
JavaScript Review

What is JavaScript

  1. JavaScript was developed in 1995 by Netscape

  2. JavaScript implementation

    • The core: ECMAScript
      • ECMMAScript implements all features described in ECMA-262
      • ECMA-262 is ECMAScript edition 7
    • The Document Object Model(DOM)
      • The DOM is an API for XML that was extended for use in HTML
      • The DOM maps out an entire page as a hierarchy of nodes
      • Each part of an HTML or XML page is a type of node containing different kinds of data
      • DOM Levels
        • DOM level 1: DOM core (provides a way to map XML-based document to a hierarchy of nodes), DOM HTML (extends the DOM core)
        • DOM level 2: introduces DOM views, DOM events, DOM style, DOM traversal and range
        • DOM level 3: introduces DOM Load and Save, DOM Validation
    • The Browser Object Model(BOM)
      • BOM allows access and manipulation of the browser window
      • Primarily, the BOM deals with the browser window and frames, but generally any browser-specific extension to JavaScript is considered to be a part of the BOM

JavaScript in HTML

  1. The <script> element
    • Attributes: charset, crossorigin, src, type=text/javascript, ...
    • Two ways to use the <script> element: embed JavaScript code directly into the page or include JavaScript from an external file
    • In XHTML, you can write like this: <script src="example.js"/>, but in HTML, you should write likt this: <script src="example.js"> </script>
    • Tag placement
      • Traditionally, all <script> elements were placed within the <head> element on a page, the main purpose of this formant was to keep external file references, both CSS files and JavaScript files, in the same area. But this format requires all scripts are loaded before the page begins rendering
      • Modern web applications typically include all JavaScript references in the <body> element, after the page content
      • Deferred scripts: use defer attribute, <script defer src="example.js"></script
      • Asynchronous scripts: use async attribute, <script async src="example.js"></script
    • Dynamic script loading: use DOM to load scripts dynamically
      let script = document.createElement('script');
      script.src = 'example.js';
      <!-- Some browser does not support the async attribute -->
      script.async = false;
  2. Inline code versus external files
    • Generally it's a best practice to include as much JavaScript as possible using external files
    • Reasons
      • Maintainability: easier to have a directory for all JavaScript files
      • Caching: browser cache all externally linked JavaScript files to improve performance
      • Future proof: the syntax is the same in both HTML and XHTML
  3. Document modes
    • Quirk mode: layout emulates nonstandard behavior in Navigator 4 and Internet Explorer 5, this is to support websites that were built before the widespread adoption of web standards
    • Fully standards mode: the behavior is the one described by the HTML and CSS specifications
    • Almost standards mode: has a lot of the features of standards mode but isn’t as strict
  4. The <nonscript> element
    • Some early browser does not support JavaScript, the <nonscript> element was created to provide alternate content to browsers without JavaScript
    • <nonscript> element can contain any HTML elements that can be included in the document <body>, aside from <script>
    • Any content contained in a <nonscript> element will be displayed when the browser does not support scripting or the browser's scripting support is turned off

Language Basics

  1. Syntax
    • Case-sensitivity: everything is case-sensitive
    • Identifiers:
      • Name format
        • First character must be a letter, an underscore, or a dollar sign
        • All other characters may be letters, underscores, dollar signs, or number
      • Identifiers use camel case
      • Keywords, reserved words, true, false and null cannot be used as identifiers
    • Comments
      • // single line comment
      • /**/ multi-line comment
    • Strict mode
      • ECMAScript 5 introduced the strict mode, the strict mode is a restricted variant of JavaScript, but is not just a subset: it intentionally has different semantics from normal code
      • Use strict code for an entire script: add "use strict"; at the top of the script
      • Specify just a function to execute in strict mode:
        function test() {
        "use strict";
        // function body
      • All modern browsers support strict mode
    • Statements
      • Statements are terminated by a semicolon
      • A semicolon is not required, but you should always include one
      • Multiple statements can be combined into a code block using curly braces
      • Control statements require code blocks only when executing multiple statements, but it is considered a best practice to always use code blocks with control blocks
  2. Keywords and reserved words
    • Keywords: typeof, instanceof, yield, debugger, etc.
    • Reserved words:
      • Always reserved: enum
      • Reserved in strict mode: implements, package, public, protected, private, let, static, interface
      • Reserved in module code: await
  3. Variables
    • ECMAScript variables are loosely typed, meaning they can hold any type of data
    • var is available for all ECMAScript versions, const and let were introduced in ECMAScript 6
    • var declaration scope: the var operator defines a variable that is local to the function scope in which it is defined
      function test1() {
      var x = 1;
      console.log(x); // 1
      console.log(x); // ReferenceError: x is not defined

      function test2() {
      y = 1;
      console.log(y); // 1
      // 1, y is seen as a global variable; in strict mode this line throws a ReferenceError
    • var declaration hoisting: the interpreter pulls all variable declaration to the top of its scope
      // The following two functions are equivalent
      function test1() {
      console.log(x); // undefined
      // Redundant declaration is allowed for var
      var x = 1;
      var x = 2;
      var x = 3;

      function test2() {
      var x;
      console.log(x); // undefined
      x = 1;
    • let declaration
      • let is block scoped rather than function scoped
      • Redundant declaration is not allowed for let
      • There is not declaration hoisting for let
      • let does not create properties of the window object when declared globally
    • const declaration
      • Similar to let, but it must be initialized with a value and the value cannot be redefined after declaration
      • Attempting to modify a const variable will result in a runtime error
    • Declaration styles and best practice
      • Don't use var
      • Prefer cosnt over let
  4. Date types
    • Six primitive data types in ECMAScript: Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, String, and Symbol. One complex data type: Object (unordered list of name-value pairs)
    • The typeof operator returns one of the following things: undefined, boolean, string, number, object, function (technically, functions are considered objects in ECMAScript), or symbol
    • The Undefined type
      • Only one value: undefined
      • When a variable is declared but not initialized, its value is undefined
    • The Null type
      • Only one value: null
      • undefined is a derivative of null, so null == undefined is true
    • The Boolean type
      • Only two values: true and false
      • Convert to boolean: Boolean(value)
    • The Number type
      • Octal lateral: 0ab
      • Hexadecimal lateral: 0xab
      • Floating-point values use approximations
      • Infinity: Infinity, -Infinity, use isFinite(value) to check for infinity
      • NaN: not a number
        • Any mathematical operation involves NaN results in NaN
        • NaN == NaN is false
        • Use isNaN(value) to check for NaN
      • Convert to number: Number(value), parseInt(value), parseFloat(value)
    • The String type
      • String can be delineated by double quotes, single quotes, or backticks
      • Strings are immutable
      • Length of string: value.length
      • Convert to string
        • value.toString()
        • When the string is a number, you can pass the radix as the parameter of toString(): value.toString(radix) (value.toString(2), value.toString(8), value.toString(16))
        • String(value)
      • Template literals: template literals defined using backticks can span multiple lines
      • Interpolation: use ${variable} to insert the value of a variable into a template literal
      • Raw strings: use String.raw(value) to get raw strings
    • The Symbol type
      • Symbol instances are unique and immutable
      • The purpose of a symbol is to be a guaranteed unique identifier for object properties that does not risk property collision
      • Use Symbol(value) to create a symbol
        let x1 = Symbol('x1');
        let x2 = Symbol('x1');
        console.log(x1 === x2); // false, because symbols are unique
        console.log(x1.description); // x1

        let num = new Number();
        let sym = Symbol(); // You cannot use new keyword to create a symbol
      • Use the global symbol registry: Symbol.for(string) to get a symbol if it exists or create a new one if it doesn't, it's an idempotent operation
        • Global symbols are not the same as local symbols
          let globalSymbol = Symbol.for('test');
          let localSymbol = Symbol('test');
          console.log(globalSymbol === localSymbol); // false
        • Use Symbol.keyFor(string) to find the global string key for a global symbol
          let globalSymbol = Symbol.for('test');
          let localSymbol = Symbol('test');
          console.log(Symbol.keyFor(globalSymbol)); // test
          console.log(Symbol.keyFor(localSymbol)); // undefined
        • Anywhere you can use a string or number property, you can also use a symbol
          let sym = Symbol('key');
          let obj = {
          [sym]: 'value'
          console.log(obj[sym]); // value
      • There are some built-int symbols in ECMAScript 6 that would be used to expose internal language behavior for direct access, overriding, or emulating
        • Example: Symbol.asyncIterator, Symbol.hasInstance, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, Symbol.iterator, Symbol.match, Symbol.replace, Symbol.search, Symbol.species, Symbol.split, Symbol.toPrimitive, Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.unscopables
    • The Object type
      • If the constructor has no arguments, the parentheses are optional, but it's recommended to use them: let obj = new Object, this is correct, but not recommended
      • Properties and methods
        • constructor, hasOwnProperty(propertyName), isPrototypeOf(object), propertyIsEnumerable(propertyName), toLocaleString(), toString(), valueOf()
  5. Operators
    • Unary operators:
      • Increment/decrement: ++, --, can be used on any values
        • For string, convert to number/NaN, and then increment/decrement
        • For object, use obj.valueOf() to get number/NaN, and then increment/decrement
      • Plus/minus: +, -
        • For string, convert to number/NaN, and then plus/minus
        • For object, use obj.valueOf() to get number/NaN, and then plus/minus
    • Bitwise operators: ~, &, |, ^, <<, >>(signed right shift), >>>(unsigned right shift)
    • Boolean operators: !, &&, ||
    • Multiplicative operators: *, /, %
    • Exponentiation operator: **
    • Additive operators: +, -
    • Relational operators: <, <=, >, >=, instanceof, in
      • If both are numbers, perform numeric comparison
      • If both are strings, compare the character codes of each character
      • If one is number, convert the other to number, and the perform numeric comparison
      • If an object, use valueOf() to get numeric value, if valueOf() is not available, use toString() to get string value, and then compare
      • If one is Boolean, convert it to a number and then compare
    • Equality operators: ==, !=, ===, !==
      • If one is a boolean, convert it to a number and then compare
      • If one is a string, the other is a number, convert to string to number, and then compare
      • If one is object, use valueOf() to get numeric value, if valueOf() is not available, use toString() to get string value, and then compare
      • null == undefined is true
      • NaN == x is false
    • Conditional operator: booleanExpression ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse
    • Assignment operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, ^=, |=
    • Comma operator: ,
      • let x = 1, y = 2;
      • let x = (1, 2);, then x = 2
  6. Statements
    • The if statement
    • The do-while statement
    • The while statement
    • The for statement: initialization, control expression, and postloop expression are all optional
    • The for-in statement: used to enumerate the non-symbol keyed properties of an object
    • The for-of statement: used to loop through elements in an iterable object
    • Labeled statements: label: statement, can be used together with break, continue
    • break and continue statements
    • with statements: sets the scope of the code within a particular object
      // The following two formats are equivalent
      let eq = location.search.substring(1);
      let hostName = location.hostname;
      let url = location.href;

      with(location) {
      let eq = search.substring(1);
      let hostName = hostName;
      let url = href;
    • The switch statement
      switch(expression) {
      case value1:
      case value2:
  7. Functions
    • Basic syntax
      function functionName(arg0, arg1, ..., argN) {
    • Functions do not need to specify whether they return a value, any function can return a value at any time by using the return statement
    • Strict mode places several restrictions on functions
      • No function can be named eval or arguments
      • No named parameter can be named eval or arguments
      • No two named parameters can have the same name

