC2 hibernate supports a lot instance families, but there are still some requirements for instance hardwares; EC2 hibernate is available for on-demand, reserved and spot instances
      • An instance cannot be hibernated for more than 60 days
    • EC2 Nitro
      • This is the underlying platform for the next generation of EC2 instances
      • Use new virtualization technology, which allows for better performance, better underlying security
    • EC2 vCPU
      • Multiple threads can run on one CPU in EC2
      • Each thread is represented as a virtual CPU
      • EC2 instances come with a combination of RAM and CPU, you can optimize CPU options(set number of CPU cores, and threads per core) during instance launch
    • EC2 Capacity Reservations
      • Capacity reservation ensure you have EC2 capacity when needed
      • There are manual or planed end-date for the reservation
      • No need for a long time
      • Capacity access is immediate, you get billed as soon as it starts
  3. EC2 instance storage
    • EBS
      • EBS intro
        • An EBS(Elastic block store) volume is a network drive(not a physical drive, might be a bit of latency) you can attach to your instances while they run
        • It allows your instances to persist data, even after their termination
        • EBS can be mounted to one instance at a time, and are bound to a specific available zone
        • EBS can be detached from an EC2 instance and attached to another quickly
      • EBS delete on termination attribute
        • When you terminate an EC2 instance, the root EBS volume is deleted by default
        • You can change the delete on termination attribute to false, so that the root EBS volume is not deleted when the instance is terminated
        • You can also change the delete on termination attribute to false for any additional EBS volumes you attach to your instance
      • EBS snapshots
        • Make a backup of your EBS volume at a point in time
        • When detaching volume, snapshot is not required but strongly recommended
        • Can copy snapshots across available zone or region
        • Snapshots can be archived to reduce cost
        • You can set recycle bin for snapshots
      • EBS volume
        • Types
          • gp2/gp3(general purpose SSD): general purpose ssd volume that balances price and performance
            • IOPS are throughput are linked in gp2, in gp3 you can independently set the IOPS and throughput
          • io1/io2(provisioned IOPS SSD): highest performance ssd for low-latency or high-throughput workloads
            • Great for IOPS like databases
            • io1/io2 can increase PIOPS independently from storage size
            • io2 have more durability and more IOPS per GiB
          • st1(throughput optimized HDD): low cost volume for frequently accessed, throughput-intensive workloads
            • st1 is throughput optimized HDD
            • Suitable for big data, data warehouses, log processing
          • sc1(cold HDD): lowest cost volume designed for less frequently accessed workloads
            • sc1 is cold HDD
            • Suitable for scenarios where low cost is important
        • Only gp2/gp3/io1/io2 can be used as root volumes
        • EBS multi-attach
          • Attach the same EBS volume to multiple EC2 instances
          • Only apply to io1/io2 family
        • EBS encryption
          • If you create an encrypted EBS volume, data is encrypted, snapshots are encrypted, all volumes created from the snapshots are encrypted
          • Encryption has minimal impact on performance
          • EMS encryption leverages keys from KMS
          • Procedures for EBS encryption
            • Create an EBS snapshot of the current volume, and this snapshot is unencrypted
            • Copy the unencrypted snapshot to create a new encrypted snapshot
            • Create a new volume from the encrypted snapshot, which is also encrypted
            • Attach the encrypted volume to the original instance
    • AMI
      • AMI(amazon machine image) is a customization of an EC2 instance
      • You can add own software, configuration, os, monitoring
      • AMI is built for a specific region
      • You can launch EC2 instances from
        • A public AMI: aws provided
        • You own AMI: you make and maintain them yourself
        • An aws marketplace AMI: third party AMI
      • right click on instance -> image and template -> create image
    • EC2 instance store
      • EBS volumes are network drives with good but limited performance
      • If you need a high performance hardware drive, you can use EC2 instance store
      • EC2 instance store has better I/O performance, suitable for buffer/cache/scratch data
      • EC2 instance store lose storage if they're stopped, you should make backups and replications to avoid risk of data loss
    • Amazon EFS
      • EFS(Elastic file system): a managed NFS(network file system) that can be mounted on many EC2
      • EFS works with EC2 instances in multiple available zones
      • EFS is highly available, scalable(the size of EFS can be scaled automatically), and expensive, it's compatible with Linux but not Windows
      • Use security group to control access to EFS
      • Performance mode(set on creation time of EFS) of EFS: general purpose mode(default), max I/O mode, throughput mode
      • EFS storage classes: standard tier for frequently accessed files, infrequent access(EFS-IA) tier for low cost
      • Availability and durability: standard(multiple-available zone), one zone (one available zone, compatible with EFS-IA to formulate EFS One Zone-IA, huge cost reduction)
    • Comparison of EBS and EFS
      • EBS volumes
        • Can be attached to only one instance at a time. In order to migrate an EBS across available zone, you need to take a snapshot and restore the snapshot to another available zone
        • Are locked at one available zone level
        • gp2: IO increases if disk size increases
        • io1: IO is independent of disk size
        • Root EBS volumes is terminated when the EC2 instance is terminated
      • EFS
        • Can be mounted to multiple instances across multiple available zones
        • EFS share website files
        • EFS only works for Linux, but not Windows
        • EFS has a higher price point than EBS, can switch EFS_IA for cost savings
  4. High availability and scalability