Variables, Scope, and Memory

  1. Primitive and reference values
    • ECMAScript variables contain two different types of data: primitive values and reference values
    • Primitive values are simple atomic pieces of data
    • Reference values are objects that may be made up of multiple values
    • JavaScript does not permit direct access of memory locations, so you actually work on a reference to the object that you manipulate
    • Primitive values cannot have properties added to them even though attempting to do so won't cause an error
    • Copying values
      • When a primitive value is assigned from one variable to another, the value stored on the variable object is created and copied into the location for the new variable
      • When a reference value is assigned from one variable to another, the value stored on the variable object is also copied into the location for the new variable
    • Argument passing: all function arguments are passed by value
    • Determining type
      • If x is null or an object, typeof x returns object
      • Use x instanceof Type to check if the variable is an instance of the given reference type, e.g. person instanceof Object
  2. Execution context and scope
    • The execution context of a variable or function defines what other dat it has access to, as well as how it should behave. Each execution context has an associated variable object upon which all of its defined variables and functions exist
    • The global execution context is the outermost one. In web browsers, the global context is that of the window object
    • ECMAScript execution flow
      • Each function call has its own execution context
      • A context stack holds all function contexts
    • When code is executed, a scope chain of variable objects is created, the scope provide ordered access to all variables and functions than an execution context has access to
    • Each execution context has an associated variable object upon which all of its defined variables and functions exist
    • Scope chain augmentation: in a catch block of a try-catch statement, or in a with statement, a temporary addition to the front of the scope chain appears
    • Identifier lookup
      • Search starts at the front of the scope chain, if target is found in the local context, then done, otherwise continuing along the scope chain
      • The process continues until the global context is done
  3. Garbage collection
    • JavaScript is a garbage-collected language, it automatically allocates what is needed and reclaims memory that is no longer being used
    • Idea: figure out which variables aren't going to be used and free the memory associated with them, run garbage collection periodically
    • Two strategies have traditionally been used in browsers: mark-and-sweep, and reference counting
    • Mark-and-sweep
      • The most popular JavaScript garbage collection format
      • Variables are flagged when they are in context
      • GC procedure
        • The garbage collector marks all variables stored in memory first
        • The garbage collector then removes marks off variables that are in context or referenced by in-context variables
        • All variables that are still marked are considered ready for deletion
        • The garbage collector then does a memory sweep, destroying each of the marked values and reclaiming the memory associated with them
    • Reference counting
      • Idea: every value keeps track of how many references are made to it, when the reference count reaches zero, there is no way to reach that value and it is safe to reclaim the associated memory
      • A problem with reference counting is that when there are circular references, the reference count will not be zero even when the objects are no longer reachable
    • Performance
      • GC runs periodically and can slow normal operations down if there are a large number of variable allocations in memory, so the timing of GC is important
      • The best strategy is to organize your code in such a way that it allows garbage collection to do its job to the best of its ability whenever it is scheduled to run
    • Managing memory
      • Due to GC, developers typically don't have to worry about memory management
      • Keeping in the amount of used memory to a minimum leads to better page performance
      • The best way to optimize memory usage is to ensure that you only keep around data that is necessary for the execution of your code. When data is no longer necessary, it's best to set the value to null
      • Use const and let declarations to boost performance
      • Memory leaks
        • One of the most common and easily fixed memory leak is accidentally declaring global variables
        • Interval timers can also cause memory leaks
        • JavaScript closures can also cause memory leaks
      • Static allocation and object pools: use object pools to reduce GC and boost performance

Basic Reference Types

  1. Introduction
    • A reference value/object is an instance of a specific reference type
  2. The Date type
    • The Date type stores dates as the number of milliseconds that have passed since midnight on January 1, 1970 UTC
    • Now: let now = new Date();
    • Use Date.parse(string) to convert a string to milliseconds
      • String format: month/date/year, month_name date, year, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss:sssZ, day_of_week month_name date year HH:mm:ss time_zone
      • Example: let date = new Date(Date.parse("06/02/2022)), this is equivalent to let date new Date("06/02/2022")
    • Use Date.UTC(YYYY, MM, DD, HH, mm, ss) to convert a string to milliseconds
      • MM is 0 indexed, so January is 0
      • Example: let date = new Date(Date.UTC(2022, 5, 2, 12, 0, 0)), this is equivalent to let date new Date(2022, 5, 2, 12, 0, 0)
      • During implicit call, Date.parse() creates GMT time, Date.UTC() creates local time
    • Use Date.now() to calculate time difference
      let t1 = Date.now();
      // do something
      let t2 = Date.now();
      console.log(t2 - t1);
    • Inherited methods: toLocaleString() does not contain time zone, toString() contains time zone information, valueOf() returns the milliseconds
    • Date-formatting methods: toDateString(), toTimeString(), toLocaleDateString(), toLocaleTimeString(), toUTCString()
    • Date/time component methods: getTime() returns milliseconds, setTime(), getFullYear(), getMonth(), getDate(), getDay(), getHours(), getMinutes(), getSeconds(), getMilliseconds(), getTimezoneOffset(), ...
  3. RegExp
    • ECMAScript supports regular expression through the RegExp type
    • Regular expression syntax: let expr = /pattern/flags
      • flags: g: find all matches instead the first one, i: case-insensitive mode, m: multiline mode, pattern ends after EOF, u: Unicode mode is enabled
      • You can also use let expr = new RegExp(pattern, flags) to create regular expressions
    • Instance properties: global boolean, ignoreCase boolean, unicode boolean, multiline boolean, flags string
    • Instance methods
      • pattern.exec(target)
        • Returns an array of information about the first match, or null if no match is found
        • The returned array has index and input properties to indicate the position of the match, and the input string
        • The first string in the array is the matched string
        • If global flag is set, the exec() method returns information about one match per iteration, when the global flag is not specified, calling exec() on the same string multiple times will always return information about the first match
      • pattern.test(target)
        • Returns true if the pattern matches the argument and false if it does not
  4. Primitive wrapper types
    • Three special reference types are designed to ease interaction with primitive values: Boolean, Number, and String
    • Every time a primitive value is read, an object of the corresponding primitive wrapper type is created, the wrapper object is destroyed when it's done
      let s1 = "text";
      let s2 = s1.substring(2);
      // the above line creates a wrapper object from s1, call substring method on it, and destroys the wrapper object

      let s1 = "text";
      s1.color = "red";
      console.log(s1.color); // undefined
    • Calling typeof on an instance of a primitive wrapper type returns object, and all primitive wrapper objects convert to the Boolean value true
      let x = new String('');
      console.log(x == false); // true
      console.log(x && 1); // 1
      console.log(typeof x); // object
      console.log(x instanceof String); // true
    • The Object constructor also acts as a factor method and is capable of returning an instance of a primitive wrapper based on the type of value passed into the constructor
      let x = new Object('');
      console.log(x instanceof String); // true
    • The Boolean type
      • Instances of Boolean override the valueOf() method and the toString() method
      • Boolean objects are seldom used because they can be rather confusing
        let x = new Boolean(false);
        console.log(x && true); // true
        let y = false;
        console.log(y && true); // false
    • The Number type
      • The toString() method accepts a single argument indicating the radix in which to represent the number
        let x = new Number(10);
        console.log(x.toString(2)); // 1010
        console.log(x.toString(8)); // 12
        console.log(x.toString(10)); // 10
        console.log(x.toString(16)); // a
      • toFixed(n): returns a string representation of a number with a specified number of decimal points
      • toExponential(): returns a string with the number of formatted in exponential notation
      • toPrecision(): returns either the fixed or the exponential representation of a number, depending on which makes the most sense
      • Some differences
        let x = new Number(10);
        let y = 10;
        console.log(typeof x); // object
        console.log(typeof y); // number
        console.log(x instanceof Number); // true
        console.log(y instanceof Number); // false
      • Number.isInteger(value): whether a number is stored as an interger
      • Number.isSafeInteger(value): whether a number is stored as an interger and is within the range of a 32-bit signed integer, i.e., \([-2^{53} + 1, 2^{53} - 1]\)
    • The String type
      • s.length: return the length of a string
      • charAt(index): returns the character at the specified index
      • s1.concat(s2): creates a new string by concatenating two strings, s1 and s2 remain the same
      • s.slice(start, end), s.substring(start, end): returns a substring of a string
      • s.substr(start, length): returns a substring of a string
      • s.indexOf(str[, pos]): returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring in a string, starting from pos
      • s.lastIndexOf(str[, pos]): returns the index of the last occurrence of a substring in a string, starting from pos
      • s.startsWith(str), s.endsWith(str): returns true if the string starts or ends with the specified substring
      • s.includes(str): returns true if the string contains the specified substring
      • s.trim(), s.trimLeft(), s.trimRight(): returns a string with whitespace removed
      • s.repeat(n): returns a string consisting of n copies of the string
      • s.padStart(), s.padEnd(): returns a string with the specified padding
      • String destructuring:
        for (const c of "abc") {
        // a
        // b
        // c
      • s.toLowerCase(), s.toUpperCase(): returns a string with all characters converted to lowercase or uppercase
      • s.match(pattern): equivalent to pattern.exec(s)
      • s1.localeCompare(s2): compares two strings in a locale-aware manner, returns 1, 0, or -1
  5. Singleton built-in objects
    • The Global object
      • It's the most unique in ECMAScript because it is not explicitly accessible
      • The Global object is the catchall for properties and methods that don't otherwise have an owning object
      • URL-encoding methods: encodeURI(uri), encodeURIComponent(uri), decodeURI(uri), decodeURIComponent(uri)
      • Properties: undefined, NaN, Infinity, Object, ...
      • The window object: web browsers implement it in such that the window is the Global object's delegate
      • Use this to get the Global object:
        let global = () => {return this;}
    • The Math object
      • Properties: Math.E, Math.PI, Math.LN10, Math.LN2, Math.LOG2E, Math.LOG10E, Math.SQRT1_2, Math.SQRT2
      • Methods
        • min(x1, ..., xn), max(x1, ..., xn)
        • ceil(), floor(), round(), fround()
        • random(): use Math.floor(Math.random() * max + min) to get an integer range of \([min, max)\)
        • Others: abs(x), exp(x), expm1(x) exp(x) - 1, log(x), log1p(x) log(x) + 1, pow(x, power), ...

Collection Reference Types

  1. The Object type
    • Two ways to create an instance of Object
      • Use new operator
        let obj = new Object();
        obj.name = 'Superman';
        obj.sex = 'Female';
      • Use object lateral notation
        let obj = {
        name: 'Superman',
        sex: 'Female'
      • Property names can be string or number
      • Accessing a property: obj.property, or obj['property']
  2. Array
    • ECMAScript arrays are ordered lists of data, but they can hold any type of data in each slot
    • ECMAScript arrays are dynamically sized, automatically growing to accommodate any data that is added to them
    • Creating arrays: let arr = new Array(3); or let arr = new Array('a', 'b', 'c');, let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
    • Use Array.from(iterable[, map_function]) to create an array from an iterable object
    • Use Array.of(x1, ..., xn) to create an array
    • Array holes
      let a1 = [,,,]; // [x0, x1, x2,], so length is 3
      let a2 = [1,,,]; // [1, x0, x1,], so length is 3
      let a3 = [,,,1]; // [x0, x1, x2, 1], so length is 4
      let a4 = [1,,,2]; // [1, x0, x1, 2], so length is 4
      • map() method skip array holes, join() method treats holes as empty strings
    • Detect arrays
      • Use value instanceof Array to detect
      • Use Array.isArray(value) to detect
    • Iterator methods
      • arr.keys(), arr.values(), arr.entries()
      • Example
        let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
        for (let key of Array.from(arr.keys())) {
        // 0\n 1\n 2\n
        for (let value of Array.from(arr.values())) {
        // a\n b\n c\n
        for (let [key, value] of Array.from(arr.entries())) {
        console.log(key + ': ' + value);
        // 0: a\n 1: b\n 2: c\n
      • Copy and fill methods
        • arr.fill(value[, start[, end]]): fill the array with the specified value, start and end are optional
        • arr.copyWithin(target, start[, end]): copy the array to a new location, start and end are optional
      • Conversion methods
        • toString() and valueOf() methods return the same comma separated string or an array
      • Stack methods
        • arr.push(value): add a new element to the end of the array
        • arr.pop(): remove the last element of the array, this method returns the removed item
      • Queue methods
        • arr.push(value): add a new element to the end of the array
        • arr.shift(): remove the first element of the array, this method returns the removed item
        • arr.unshift(value): add a new element to the beginning of the array
        • arr.pop(): remove the last element of the array, this method returns the removed item
      • Reordering methods
        • arr.reverse(): reverse an array in place, this method returns the reversed array
        • arr.sort(): sort an array in place, this method returns the sorted array
          • By default , the sort order is ascending, built-upon converting the items into strings and then comparing their sequences of UTF-16 code units values
          • You can pass a compare function to sort to specify the sort order, if a < b then a appears before b
      • Manipulation methods
        • a1.concat(a2): return a new concatenated array, a1 and a2 remain the same
        • arr.slice(start[, end]): return a new array arr[start: end], end is optional, both can be negative
        • arr.splice(start, deleteCount[, item1[, item2[, ...]]])
          • One parameter: delete all items in the array starting from start
          • Two parameters: start and deleteCount, delete deleteCount items starting from start
          • More than two parameters, deleteCount is 0: insert the items into the array starting from start
          • More than two parameters, deleteCount is positive: delete deleteCount items starting from start, then insert the items into the array starting from start
      • Search and location methods
        • indexOf(item), lastIndexOf(item), includes(item)
        • Predicate search
          • Predicate: (item, index, array) => boolean_function(item)
          • arr.find(predicate): return the matched item
          • arr.findIndex(predicate): return the index of the matched item
      • Iterative methods
        • every(predicate): returns true if all items in the array satisfy the predicate, otherwise false
        • filter(predicate): return a new array with all items that satisfy the predicate
        • forEach((item, index, array) => {// do something}): execute a function for each item in the array
        • map(predicate): return a new array with the result of the function
        • some(predicate): returns true if any item in the array satisfies the predicate, otherwise false
      • Reduction methods
        • arr.reduce((pre, cur, index, array) => {function(pre, cur)}, initialValue): reduce the array to a single value, initialValue is optional (if initialValue is not provided, pre = arr[0], cur = arr[1]), start from left to right
        • arr.reduceRight((pre, cur, index, array) => {function(pre, cur)}, initialValue): reduce the array to a single value, initialValue is optional (if initialValue is not provided, pre = arr[arr.length - 1], cur = arr[arr.length - 2]), start from right to left
  3. Typed arrays
    • The typed array is a construct designed for efficiently passing binary data to native libraries. There is no actual typed array in JavaScript, the term refers to a collection of specialized arrays that contain numeric types
    • Using ArrayBuffers
      • ArrayBuffer is a normal JavaScript constructor that can be used to allocate a specific number of bytes in memory
      • const buf = new ArrayBuffer(n);: allocates n bytes of memory
      • ArrayBuffer cannot be resized once it is created, you can copy a part to create a new one: const buf = new ArrayBuffer(n).slice(start, end);
      • You can use views to read data from or write data into an ArrayBuffer
    • DataViews: designed for file I/O and network I/O
    • Typed arrays: another form of an ArrayBuffer view, it offers broader API and better performance
  4. The Map type
    • Prior to the ECMASCript 6, implementing a key/value store in JavaScript could be accomplished effectively and easily by using an Object. Newly added in the ECMAScript 6, Map is a new collection type that introduces true key/value behavior into the language
    • Creating a new map
      const m1 = new Map();
      // Pass an iterable of key/value pair arrays to the map constructor
      const m2 = new Map([['k1', 'v1'], ['k2', 'v2']]);
      console.log(m2.size); // 2
    • Accessor and mutator
      • map.get(key): return the value associated with the key
      • map.set(key, value): set the value associated with the key, return the modified map
      • map.has(key): return true if the map contains the key, otherwise false
      • map.delete(key): delete the value associated with the key
      • map.clear(): delete all values
    • Order and iteration
      • One major departure from the Object type’s conventions is that Map instances maintain the order of key/value insertion and allow you to perform iterative operations following insertion order
      • Iterator: map.keys(), map.values(), map.entries()
        • You can use spread operator to convert a map to an array of key/value pairs: [...map]
    • Choosing between object and map
      • Memory profile: Results may vary by browser, but given a fixed amount of memory, a Map will be able to store roughly 50 percent more key/value pairs than an Object
      • Insertion performance: insertion into a Map will generally be slightly faster across all browser engines
      • Lookup performance: when the amount of key/value pairs is small, there isn't much difference between Object and Map, but when the number of key/value pairs is large, Object is faster
      • Delete performance: deleting properties from an Object is notorious, you should use Map instead
  5. The WeakMap type
    • Newly added in the ECMAScript 6, WeakMap is a new collection type that introduces augmented key/value behavior into the language. The “weak” designation describes how JavaScript’s garbage collector treats keys in a WeakMap
    • Basic API
      • const wm = new WeakMap();: create a new weak map
      • Keys in a WeakMap must be objects, and values can be anything
      • wm.has(key), wm.set(key, value), wm.get(key), wm.delete(key)
    • Weak keys
      • keys in a WeakMap are weak, meaning that they are not counted as formal references that would otherwise prevent garbage collection
      • Values in a WeakMap are not weak
      • Example
        let wm1 = new WeakMap();
        wm1.set({}, 'value'); // after the line is done, the key/value pair is garbage collected

        let wm2 = new WeakMap();
        let container = {key: {}};
        wm2.set(container.key, 'value'); // the key is not garbage collected because it is referenced by the container
    • Non-iterable keys: because the key/value pairs can be garbage collected at any time, so you cannot iterate over them (including destroying the key/value pairs using the clear method)
    • Utility
      • Private variables: private variables will be stored in a WeakMap with the object instance as the key and a dictionary of private members as the value
      • DOM data metadata: because WeakMap instances do not interfere with garbage collection, they are a terrific tool for cleanup-free metadata association
  6. The Set type
    • Set type is added in the ECMAScript 6
    • Basic API
      • Create a set: const s = new Set();
      • Create a set with an iterable: const s = new Set(iterable);
      • Accessor and mutator: set.add(value) this is idempotent, set.has(value), set.size, set.delete(value) returns boolean and is idempotent, set.clear()
    • A Set can contain any JavaScript data type as a value
    • Order and iteration
      • Sets maintain the order of value insertion and allow you to perform iterative operations following insertion order
      • You can iterate a set using the set.values() method or the set[Symbol.iterator]() method
        const arr = [1, 2, 3];
        const s = new Set(arr);
        for (let value of s.values()) {
        for(let value of s[Symbol.iterator]()) {
      • The set.entries() method returns an iterator that yields value/value pairs for each value in the set
      • You can use set.forEach(callback) to iterate over the set
  7. The WeakSet type
    • Basic API
      • Create a WeakSet: const we = new WeakSet();
      • Create a WeakSet with an iterable: const we = new WeakSet(iterable);
      • Accessor and mutator: set.add(value) this is idempotent, set.has(value), set.delete(value)
    • Weak keys
      • Values in a WeakSet are “weakly held,” meaning they are not counted as formal references, which would otherwise prevent garbage collection
      • Example
        let ws1 = new WeakSet();

        let ws2 = new WeakSet();
        let container = { val: {}};
    • Non-iterable keys: because the key/value pairs can be garbage collected at any time, so you cannot iterate over them (including destroying the key/value pairs using the clear method)
  8. Iteration and spread operators
    • Four native reference types define a default iterator: Array, all Typed Array, Map, Set
    • Iterable types support ordered iteration and can be passed to a for..of loop
    • Iterable types are compatible with the spread operator, the spread operator is especially useful as it performs a shallow copy on the iterable object

Iterators and generators

  1. Introduction to iteration
    • Using index to iterate over an array is not the ideal iteration approach:
      • You need to have a specific knowledge of how to use the data structure
      • The order of traversal is not inherent to the data structure
    • The Array.prototype.forEach() is not ideal
  2. The iteration pattern
    • The iterator pattern describes a solution in which something can be described as iterable and can implement a formal iterable interface and be consumed by an Iterator
    • An iterator is a separate object created on demand and intended for a single use. Each iterator is associated with an iterable, and the iterator exposes an API to iterate through the associated iterable a single time
    • The iterable protocol
      • Implementing the Iterable interface requires both the capability to self-identify as supporting iteration and the capability to create an object that implements the Iterator interface. In ECMAScript, this requires it must expose a property, the "default iterator", keyed with the special Symbol.iterator key.
      • Many built-in types implement the Iterable interface: String, Array, Map, Set, the arguments object, some Dom collection types like NodeList
      • You can use object[Symbol.iterator] to check if an object is iterable
      • You do not need to explicitly invoke the factory function to produce an iterator. Anything that implements the Iterable interface will automatically invoke the factor function to produce an iterator
    • The Iterator protocol
      • An iterator is a single-use object that will iterate through whatever iterable it is associated with
      • Use an next() method to advance through the iterable, each time return an IteratorResult object containing the next value in the iterator, the current position the iterator is at cannot be known without invoking the next() method
      • The next() method return an object with two properties: done true if there is no more values to iterate, and value which contains the next value in the iterable if done is false
    • Custom iterator definition
      • Any object that implements the Iterator interface can be used as an iterator
      • Example
        class Counter {
        constructor(limit) {
        this.count = 1;
        this.limit = limit;

        next() {
        if (this.count <= this.limit) {
        return { value: this.count++, done: false };
        } else {
        return { value: undefined, done: true };
        [Symbol.iterator]() {
        return this;
    • Early termination of iterators: the optional return() method allows for specifying behavior that will execute only if the iterator is closed prematurely
      class Counter {
      constructor(limit) {
      this.limit = limit;

      [Symbol.iterator]() {
      let count = 1;
      limit = this.limit;
      return {
      next() {
      if (count <= limit) {
      return { value: count++, done: false };
      } else {
      return { value: undefined, done: true };
      return() {
      console.log('Early termination');
      return { value: undefined, done: true };
  3. Generators
    • Generators are a delightfully flexible construct introduced in the ECMAScript 6 specification that offers the ability to pause and resume code execution inside a single function block
    • Basics API
      • Syntax: function* generatorName() { ... }
      • When invoked, generator functions produce a generator object, generator objects begin in a state of suspended execution, and implement the Iterator interface and thus feature a next() method
    • Interrupting execution with yield
      • The yield keyword allows generators to stop and start execution, and it is what makes generators truly useful
      • Upon encountering the yield keyword, execution will be halted and the scope state of the function will be preserved. Execution will only resume when the next() method is invoked on the generator object
        function* generatorFunction() {
        yield 1;
        yield 2;

        let generator = generatorFunction();
        console.log(generator.next()); // { value: 1, done: false }
        console.log(generator.next()); // { value: 2, done: false }
        console.log(generator.next()); // { value: undefined, done: true }
      • Using a generator object as an iterable
        function* generatorFunction() {
        yield 1;
        yield 2;

        for (let x of generatorFunction()) {
        // 1
        // 2
      • Using yield for input and output
        function* range(start, end) {
        while (end > start) {
        yield start;
        start += 1

        for (let x of range(1, 3)) {
        // 1
        // 2
      • Yielding an iterable with yield*
        function* generatorFn() {
        yield* [1, 2, 3];
      • Recursive algorithms using yield*
        function* nTimes(n) {
        if (n > 0) {
        yield* nTimes(n - 1);
        yield n - 1;

        for (const x of nTimes(3)) {
        // 0
        // 1
        // 2
    • Using a generator as the default iterator
      • Because generator objects implement the Iterator interface, and because both generator functions and the default iterator are invoked to produce an iterator, generators are exceptionally well suited to be used as default iterators
    • Early termination of generators
      • A generator can use both the next() method and the throw() method to be terminated early

Objects, Classes, and Objected-Oriented Programming

  1. Understanding objects
    • Create a new custom object
      let obj1 = new Object();
      obj1.name = "Obj1";
      obj1.age = -1;
      obj1.sayHello = function() {
      console.log("Hi, I'm " + this.name);

      let obj2 = {
      name: "Obj2",
      age: -2,
      sayHello: function() {
      console.log("Hi, I'm " + this.name);
    • Types of properties
      • ECMA-262 describes characteristics of properties through the use of internal-only attributes
      • Data properties
        • Data properties contain a single location for a data value, values are read from and written to this location
        • Configurable attribute: boolean, whether the property may be redefined or deleted
        • Enumerable attribute: boolean, whether the property will be returned in a for...in loop
        • Writable attribute: boolean, whether the value of the property can be changed
        • Value attribute: boolean, contains the actual data value for the property
      • Accessor properties
        • Accessor properties do not contain a data value, they contain a combination of a getter function and a setter function
        • Configurable attribute: boolean, whether the property may be redefined or deleted
        • Enumerable attribute: boolean, whether the property will be returned in a for...in loop
        • Get attribute: function, the function to call when the property is read from
        • Set attribute: function, the function to call when the property is written to
      • Object identity and equality
        • NaN === NaN is false, isNaN(NaN) is true, Object.is(NaN, NaN) is true
      • Enhanced object syntax
        • Property value shorthand
          let name = "Obj1";
          let obj = {
          When the property name and the value name are the same, you can omit the
          value name, this is equivalent to name: name;
        • Concise method syntax
          let person = {
          sayName: function(name) {
          console.log(`Hi, I'm ${name}`);

          let person = {
          sayName(name) {
          console.log(`Hi, I'm ${name}`);
      • Object destructuring
        let person = {
        name: "John",
        age: 30
        let {name, age} = person;
        console.log(name); // John
        console.log(age); // 30
        let {a, b='b'} = person;
        console.log(a); // undefined, no corresponding property in person
        console.log(b); // b, default value is provided
  2. Object creation
    • Although the Object constructor or an object literal are convenient ways to create single objects, creating multiple objects with the same interface requires a lot of code duplication
    • In ECMAScript 6, formal support for classes and inheritance was introduced
    • The factory pattern
      • It is a well-known design pattern used in software engineering to abstract away the process of creating specific objects
      • Example
        function createPerson(name, age, job) {
        let obj = new Object();
        obj.name = name;
        obj.age = age;
        obj.job = job;
        obj.sayName = function() {
        console.log(`Hi, I'm ${this.name}`);
        return obj;

        let obj1 = createPerson("John", 30, "Programmer");
        let obj2 = createPerson("Jane", 25, "Designer");
    • The function constructor pattern
      • Constructors are used to create specific types of objects, there are native constructors, but it is also possible to define custom constructors
      • Compared with the factory pattern, the function constructor pattern does no explicitly create an object and return it. Defining custom constructors also ensures that instances can be identified as a particular type of object
      • Example
        function Person(name, age, job) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.job = job;
        this.sayName = function() {
        console.log(`Hi, I'm ${this.name}`);

        let obj1 = new Person("John", 30, "Programmer");
        let obj2 = new Person("Jane", 25, "Designer");
      • Problems with constructors: methods are created once for each instance, which is unnecessary and inefficient
    • The prototype pattern
      • Each function is created with a prototype property, which is an object containing properties and methods that should be available to instances of a particular reference type
      • The benefit of using the prototype is that all of its properties and methods are shared among object instances
      • Example
        function Person() {}

        Person.prototype.name = "John";
        Person.prototype.age = 30;
        Person.prototype.job = "Programmer";

        let obj1 = new Person();
        let obj2 = new Person();
        console.log(obj1.name); // John
        console.log(obj2.name); // John
      • Use isPrototypeOf to check if an object is an instance of a prototype
        function Person() {}

        Person.prototype.name = "John";
        let obj1 = new Person();
        console.log(Person.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj1)); // true
        console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj1) === Person.prototype); // true
        You can manually set the prototype of an object, but this will likely cause
        severe slowdowns when used
        console.log(Object.setPrototypeOf(obj1, Person.prototype));
      • Understanding the prototype hierarchy
        • Property searching by name: search the instance first, then the prototype
        • The property of an instance will shadow the property of the prototype with the same name
          function Person() {}
          Person.prototype.name = "John";

          let obj1 = new Person();
          console.log(obj1.name); // John
          console.log(obj1.hasOwnProperty("name")); // false
          console.log("name" in obj1); // true

          obj1.name = "Jane";
          console.log(obj1.name); // Jane
          console.log(obj1.hasOwnProperty("name")); // true
      • Property enumeration order
        • The for..in loop and Object.keys do not have a deterministic order of enumeration, these are determined by the JavaScript engine and may vary by browser
        • Object.getOwnPropertyNames(), Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(), Object.assign() do have a deterministic enumeration order. Number keys will first be enumerated in ascending order, then string and symbol keys enumerated in insertion order
      • Object iteration
        • The Object.values() and Object.entries() methods return an array of values or entries, respectively
        • Alternate prototype syntax
          function Person() {}
          Person.prototype = {
          name: "John",
          age: 30,
          job: "Programmer"
        • Dynamic nature of prototype
          • Because the process of looking up values on a prototype is a search, changes made to the prototype at any point are immediately reflected on instances, even the instances that existed before the change was made
          • Example
            function Person() {}
            let obj1 = new Person();
            Person.prototype.name = "John";
            console.log(obj1.name); // John
        • Problems with prototypes
          • Prototype pattern negates the ability to pass initialization arguments into the constructor, meaning all instances get the same property values by default
          • All properties on the prototype are shared among instances, but reference value can cause problems
            function Person() {}
            Person.prototype = {
            name: "John",
            friends: ["Jane", "Bob"]

            let obj1 = new Person();
            let obj2 = new Person();
            console.log(obj2.friends); // ["Jane", "Bob", "Mary"]
  3. Inheritance
    • There are two types of inheritance, interface inheritance, where only the method signatures are inherited, and implementation inheritance, where actual methods are inherited
    • Implementation inheritance is the only type of inheritance supported by ECMAScript
    • ECMA-262 describes prototype chaining as the primary method for inheritance in ECMAScript. The idea is to use the concept of prototype to inherit properties and methods between two reference types
    • Each constructor has a prototype object that points back to the constructor, and instances have an internal pointer to the prototype. If the prototype were actually an instance of another type, the prototype itself would have a pointer to a different prototype that, in turn, would have a pointer to another constructor
    • Example
      function SuperType() {
      this.property = true;

      SuperType.prototype.getSuperValue = function() {
      return this.property;

      function SubType() {
      this.subProperty = false;

      SubType.prototype = new SuperType();

      SubType.prototype.getSubValue = function() {
      return this.subProperty;

      let instance = new SubType();
      console.log(instance.getSuperValue()); // true
    • Constructor stealing
      • Constructor stealing (also called object masquerading or classical inheritance) is the technique that calling the supertype constructor from within the subtype constructor
      • The apply() and call() methods can be used to execute a constructor on the newly created object
      • Example
        function SuperType(name) {
        this.colors = ["red", "blue", "green"];
        this.name = name;

        function SubType(name) {
        SuperType.call(this, name);

        let obj1 = new SubType("Tom");
        console.log(obj1.colors); // ["red", "blue", "green", "black"]
        console.log(obj1.name); // Tom

        let obj2 = new SubType("Nicholas");
        console.log(obj2.colors); // ["red", "blue", "green"]
        console.log(obj2.name); // Nicholas
    • Combination inheritance
      • Combination inheritance combines prototype chaining and constructor stealing to get the best of each approach
      • The idea is to use prototype chaining to inherit properties and methods on the prototype and to use constructor stealing to inherit instance properties
    • Other inheritance: prototypal inheritance, parasitic inheritance, parasitic combination inheritance
  4. Classes
    • The ability to formally define classes using the class keyword was introduced in ECMAScript 6, although classes still use prototype and constructor concepts under the hood
    • Class definition basics
      • Class declaration: class Person {}
      • Class expression: const Person = class {}
      • Class composition
        • Components: constructor method, instance methods, getters, setters and static class methods
        • None of the components are required, an empty class definition is valid syntax
        • By default, everything inside a class definition executes in strict mode
    • The class constructor
      • The constructor keyword is used inside the class definition block so signal the definition of the class's constructor function
      • A constructor is not required
      • Example
        class Person {
        constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
      • There is no formal class type in the ECMAScript specification, and in may ways ECMAScript classes behave like special functions
    • Instance, prototype, and class members
      • Each instance is assigned unique member objects, meaning nothing is shared on the prototype
      • Everything defined in the class body is defined on the class prototype object
      • For static methods, there is one copy in each class
        class Person {
        constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
        this.locate = () => console.log("instance");

        locate = () => console.log("prototype");

        static locate = () => console.log("class");

        let obj1 = new Person("John");
        obj1.locate(); // instance
        Person.locate(); // class
        Person.prototype.locate(); // prototype
    • Inheritance
      • Inheritance basics
        • Inherit from class
          class Person {}
          class Engineer extends Person {}
          let engineer = new Engineer();
          console.log(engineer instanceof Person); // true
        • Inherit from function constructor
          function Person() {}
          class Engineer extends Person {}
          let engineer = new Engineer();
          console.log(engineer instanceof Person); // true
      • super()
        • super is used inside the constructor to control when to invoke the parent class constructor
        • super can also be used inside static methods to invoke static methods defined on the inherited class
        • super cannot be referenced by itself
      • Abstract base classes
        • ECMAScript does not explicitly support defining abstract classes
        • You need to use new.target to prevent instantiating abstract class objects
          class Person {
          constructor() {
          if (new.target === Person) {
          throw new Error("Cannot instantiate abstract class");

Proxies and Reflect

  1. Proxy foundation
    • Introduced in ECMAScript 6, proxies and reflection are new constructs that afford you the ability to intercept and shim additional behavior into fundamental operations within the language
    • A proxy behaves as an abstraction for a target object, the target can either be manipulated directly or through the proxy
    • Creating a passthrough proxy
      • By default, all operations performed on a proxy object will be propagated through to the target object
      • A proxy is created using the Proxy constructor, you need to provide both a target object and a handler object, without which a TypeError is thrown
    • Example
      let target = {
      id: 'target'

      const handler = {};

      const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);

      console.log(proxy.id); // target
      console.log(target.id); // target
    • Defining traps
      • The primary purpose of a proxy is to allow you to define traps, which behaves as fundamental operations interceptors inside the handler object
      • Each handler is made up to a certain amount ot traps, and each trap corresponds to a fundamental operation that can be directly or indirectly called on the proxy
      • Example
        const target = {
        foo: 'bar'

        const handler = {
        // traps are keyed by method name inside the handler object
        get() {
        return 'handler override';

        const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
        console.log(proxy.foo); // handler override
        console.log(target.foo); // bar
    • Trap parameters and the reflect API
      • All traps have access to parameters that will allow you to fully recreate the original behavior of the trapped method
      • Example
        const target = {
        msg1: "hello",
        msg2: "everyone"

        const handler = {
        get(target, property, receiver) {
        if (property === "msg1") {
        return "hello world";
        return Reflect.get(...arguments);

        const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
        console.log(target.msg1); // hello
        console.log(proxy.msg1); // hello world
        console.log(target.msg2); // everyone
        console.log(proxy.msg2); // everyone
      • Every method that can be trapped inside a handler object has a corresponding Reflect API method, this method has identical name and function signature, and performs the exact behavior that the trapped method is intercepting
        const target = {};
        // Approach 1
        const handler = {
        get() {
        return Reflect.get(...arguments);
        const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);

        // Approach 2
        const handler = {
        get: Reflect.get
        const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
    • Trap invariants
      • Traps are not without restriction, each trapped method is aware of the target object context and trap function signature, and the behavior of the trap handler function must obey the trap invariants
      • Trap invariants vary by method, but in general they will prevent the trap definition from exhibiting any grossly unexpected behavior
    • Utility of the Reflect API
      • Reflect API vs. Object API
        • The Reflect API is not limited to trap handler
        • Most Reflect API methods have an analogue on the Object type
      • Status flags: many Reflect methods return a Boolean, indicating if the operation they intend to perform will be successful or not
    • Proxying a Proxy
      • Proxies are capable of intercepting Reflect API operations, and this means that it is entirely possible to create a proxy of a proxy, this allows you to build multiple layers of indirection on top of a singular target object
      • Example
        const target = {
        foo: 'bar'

        const firstProxy = new Proxy(target, {
        get() {
        console.log('first proxy');
        return Reflect.get(...arguments);

        const secondProxy = new Proxy(firstProxy, {
        get() {
        console.log('second proxy');
        return Reflect.get(...arguments);

        // second proxy
        // first proxy
        // bar
    • Proxy considerations and shortcomings
      • One potential source of trouble with proxies is the value of this
      • Some built-in types are not compatible with proxies
  2. Proxy types and Reflect methods
  • Proxies are able to trap thirteen fundamental operations, each has its own entry in the Reflect API, parameters, associated ECMAScript operations, and invariants
  • Different JavaScript operations may invoke the same trap handler, but for any single operation that is performed on a proxy object, only one trap handler will ever be called, there is no overlap of trap coverage
  • get()
    • The get() trap is called inside operations that retrieve a property value, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.get()
    • get(target, property, receiver), return value is unrestricted
  • set()
    • The set() trap is called inside operations that assign a property value, its corresponding Reflect method is Reflect.set()
    • set(target, property, value, receiver), return boolean value
  • has()
    • The has() trap is called inside the in operator, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.has()
    • has(target, property), return boolean value
  • defineProperty()
    • The defineProperty() trap is called inside the Object.defineProperty() method, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.defineProperty()
    • defineProperty(target, property, descriptor), return boolean value
  • getOwnPropertyDescriptor()
    • The getOwnPropertyDescriptor() trap is called inside the Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() method, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()
    • getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property), return an object, or undefined if the property does not exist
  • deleteProperty()
    • The deleteProperty() trap is called inside the delete operator, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.deleteProperty()
    • deleteProperty(target, property), return a boolean value
  • ownKeys()
    • The ownKeys() trap is called inside Object.keys() and similar methods, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.ownKeys()
    • ownKeys(target), return an enumerable object that contains either strings or symbols
  • getPrototypeOf()
    • The getPrototypeOf() trap is called inside the Object.getPrototypeOf() method, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.getPrototypeOf()
    • getPrototypeOf(target), return an object or null
  • setPrototypeOf()
    • The setPrototypeOf() trap is called inside the Object.setPrototypeOf() method, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.setPrototypeOf()
    • setPrototypeOf(target, prototype), return a boolean value
  • isExtensible()
    • The isExtensible() trap is called inside the Object.isExtensible() method, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.isExtensible()
    • isExtensible(target), return a boolean value
  • preventExtensions()
    • The preventExtensions() trap is called inside the Object.preventExtensions() method, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.preventExtensions()
    • preventExtensions(target), return a boolean value
  • apply()
    • The apply() trap is called on function calls, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.apply()
    • apply(target, thisArg, ...argumentsList), the return value is unrestricted
  • construct()
    • The construct() trap is called on the new operator, its corresponding Reflect API method is Reflect.construct()
    • construct(target, argumentsList), the return value is unrestricted
  1. Proxy patterns
    • Tracking property access
    • Hidden properties
    • Property validation
    • Function and constructor parameter validation
    • Data binding and observables


  1. Introduction
    • Each function is an instance of the Function type that has properties and methods just like other reference types
    • There is no semicolon after the end of the function definition, but there is a semicolon after the end of function declaration
    • You can use the function keyword or the arrow function syntax to define a function
  2. Arrow functions
    • For the most part, arrow functions instantiate function objects that behave in the same manner as their formal function expression counterparts, anywhere a function expression can be used, an arrow function can also be used
    • Arrow functions are useful in inline situations
    • Arrow functions do not require the parentheses if you only want to use a single parameter, if you want to have zero parameters, or more than one parameter, parentheses are required
    • Arrow functions also do no require curly braces
    • Arrow functions do not allow the use of arguments, super, or new.target, and cannot be used as a constructor, functions objects created with the arrow syntax do not have a prototype defined
  3. Function names
    • Function names are simply pointers to functions, so it is possible to have multiple names for a single function
    • All function objects in ECMAScript 6 expose a read-only name property that describes the function. If a function is unnamed, the name property returns an empty string, if a function is created using the function constructor, the name property returns anonymous
      function mySum(a, b) {
      return a + b;

      let anotherSum = mySum;
      console.log(mySum(1, 2)); // 3
      console.log(anotherSum(1, 2)); // 3

      let testFunc = () => {};
      console.log(mySum.name); // mySum
      console.log(testFunc.name); // (empty string here)
      console.log((new Function()),name); // anonymous
      console.log(anotherSum.name); // mySum
  4. Understanding arguments
    • An ECMAScript function does not care how many arguments are passed in, nor does it care about the data types of those arguments
    • Arguments in ECMAScript are represented as an array internally, the function does not care what is in the array
    • Named arguments are a convenience, not a necessity
      // The following functions are equivalent
      function sayHi1(name, msg) {
      console.log(`Hello ${name}, ${msg}`);

      function sayHi2() {
      console.log(`Hello ${arguments[0]}, ${arguments[1]}`);
    • The amount of arguments: arguments.length
    • Arguments in arrow functions
      • When a function is defined using the arrow notation, the arguments passed to the function cannot be accessed using the arguments keyword; they can only be accessed using their named token in the function definition
  5. No overloading
    • ECMAScript functions cannot be overloaded in the traditional sense, they don't have signatures
    • If two functions are defined to have the same name, it is the last function that becomes the owner of that name
  6. Default parameters
    • You can define default values for arguments
    • Temporal dead zone: the default parameter values are initialized in the order in which they are listed in the list of parameters
      // This one works
      function makeKing(name = 'Henry' numerals = name) {
      return `King ${name} ${numerals}`;

      // This one does not work
      function makeKing(numerals = name, name = 'Henry') {
      return `King ${name} ${numerals}`;
  7. Spread arguments and rest parameters
    • Use the spread operator to expand the elements of an array into a list of arguments
      function add() {
      let sum = 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      sum += arguments[i];
      return sum;

      const arr = [1, 2, 3];
      console.log(add(-1, ...arr)); // 5
    • Rest parameter
      function add(...values) {
      return values.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);

      const arr = [1, 2, 3];
      console.log(add(-1, ...arr)); // 5
  8. Function declarations versus function expressions
    • Function declarations are read and available in an execution context before any code is executed, whereas function expressions aren't complete until the execution reaches that line of code
      // This works
      console.log(add1(10, 10)); // 20
      function add1(a, b) {
      return a + b;

      // This doesn't work
      console.log(add2(10, 10)); // Uncaught ReferenceError: add2 is not defined
      let add2 = function(a, b) {
      return a + b;
  9. Functions as values
    • Because function names are variables, functions can be used anywhere variables can be used, this means it is possible not only to pass a function into another function as an argument, but also to return a function as the result of another function
      function comparePropertyFunc(name) {
      return function(obj1, obj2) {
      let val1 = obj1[name];
      let val2 = obj2[name];
      if (val1 < val2) {
      return -1;
      } else if (val1 > val2) {
      return 1;
      } else {
      return 0;
  10. Function internals
    • arguments: the arguments object has a property named callee, which is a pointer to the function that owns the arguments object
      function fact(n) {
      if (n <= 1) {
      return 0;
      // This recursive call is tightly coupled with the function name
      return n * fact(n - 1);
      // This is the equivalent one: return n * arguments.callee(n - 1);
  • this: this behaves differently when used inside a standard function and an arrow function
    • Inside a standard function, it is a reference to the context object that the function is operating on, often called the this value
    • Inside an arrow function, it references the context in which the arrow function expression is defined
  • caller
    • The caller property contains a reference to the function that called this function or null if the function was called from the global scope
    • When function code executes in strict mode, arguments.callee and arguments.caller result in an error
    • In strict mode, you also cannot assign a value fo the caller property of a function, otherwise an error is called
  1. Function properties and methods
    • Each function has two properties: length and prototype
      • The length indicates the number of named arguments that the function expects
      • The prototype property is the actual location of all instance methods for reference types, meaning methods actual exist on the prototype and are then accessed from the object instances
    • Each function has two methods: call and apply
      • Both methods call the function with a specific this value, effectively setting the value of this object inside the function body
      • apply() accepts two arguments: the value of this inside the function and an array of arguments
      • call(): the first arguments is the this value, but arguments are passed directly into the function
        function add(a, b) {
        return a + b;

        function callSum1 (val1, val2) {
        // Alternative way: return add.apply(this, arguments);
        return add.apply(this, [val1, val2]);

        function callSum2(val1, val2) {
        return add.call(this, val1, val2);
  2. Function expressions
    • The created function in an function expression is considered to be anonymous function/lambda function
    • Function expressions must be assigned before usage
  3. Recursion
    • A recursive function typically is formed when a function calls itself by name
    • The ECMAScript 6 introduced a memory management optimization that allows the JavaScript engine to reuse stack frames with tail calls, where the return value of an outer function is the returned value of an inner function
    • Requirements for tail call
      • The code is executing in strict mode
      • The return value of the outer function is the invoked tail call function
      • There is no further execution required after the tail call function returns
      • The tail call function is not a closure that refers to variables in the outer function's scope
  4. Closures
    • Closures are functions that have access to variables from another function's scope, this is often accomplished by creating a function inside a function
    • In general, when a variable is accessed inside a function, the scope chain is searched for a variable with the given name, once the function has completed, the local activation object is destroyed, leaving only the global scope in memory
    • In closures, the outer function adds the inner function to its own scope, and the inner function can access the outer function's variables even after the inner function has completed
    • There may be memory leaks with closures
  5. Private variables
    • Strictly speaking, JavaScript has no concept of private members, all object properties are public
    • Any variable defined inside a function or block is considered private because it is accessible outside that function
    • A privileged method is a public method that has access to private variables and/or private functions
      • Privileged methods can be created inside a constructor
      • Privileged methods can also be created by using a private scope to define the private variables or functions

Promises and Async Functions

  1. Asynchronous programming
    • Synchronous behavior is analogous to sequential processor instructions in memory, each instruction is executed strictly in the order in which it appears. At each step in this program, it is possible to reason about the state of the program because execution will not proceed until the previous instruction is completed
    • Asynchronous behavior is analogous to interrupts, where an entity external to the current process is able to trigger code execution, asynchronous operation is often required because it is infeasible to force the process to wait a long time for an operation to complete
    • Legacy asynchronous programming patterns
      • In early versions of JavaScript, an asynchronous operation only supported definition of a callback function to indicate that the asynchronous operation had completed
      • Serializing asynchronous behavior was a common problem, usually solved by a codebase full of nested callback functions, colloquially referred to as callback hell
      • An example
        function double(value, success, failure) {
        setTimeout(() => {
        try {
        if (typeof value !== 'number') {
        throw 'Must provide number as first argument!';
        success(value * 2);
        } catch (err) {
        }, 1000);

        const successCallback = (value) => console.log(`Success: ${value}`);
        const failureCallback = (err) => console.log(`Failure: ${err}`);
        double(3, successCallback, failureCallback); // Success: 6
        double('3', successCallback, failureCallback); // Failure: Must provide number as first argument!
  2. Promises
    • Promises are used to describe a programming tool for synchronizing program execution
    • ECMAScript 6 uses the Promises/A+ Promise Specification to define how promises were implemented. ECMAScript 6 introduced a first-class implementation of a Promise/A+-compliant Promise type
    • Promise basics
      • Create a promise with new keyword: let p = new Promise(executor)
      • The promise state machine
        • A promise is a stateful object that can exist in one of three states: pending, fulfilled (resolved), or rejected
        • The pending state is the initial state a promise begins in
        • The pending state can become settled by irreversibly transitioning to either the fulfilled state or the rejected state
        • It is not guaranteed that a promise will leave the pending state
        • The state of a promise is private and cannot be directly inspected in JavaScript
      • Utilities of promises
        • Promise can be used to represent a block of asynchronous execution, the pending state indicates that the execution has not yet begun, the fulfilled state indicates the execution is successful, the rejected state indicates the execution failed
        • Promise can be used to generate a value, the fulfilled state contains a private internal value, the rejected state contains the reason for rejection
      • Controlling promise state with the executor
        • The state of a promise can only be manipulated internally using the executor function
        • Two methods are involved: resolve() and reject()
        • An example
          let p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          setTimeout(() => {
          }, 1000);
          let p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          setTimeout(() => {
          }, 1000);
        • Resolve: let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve('Success!'); }), or equivalently, let p = Promise.resolve('Success!')
        • Reject: let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject('Failure!'); }), or equivalently, let p = Promise.reject('Failure!')
    • Promise methods
      • Implementing the Thenable interface
        • Any asynchronous constructs expose a then() method, which implements the Thenable interface
      • Promise.prototype.then()
        • Then then() method accepts up to two arguments, an optional onResolved handler function, and an optional OnRejected handler function
        • The onResolved handler function is called when the promise is fulfilled, and the OnRejected handler function is called when the promise is rejected
        • An example
          let p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          setTimeout(() => {
          }, 1000);
          p1.then((value) => {
          console.log(value); // Success!

          let p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          setTimeout(() => {
          }, 1000);
          p2.then((value) => {
          console.log(value); // Failure!
      • Promise.prototype.catch()
        • The catch() method can be used to attach only a reject handler to a promise, it only takes a single argument, the onRejected handler function
        • The catch(onRejected) is equivalent to then(null, onRejected)
      • Promise.prototype.finally()
        • The finally() method can be used to attach an onFinally handler function, which executes when the promise reaches either a fulfilled or rejected state
        • Since the finally does not know the state of the promise, it is designed to be used for things like cleanup, logging, and other tasks that need to be performed regardless of the state of the promise
      • Each promise instance methods return a new promise, so promises can be chained
      • Promise.all(): this static method creates an all-or-nothing promise that resolves only once every promise in a collection of promises resolves, a new promise is returned
      • Promise.race(): this static method creates a promise that will mirror whichever promise inside a collection of promises reaches a resolved or rejected state first, a new promise is returned
  3. Async functions
    • Async functions, also referred to by the operative keyword pair async/await, are the application of the ES6 Promise paradigm to ECMAScript functions
    • Async function basics
      • The async keyword
        • An async function can be declared by prepending the async keyword, this keyword can be used on function declarations, function expressions, arrow functions and methods
        • Using the async keyword will create a function that exhibits some asynchronous characteristics but overall is still synchronously evaluated
        • In an async function, whatever value is returned with the return keyword will be converted into a promise object with Promise.resolve(). An async function will always return a promise object
        • The return value of an async function anticipates, but does not require a thenable object
        • Throwing an error value instead return a rejected promise
      • The await keyword
        • An async function indicates to code invoking it that there is no exception of timely completion, the logical extension of this behavior is the ability to pause and resume execution
        • The await keyword is used to pause execution while waiting for a promise to resolve
        • It can be used standalone or inside an expression
        • The await keyword anticipates, but does not actually require, a thenable object
        • The await keyword can only be used inside an async function, otherwise a SyntaxError is thrown
      • Halting and resuming execution
        • Example 1
          async function foo() {
          await null;

          // 1 2 3 4
        • Example 2
          async function foo() {
          console.log(await Promise.resolve(8));

          async function bar() {
          console.log(await 6);

          // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      • Strategies for async function
        • Implementing sleep
          async function sleep(delay) {
          return new Promise((resolve) => {
          setTimeout(resolve, delay);
        • Serial promise execution
          function addTwo(x) return x + 2;
          function addThree(x) return x + 3;
          function addFive(x) return x + 5;

          async function addTen(x) {
          for (const fn of [addTwo, addThree, addFive]) {
          x = await fn(x);
          return x;

          addTen(1).then((value) => {
          console.log(value); // 11

The Browser Object Model

  1. The window object
    • Although ECMAScript describes it as the cores of JavaScript, the BOM is really the core of using JavaScript on the web. The BOM provides objects the expose browser functionality independent of any web page content
    • At the core of the BOM is the window object, which represents an instance of the browser
    • Two purposes of window object in browsers:
      • Act as the JavaScript interface to the browser window
      • Act as the ECMAScript global object
    • The global scope
      • All variables and functions declared globally with var become properties and methods of the window object, if they are defined using let or const, they are not global
        var age = 20;
        let name = 'Susan';
        const sayAge = () => alert(this.age);

        alert(window.age); // 20
        alert(window.name); // undefined
        alert(window.sayAge); // TypeError: window.sayAge is not a function
    • Window relationships
      • Introduction
        • The top object always points to the very top window, which is the browser window itself
        • The parent object always points to the current window's immediate parent window. For the topmost window, parent is equal to top, and both equal to window
        • The topmost window will never have a value set for name unless the window was opened using window.open()
      • Window position and pixel ratio
        • Modern browsers all provide screenLeft and screenTop properties that indicate the window's location in relation to the left and top of the screen, respectively, in CSS pixels
        • It's also possible to move the window using the window.moveTo(x, y) and window.moveBy(dx, dy) methods
        • Pixel ratio
          • A CSS pixel is the denomination of the pixel used universally in web development, it is defined as an angular measurement: 0.0213\(^{\circ}\), approximately 1/96 of an inch on a device held at arm's length.
          • A CSS pixel (px) is not the same as a physical resolution of a device (device pixel, pt)
          • Device pixel ratio = device resolution / CSS pixel. If the device has a physical resolution of 1920x1080, and we want to convert it to 640x360, then the device pixel ratio is 3
      • Window size
        • All modern browsers provide four properties to determine the window size: innerWidth, innerHeight, outerWidth, and outerHeight. The outerWidth and outerHeight return the dimensions of the browser window itself, the innerWidth and innerHeight indicate the size of the page viewport inside the browser window (minus borders and toolbars)
        • The document.documentElement.clientWidth and document.documentElement.clientHeight properties return the size of the page viewport, for mobile browsers, use document.body.clientWidth and document.body.clientHeight
        • The browser window can be resides using the window.resizeTo(width, height) and resizeBy(dw, dh) methods
      • Window viewport position
        • Because the browser window is usually not large enough to display the entire rendered document at once, the user is give the ability to scroll around the document with a limited viewport
        • The X and Y offsets are each accessible bia two properties, which return identical values: window.pageXoffset/ window.scrollX, and window.pageYoffset/ window.scrollY
        • You can also use the window.scroll(x, y), window.scrollTo(x, y), and window.scrollBy(dx, dy) methods to move the viewport
      • Navigating and opening windows
        • window.open(stringUR, stringName, stringFeatures, booleanReplace)
          • stringURL: the URL to load
          • stringName: the name of the new window
          • stringFeatures: comma-separated list of features to enable
          • booleanReplace: if true, the current window is replaced, otherwise a new window is opened
        • window.open() return a window object, this object can be used to manipulate the newly opened window in the same way as any other window
        • window.close(): close the current window, return a boolean indicating whether the window was closed
        • Security restrictions: pop-up windows went through a period of overuse by online ads, so browsers nowadays put limits on teh configuration of pop-up windows. Browsers will allow the creation of pop-up windows only after a user action, a call to window.open() while a page is still being loaded will not be executed and may cause an error to be displayed to the user
        • Pop-up blocks: all modern browsers have pop-up blocking software built in
          • If a pop-up window is blocked by the built-in blocker, then window.open() returns null
          • When a browser add-on or other program blocks a pop-up, window.open() typically throws an error
          • Detection
            let blocked = false;
            try {
            let win = window.open(url, name, features, replace);
            if (win == null) {
            blocked = true;
            } catch (ex) {
            blocked = true;

            if (blocked) {
            alert('Pop-ups are blocked');
        • Intervals and timeouts
          • JavaScript execution in a browser is single-threaded, but does allow for the scheduling of code to run at specific points in time through the use of timeouts and intervals
          • Timeouts execute some code after a specified amount of time, whereas intervals execute code repeatedly, waiting a specific amount of time in between each execution
          • window.setTimeout(callback, milliseconds)
          • window.clearTimeout(timeoutId): cancel a pending timeout operation, the timeoutId is an unique number returned from the setTimeout method
          • window.setInterval(callback, milliseconds)
          • window.clearInterval(intervalId): cancel a pending interval operation, the intervalId is an unique number returned from the setInterval method
            let num = 0;
            let intervalId = null;
            let max = 10;
            const callback = () => {
            if (num >= max) {

            intervalId = setInterval(callback, 1000);
        • System dialogs
          • The browser is capable of invoking system dialogs to display to the user through the alert(), confirm(), and prompt() methods
          • The system dialogs are not related to the web page being displayed in the browser and do not contain HTML, the appearance is determined by operating system and/or browser settings rather than CSS, and each of the dialogs is synchronous
          • The alert() method
            • Accept a string to display to the user, if the argument of alert is not a string, it will be converted to a string first
            • It contains a single OK button
            • Alert dialogs are typically used when users must be made aware of something that they have no control over, such as an error, the user's only choice is to dismiss the dialog after reading the message
          • The confirm() method
            • It looks similar to an alert dialog in that it displays a message to the user, the main difference is that the confirm dialog contains a Cancel button along with the OK button, which allows the user to indicate if a given action should be taken
            • The confirm() method returns a boolean value: true if OK was clicked, or false if Cancel was clicked
              if (confirm('Are you sure?')) {
              alert("I'm so glad you're sure!");
              } else {
              alert("I'm sorry to hear you're not sure!");
          • The prompt() method
            • The prompt dialog prompts the user for input: along with the Cancel and OK button, it has a text box where the user may enter some data
            • window.prompt(stringMessage, stringDefault)
            • If the OK button is clicked, prompt() returns the value in teh text box, if Cancel is clicked or the dialog is otherwise closed without clicking OK, prompt() returns null
          • The system dialogs can be helpful for displaying information to the user and asking for confirmation of decisions, because they require not HTML or CSS, they are fast and easy ways to enhance a web application
  2. The location object
    • One of the most useful BOM object is location, which provides information about the document that is currently loaded in the window, as well as general navigation functionality
    • Both window.location and document.location point to the same object
    • Some properties of the location object: location.host (name of server + port number if present), location.hostname (name of server), location.port (port number), location.protocol (the protocol used by the page, typically http or https), location.username (the username specified before the domain name), location.password (the password specified before the domain name), location.origin (the origin of the URL, read only), location.search (the query string of the URL, returns a striong beginning with a question mark)
    • Convert query string to an object
      let getParams = () => {
      let queryString = location.search.length > 0 ? location.search.substring(1) : '';
      let params = {};
      for (let item of queryString.split("&").map((x) => x.split("="))) {
      // query-string arguments are supposed to be encoded
      let key = decodeURIComponent(item[0]);
      let value = decodeURIComponent(item[1]);
      if (key.length) {
      params[key] = value;
      return params;
    • Manipulating the location
      • location.assign(URL): navigate to the new URL and makes an entry in the browser's history stack. If location.href=URL or window.location=URL is used, the location.assign() method is called automatically
      • Changing various properties on the location object can also modify the currently loaded page
      • Generally, when the URL is changed, an entry is made in the browser's history stack so the user may click the Back button to navigate to the previous page. It is possible to disallow this behavior by using the replace() method
  3. The navigator object
    • The navigator object is the standard browser identification on the client, each browser supports its own set of properties
    • Properties: navigator.appCodeName (return Mozilla), navigator.appName (return browser full name), navigator.appVersion, navigator.deviceMemory (the amount of device memory in GB), navigator.hardwareConcurrency (device's number of processor cores), navigator.language (browser primary language), navigator.languages (all browser's preferred languages), navigator.platform (system platform)
    • Detecting plug-ins
      let hasPlugin = (name) => {
      name = name.toLowerCase();
      for (let item of navigator.plugins) {
      if (item.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(name) > -1) {
      return true;
      return false;

    • Registering handlers
      navigator.registerProtocolHandler("URL", name);
  4. The screen object
    • The screen object (also a property of window) is one of the few object JavaScript objects that have little to no programming use, it is used purely as an indication of client capabilities
    • Property: screen.height, screen.width, screen.left (the pixel distance of the current screen's left side), screen.top (the pixel distance of the current screen's top), screen.orientation, screen.colorDepth (the number of bits used to represent colors)
  5. The history object
    • The history object represents the user's navigation history since the given window was first used
    • Because history is a property of window, each browser object has its own history object relating specifically to that instance
    • The history.go(n)navigates through the user's history iun either direction, backward or forward, if n < 0, then navigates backward, you can also use history.back(n), history.forward(n)
    • You can also use history.go(URL) to go the nearest URL page
    • history.length returns the amount of items in the history stack

Client Detection

  1. Introduction
    • Although browser vendors have made a concerted effort to implement common interfaces, the face remains that each browser presents its own capabilities and flaws
    • Developers need to either design for the lowest common denominator or, more commonly, use various methods of client detection to work with or around limitations
    • Client detection should be the very last step in solving a problem, whenever a more common solution is available, that solution should be used
  2. Capability detection
    • Capability detection (feature detection) uses a suite of simple checks in the browser's JavaScript runtime to test for support of various features
    • You should verify not just the feature is present but also that the feature is likely to behave an appropriate manner
  3. User-agent detection
    • User-agent detection uses the browser's user-agent string to determine information about the browser being used
    • The user-agent string is sent as a response header for every HTTP request and is made accessible in JavaScript through navigator.userAgent
    • Mozilla is an abbreviation for Mosaic Killer
    • Spoofing a user-agent
      • User-agent is an imperfect browser identification solution, because it is easy to spoof a user-agent string
      • Browsers that implement the window.navigator offer the user-agent string as a read-only property, so you cannot modify it directly
      • If browsers offer the pesudo-private __defineGetter__ method, then spoofing a user-agent is easy
        window.navigator.__defineGetter("userAgent", () => "random");
        console.log(window.navigator.userAgent); // random
    • You can infer many of the following information from the user-agent: browser, browser version, browser rendering engine, device class(desktop/mobile), device manufacture, device model, operating system, operating system version
  4. Software and hardware detection
    • Browser and operating system identification
      • navigator.oscpu: this is deprecated, Edge and Chrome does not have this property
      • navigator.vendor: return a string of the browser vendor
      • navigator.platform: return a string indicating the operating system inside which the browser is executing
      • screen.colorDepth/ screen.pixelDepth: return the number of color bits that can be represented in the display
      • screen.orientation: return a ScreenOrientation object, which contains information about the browser's screen according to the Screen Orientation API
    • Browser Metadata
      • navigator.geolocation property provides access to the GeoLocation API, wich allows browser scripts to learn about the current device's location
        let p;
        // The following line requires user permission
        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((pos) => p = pos);
        console.log(typeof p.coords); // object
        console.log(p.coords.latitude, p.coords.longitude); // get the latitude and the longitude
        console.log(p.coords.altitude); // the altitude of the device, this can be null
        console.log(p.coords.speed); // the speed of the device, this can be null
      • The navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(callback1, callback2) can be rejected, so the first argument is the handler for position object, the second argument is the handler for PositionError object, use e.code/ e.message to get information about the PositionError
      • The browser tracks the network connection state and exposes this information in two ways: connection events, and the navigator.onLine boolean property
      • The navigator.connection property exposes teh NetworkInformation API
      • Battery status API: the navigator.getBattery() returns a promises that resolves to a BatteryManager object
        (bat) => {
        console.log(bat.charing); // boolean
        console.log(chargingTime); // number
        console.log(dischargingTime); // number
        console.log(level); // number
    • Hardware
      • Processor cores: navigator.hardwareConcurrency
      • Device memory: navigator.deviceMemory
      • Maximum touch points: navigator.maxTouchPoints

The Document Object Model

  1. Introduction
    • The Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface for HTML and XML documents
    • The DOM represents a document as a hierarchical tree of nodes, allowing for adding, removing and modifying individual parts of the page
  2. Hierarchy of nodes
    • A document node represents every document as the root
    • In HTML, the only child of the document node is the <html> element, which is called the document element. There can be only one document element per document. In HTML, the document element is always the element, in XML, any element may be the document element
    • The node type
      • DOM Level 1 describes an interface called Node that is to be implemented by all node types in the DOM, the Node interface is implemented in JavaScript as the Node type
      • Get the type of a node: node.nodeType, this returns the node type as a number
      • The node.nodeName and the node.nodeValue properties return the node name and value respectively
      • Node relationships:
        • node.childNodes return the child nodes of the node, each node has this property
        • node.childNodes.item(1) is equivalent to node.childNodes[1]
        • node.firstChild is equivalent to node.childNodes[0]
        • node.lastChild is equivalent to node.childNodes[node.childNodes.length - 1]
      • Manipulating nodes
        • node.appendNode(newNode): append a node to the end of the child nodes of the node
        • node.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode): insert a node before the reference node, node.insertBefore(newNode, null) is equivalent to node.appendChild(newNode), node.insertBefore(newNode, node.firstChild) inserts the node before the first child of the node
        • node.replaceChild(newNode, oldNode): replace the old node with the new node
        • node.removeChild(oldNode): remove the old node
        • node.cloneNode(booleanFlag): clone the node, if flag is true, it is deep copy, otherwise it is shallow copy
    • The Document type
      • The document object is an instance of HTMLDocument (which inherits from Document)
      • node.nodeType = 9, node.nodeName = #document, node.value = null
      • The child of a Document node can be a DocumentType, Element, ProcessingInstruction, Comment
      • HTML example
        • let html = document.documentElement;
        • let head = document.head;
        • let body = document.body;
        • let doctype = document.doctype;
        • let title = document.title;, document.title = "new title";
        • let domain = document.domain;
        • let referrer = document.referrer;
      • Locating elements
        • let item = document.getElementById("itemId");
        • let items = document.getElementsByTagName("tagName");: return a HTMLCollection object that acts like a list of elements
        • let items = document.getElementByTagName("tagName"); let item = item.namedItem("itemName"): get an element from a HTMLCollection by its name property
        • let allItems = document.getElementByTagName("*");: get all elements
        • let radios = document.getElementsByName("tagName");: get all elements with the same name, often used with radio buttons
      • Document writing
        • document.write(string): write a string tag to the document
        • document.writeln(string): write a string tag to the document and add a new line
    • The Element type
      • node.nodeType = 1, node.nodeName = #element, node.value = null
      • node.nodeName === node.tagName: the tag name of the element, return tag name in uppercase in HTML, the same as it is in XML
        // this is the general check for the tag name
        if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === "xxx") {
        // do something
      • HTML elements
        • Properties: id, className (the class property, because class is a keyword in ECMAScript, you cannot use class directly), title (additional information about the element), lang (code language), dir (direction of the language, "ltf" : left-to-right, "rtl": right-to-left, rarely used)
          <div id="item" class="item" title="item title" lang="en" dir="ltr"><>
          let item = document.getElementById("item");
          console.log(item.id); // item
          console.log(item.className); // item
          console.log(item.title); // item title
          console.log(item.lang); // en
          console.log(item.dir); // ltr
      • Getting attributes
        • Each element may have zero or more attributes, which are typically used to give extra information about the particular element or its contents, three primary DOM methods for working with attributes are getAttribute(attrName), setAttribute(attrName, value), removeAttribute(attrName)
        • item.setAttribute("attrName", "value") is equivalent to item.attrName = "value"
      • The attributes property
        • The Element type is the only DOM node type that uses the attributes property, the attributes property is a NamedNodeMap object, which is a list of attributes, each attribute is an Attr node
        • use item.attributes.getNamedItem(attrName) to get the value of an attributes, use item.attributes.removeNamedItem(attrName) to remove an attributes
      • Create elements: use document.createElement(tagName) to create an element
    • The Text type
      • node.nodeType = 3, node.nodeName = #text, node.value = textContent, child nodes are not supported
      • The text contained in a Text node may be accessed via either the nodeValue property or the data property, both of which contain the same value
      • Creating text nodes: use document.createTextNode(text) to create a text node
        let textNode = document.createTextNode("text");
        let node = document.createElement("div");
      • Normalizing text nodes
        • Typically, elements have only one text node as a child, sibling text nodes can be confusing
        • Use node.normalize() to merge adjacent text nodes, the caller node should be the parent node of the text nodes that are to be merged
      • Splitting text nodes
        • The textNode.splitText(offset) method splits one text node into two at the given offset
    • The Comment type
      • node.nodeType = 8, node.nodeName = #comment, node.value = textContent, child nodes are not supported
      • The Comment type inherits from the same base as the Text type, so it has all of the same string manipulation methods except splitText(), the actual content of the comment may be retrieved using either nodeValue or the data property
    • The CDATASection type
      • node.nodeType = 4, node.nodeName = #cdata-section, node.value = textContent, child nodes are not supported
      • CDATA sections are specific to XML-based documents and are represented by the CDATASection type
      • The CDATA section type inherits from the same base as the Text type, so it has all of the same string manipulation methods except splitText(), the actual content of the CDATA section may be retrieved using either nodeValue or the data property
    • The DocumentType type
      • node.nodeType = 10, node.nodeName = #document-type, node.value = null
      • A DocumentType object contains about the document's doctype
      • DocumentType objects cannot be created dynamically in DOM level 1,they are created only as teh document's code is being parsed
    • The DocumentFragment type
      • node.nodeType = 11, node.nodeName = #document-fragment, node.value = null
      • Of all the node types, the DocumentFragment type is the only one that has no representation in markup. DOM defines a document fragment as a lightweight document, capable of containing and manipulating nodes without all of the additional overhead of a complete document
      • A document fragment cannot be added to a document directly. Document fragments are created using the document.createDocumentFragment() method
      • Default fragments inherit all methods from Node and are typically used to perform DOM manipulations that are to be applied to a document
    • The Attr type
      • node.nodeType = 11, node.nodeName = attribute name, node.value = attribute value
      • Element attributes are represented by the Attr type in the DOM, the Attr type constructor and prototype are accessible in all browsers
      • Even though they are nodes, attributes are not considered part of the DOM document tree
      • There are three properties on an Attr object: name the attribute name , value the attribute value, specified a boolean value indicating if the attribute was specified in code or if it is a default value
      • Creating new attributes: document.createAttribute(attrName)
  3. Working with the DOM
    • Dynamic scripts
      • The <script> element is used to insert JavaScript code into the page, either by using the src attribute to include an external file or by including text inside the element itself
      • Dynamic scripts are those that don't exist when teh page is loaded but are included later by using the DOM
      • Dynamic loading an external file example
        <script src="script.js"></script>
        let script = document.createElement("script");
        script.src = "script.js";
        document.body.appendChild(script); //' This is when the script.js is downloaded
    • Dynamic styles
      • CSS styles are included in HTML pages using one of two elements: the <link> element is used to include CSS from an external file, the <style> element is used to specify inline styles
      • Dynamic styles don't exist on the page when it is loaded initially, they are added after the page has been loaded
      • Dynamic loading an external CSS file example
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
        let link = document.createElement("link");
        link.rel = "stylesheet";
        link.type = "text/css";
        link.href = "style.css";
        let head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
    • Manipulating tables
      • Using the core DOM methods to create and change tables can require a large amount of code
      • Example
        <table border="1" width="100%">
        let table = document.createElement("table");
        table.border = "1";
        table.width = "100%";
        let thead = document.createElement("thead");
        let thr = document.createElement("tr");
        let th = document.createElement("th");
        let tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
        let tbr = document.createElement("tr");
        let td = document.createElement("td");

DOM Extensions

  1. Selectors API
    • Background
      • The DOM API is frequently augmented, in 2008 the W3C adopted some of the DOM extensions into formal specifications
      • The two primary standards specifying DOM extensions are the Selectors API and HTML5
    • Introduction
      • One of the most popular capabilities of JavaScript libraries is the ability to retrieve a number of DOM elements matching a pattern specified using CSS selectors
      • The selectors API was started by the W3C to specify native support for CSS queries in browsers
      • At the core of Selectors API level 1 are two methods: querySelector() and querySelectorAll(), these methods are available on the Document type and on the Element type
      • The Selectors API level 2 specifications introduces more methods: matches(), find(), findAll() on the Element type
    • The querySelector() method
      • This method accepts a CSS query and returns the first descendant element that matches the pattern or null if there is no matching element
      • Example query strings: tag, #id, .class, etc
      • When the method is used on the Document type, it starts trying to match the pattern from the document element; when used on an Element type, the query attempts to make a match from the descendants of the element only
    • The querySelectorAll() method
      • This method accepts a CSS query and returns a NodeList object regardless of the number of matching elements, if there are not matches, the NodeList is empty
      • Can work on Document, DocumentFragment and Element
    • The matches() method
      • This method accepts a single argument, a CSS selector, and returns true if the given element matches the selector or false if not
      • All major browsers support some form of matches()
  2. HTML5
    • All HTML specifications before HTML5 were short of any JavaScript interfaces, all JavaScripts were binding to the DOM specification. The HTML5 specification contains a large amount of JavaScript APIs designed for use with the markup additions, part of these APIs overlap with the DOM and define DOM extensions that browsers should provide
    • Class-related additions
      • The getElementByClassName() method
        • This method can be called on the Document object and on all HTML elements
        • Accepts a single string containing one or more class names, returns a NodeList containing all elements that have all of the the specified classes applied, if multiple class names are specified, the order is unimportant
      • The classList property
        • This property is used to add, remove, and replace class names
        • The classList property is an instance of a collection named DOMTokenList, it has the following methods: add(value), contains(value) returns boolean, remove(value), toggle(value) remove if present, add if not present
          <div id="myDiv" class="bd user disabled">content</div>
          let div = document.getElementById("myDiv");
    • Focus management
      • document.activeElement contains a pointer to the DOM element that currently has focus, an element can receive focus automatically as the page is loading, via user input, or programmatically using the focus() method
        • When the document is first loaded, document.activeElement is set to document.body
        • When the document is being loaded, document.activeElement is null
      • document.hasFocus() returns true if the document has focus or false if not
    • Changes to HTMLDocument
      • The readyState property
        • Used to indicate whether the document has been loaded
        • The property has two values: loading, complete
      • The compatMode property
        • Used on the document object to indicate which rendering mode the browser is in
        • When a browser is in standards mode, document.compatMode = CSS1Compat, when a browser is in quirks mode, document.compatMode = BackCompat
      • The head property: document.head points to the <head> element of a document
    • Character set properties
      • The document.characterSet property indicates the actual character being used by the document and can also be used to specify a new character set and can also be used to specify a new character set
      • The default value is UTF-16
    • Custom data attributes
      • HTML allows elements to be specified with nonstandard attributes prefixed with data- in order to provide information that isn't necessary to the rendering or semantic value of the element
      • Example: <div id="myDiv" data-infoId="myDivInfo" data-nyName="divExp">Content</div>
      • The customized data attributes can be accessed via the dataset property of the element, example: div.dataset.infoId
    • Markup insertion
      • The innerHTML property
        • When used in read mode, innerHTML returns the HTML representing all of the child nodes, including elements, comment,s and text nodes. When used in write mode, innerHTML completely replaces all of the childe node in the element with a new DOM subtree based on the given HTML string input
      • In modern browsers, <script> elements cannot be executed in innerHTML, the <style> elements causes similar problems with innerHTML
      • The outerHTML property
        • When outerHTML is called in read mode, it returns the HTML of the element on which it is called, as well as its child nodes. When called in write mode, outerHTML replaces the node on which it is called with the DOM subtree created from parsing the given HTML string
      • insertAdjacentHTML(pos, text) and insertAdjacentText(pos, text), the position can be one of the following:
        • beforebegin: insert just before the element as a previous sibling
        • afterbegin: insert inside the element as a new child or series of children before the first child
        • beforeend: insert inside the element as a new child or series of children after the last child
        • afterend: insert just after the element as a next sibling
      • The scrollIntoView() method
        • The method exists on all HTML elements and scrolls the browser window or container element so the element is visible in the viewport
        • Variations: element.scrollIntoView(), element.scrollIntoView(alignToTop), element.scrollIntoView(scrollIntoViewOptions)
          • boolean alignToTop: if true, the element is scrolled to the top of the viewport, otherwise the bottom
          • object options: with property behavior, block, inline
  3. Proprietary extension
    • The children property: returns an HTMLCollection that contains only an element's child nodes that are also elements
    • The contains method: check if two nodes have parental relationship
    • Markup insertion
      • The innerText property
        • When used to read the value, innerText concatenates the values of all text nodes in the subtree in DFS order
        • When used to write the value, removes all children of the element and inserts a text node containing the given value
      • The outerText property
        • For reading text values, outerText and innerText essentially behave in the same way, in writing mode, outerText replaces the entire element, including child nodes
    • Scrolling
      • Scrolling specification didn't exist prior to HTML5
      • Apart from scrollIntoView(), you can use scrollIntoViewIfNeeded()

DOM Levels 2 and 3

  1. Introduction
    • DOM levels 2 and 3 consist of several modules
      • DOM Core: builds on level 1 core, adding methods and properties to nodes
      • DOM Views: defined different views for a document based on stylistic information
      • DOM Events: defines how to tie interactivity to DOM documents using events
      • DOM Style: defines how to programmatically access and changes CSS styling information
      • DOM Traversal and Range: introduces new interfaces for traversing a DOM document and selecting specific parts of it
      • DOM HTML: builds on the level 1 HTML, adding properties, methods and interfaces
      • DOM Mutation Observers: allows for definition of callbacks upon changes to the DOM
  2. DOM changes
    • Backgrounds
      • The DOM levels 2 and 3 Core is to expand the DOM API, for the most part, this means supporting the concept of XML namespaces
      • The DOM Views and DOM HTML augment DOM interfaces, they are fairly small
    • XML namespaces
      • XML namespaces allow elements from different XML-based language to be mixed together in a single, well-formed document without fear of element name clashes. XML namespaces are not supported by HTML but supported in XHTML
      • Namespaces are specified using the xmlns attribute and should be included on the <html> element of any well-formed XHTML page
      • Changes to Node: add localName, namespaceURL, prefix properties
      • Changes to Document: add createElementNS(namespaceURL, tagName), createAttributeNS(nameSpaceURL, attributeName), getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURL, tagName) methods
      • Changes to Element: add getAttributeNS(namespaceURL, attributeName), setAttributeNS(namespaceURL, attributeName, value), removeAttributeNS(namespaceURL, attributeName) methods
  3. Styles
    • Styles are defined in HTML in three ways, including an external style sheet via the <link> element, defining inline styles using the <style> element, and defining element specific styles using the style attribute. DOM levels 2 Styles provide an API around all three of these styling mechanisms
    • Accessing element styles
      • Any HTML elements that supports the style attribute also has a style property exposed in JavaScript, which is an instance of CSSStyleDeclaration and contains all stylistic information specified by the HTML style attribute but no information about styles that have cascaded from either included or inline style sheets
      • CSS property names use dash case, the names must be converted to camel case to be used in the JavaScript API, for example, background-color becomes backgroundColor
      • Example
        <div id="myDiv" style="background-color: red;">Content</div>
        let div = document.getElementById('myDiv');
        div.style.backgroundColor; // 'red'
        div.style.height = "100px";
        div.style.width = "100px";
    • Working with style sheets
      • The CSSStyleSheet type represents a CSS style sheet as included using a <link> element or defined in a <style> element
      • The CSSStyleSheet type inherits from StyleSheet, which can be used to define non-CSS style sheets
      • Example
        let styles = document.styleSheets[0];
        let rules = styles.cssRules;
        let r0 = rules[0];
        console.log(r0.selectorText); // the selector text for the first rule
        console.log(r0.cssText); // the CSS text for the first rule
        console.log(r0.style.backgroundColor); // the background color for the first rule
    • Element dimensions
      • Offset dimensions
        • The offset dimensions incorporate all of the visual space that an element takes up on the screen
        • Properties: offsetHeight, offsetWidth, offsetTop, offsetLeft, offsetParent. The offsetLeft and offsetTop properties are in relation to the containing element, which is stored in the offsetParent property. The offsetParent may not necessarily be the same as the parentNode
      • Client dimensions
        • The client dimensions of an element comprise the space occupied by the element's content and its padding
        • Properties: clientWidth, and clientHeight
      • Scroll dimensions
        • The scroll dimension provide information about an element whose content is scrolling
        • Properties: scrollHeight, scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollWidth
  4. Traversals
    • The DOM level 2 Traversal and Range module defined two types that aid in sequential traversal of a DOM structure. The types, NodeIterator and TreeWalker, perform depth-first traversals of a DOM structure given a certain starting point
    • NodeIterator
      • The NodeIterator type can be instantiated using the document.createNodeIterator(root, whatToShow, filter, entityReferenceExpansion) method
        • root is the node in the tree that you want to start searching from
        • whatToShow is a numerical code indicating which nodes should be visited, it can be NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, NodeFilter.SHOW_ATTRIBUTE, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, NodeFilter.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION, NodeFilter.SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE, NodeFilter.SHOW_ENTITY, NodeFilter.SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT, NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT, NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE, NodeFilter.SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT, NodeFilter.SHOW_NOTATION
        • filter is a NodeFilter object or a function indicating whether a particular node should be accepted or rejected
        • entityReferenceExpansion is a boolean indicating whether entity reference nodes should be expanded or not
      • Example usage
        let div = document.getElementById('myDiv');
        let iterator = document.createNodeIterator(div, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, false);

        let prev = null;
        let node = iterator.nextNode();
        while (node != null) {
        node = iterator.nextNode();
        prev = node.previousNode();
    • TreeWalker
      • TreeWalker is a more advanced version of NodeIterator
      • Methods: nextNode(), previousNode(), parentNode(), firstChild(), lastChild(), nextSibling(), previousSibling()
      • A TreeWalker object is created using the document.createTreeWalker(root, whatToShow, filter, entityReferenceExpansion) method
  5. Ranges
    • The DOM level 2 Traversal and Range module defined an interface called a range to allow for greater control over a page. A range can be used to select a section of a document regardless of node boundaries
    • Create a range object: let range = document.createRange()
    • Some properties: startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, commonAncestorContainer
    • Simple selection in DOM ranges
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <p id="p1"><b>Hello</b> world!</p>
      let range1 = document.createRange();
      let range2 = document.createRange();
      let p1 = document.getElementById('p1');
      range1.selectNode(p1); // range1 contains p1 and its contents
      range2.selectNodeContents(p1); // range2 contains only contents of p1: <b>Hello</b> world!
    • Complex selection in DOM ranges
      • Creating complex ranges requires the use of setStart(node, offset) and setEnd(node, offset) methods
        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <p id="p1"><b>Hello</b> world!</p>
        let range1 = document.createRange();
        let range2 = document.createRange();
        let p1 = document.getElementById('p1');
        let p1Index = -1;
        let len = p1.parentNode.childNodes.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (p1.parentNode.childNodes[i] === p1) {
        p1Index = i;
        // range1 contains p1 and its contents
        range1.setStart(p1.parentNode, p1Index);
        range1.setEnd(p1.parentNode, p1Index + 1);
        // range2 contains only contents of p1: <b>Hello</b> world!
        range2.setStart(p1, 0);
        range2.setEnd(p1, p1.childNodes.length);


  1. Introduction
    • JavaScript's interaction with HTML is handled through events, which indicate when particular moments on interest occur in the document or browser window
    • Events can be subscribed using listeners(aka handlers) that execute only when an event occurs. This model, called the observer pattern in traditional software engineering, allows a loose coupling between the behavior of a page and the appearance of the page
    • DOM level 2 was the first attempt to standardize the DOM events API in a logical way, all modern browsers have implemented the core parts of DOM level 2 events
  2. Event flow
    • Event flow describes the order in which events are received on the page(say, you click a button inside a div, will the button or the div receive the click event first?). The IE and Netscape developer teams came up with an almost opposite concept of event flow: IE supports the event bubbling flow, whereas Netscape Communicator supports the event capturing flow
    • Event bubbling
      • The IE event flow is called event bubbling because an event starts at the most specific element and then flow upward toward the least specific node
      • All modern browsers support event bubbling, although implementation details vary, modern browsers continue event bubbling up to the window object
    • Event capturing
      • The Netscape communicator came up with the event capturing flow, in which the least specific node should receive the event first and the most specific node should receive the event last
      • Event capturing was designed to intercept the event before it reached the intended target
      • All modern browsers support event capturing, all of them begin event capturing at the window-level event despite the fact that the DOM level 2 event specification indicates that the events should begin at document
    • DOM event flow
      • The event flow specified by DOM level 2 events has three phases: the event capturing phase (providing the opportunity to intercept events if necessary), at the target, and the event bubbling phase (allowing a final response to the event)
  3. Event handlers
    • Events are certain actions performed either by the user or by the browser itself. A function that is called in response to an event is called an event handler (event listener). Event handlers have names beginning with "on" (onclick)
    • HTML event handlers
      • Each event supported by a particular element can be assigned using an HTML attribute with the name of the event handler, and the value of the attribute should be some JavaScript code to execute
        // Approach 1
        <input type="button" value="Click me!" onclick="console.log('Clicked!')" />

        // Approach 2: code executing as an event handler has access to everything in the global scope
        function showMessage() {
        <input type="button" value="Click me!" onclick="showMessage()" />
      • When the event handler is assigned as a property, you can access the event local variable (say, console.log(event.type)), meanwhile, this is also equivalent to the event's target element (say, console.log(this.value))
    • DOM level 0 event handlers
      • The traditional way of assigning event handlers in JavaScript is to assign a function to an event handler property
        let btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
        btn.onclick = () => {
        console.log(this.id); // myBtn, this refers to the element itself
      • Since the event handler is considered to be a method of the element using the DOM level 0 method, the value of this is the element itself
    • DOM level 2 event handlers
      • DOM level 2 events define two methods to deal with the assignment and removal of event handlers: addEventListener() and removeEventListener(). These methods exist on all DOM nodes and accept three arguments: the event name to handle, the event handler function, and a boolean value indicating whether to call the event handler during the capture phase (true) or during the bubble phase(false), the third argument is optional and defaults to false
        // add an onclick event handler in the bubble phase
        let btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
        btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
        }, false);
    • Internet Explorer event handlers
      • IE implements methods similar to the DOM called attachEvent() and detachEvent(), both accepts two arguments: the event handler name and the event handler function
      • IE 8 and earlier support only event bubbling, event handlers added using attachEvent() are attached on the bubbling phase
      • A major difference between using attachEvent() and using the DOM level 0 approach in IE is the scope of the event handler. When using DOM level 0, the event handler runs with a this value equal to the element on which it is attached; when using attachEvent(), the event handler runs in global context, so this is equivalent to window
        let btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
        btn.attachEvent("onclick", () => {
    • Cross-browser event handler
      • To make sure that the event-handling code works in the most compatible way possible, you will need it to work only on the bubbling phase
  4. The event object
    • Introduction
      • When an event related to the DOM is fired, all of the relevant information is gathered and stored on an object called event
      • The event object contains basic information such as the element that caused the event, the type of event that occurred, and any other data that may be relevant to the particular event
      • All browsers support the event object, though not in the same way
    • The DOM event object
      • In DOM-compliant browsers, the event object is passed in as the sole argument to an event handler
      • Some properties:
        • event.bubbles: boolean, indicate if the event bubbles
        • event.currentTarget: element, the element whose event handler is currently handling the event, equal to this
        • event.target: element, the target of the event
        • event.type: string, the type of event that was fired
    • The IE event object
      • The legacy IE event object is accessible in different ways, based on the way in which the event handler was assigned
      • If the handler is assigned using the DOM level 0 approach, the event object exists only as a property of the window object
        let btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
        btn.onclick = () => {
        let event = window.event;
      • If the handlers is assigned using attachEvent(), the event object is passed in as the sole argument to the function
        let btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
        btn.attachEvent("onclick", (event) => {
      • Some properties: event.type, event.returnValue, event.srcElement
    • The Cross-browser event object
      • All of the information and capabilities of the IE event object are present in the DOM object, just in a different form. These parallels enable easy mapping form one event model to the other
  5. Event types
    • DOM level 3 events specify the following event groups:
      • User interface (UI) events: general browser events that may have some interaction with the BOM
      • Focus events: fired when an elements gains or loses focus
      • Mouse events: fired when the mouse is used to perform an action on a page
      • Wheel events: fired when a mouse wheel or similar device is used
      • Text events: fired when text is input into the document
      • Keyboard events: fired when the keyboard is used to perform an action on the page
      • Composition events: fired when inputting characters for an Input Method Editor (IME)
    • UI events
      • UI events are not necessarily related to user actions
      • The load event
        • Fired on a window object when the entire page has been loaded, including all external resources such as images, JS files, and CSS files
        • onload handler
          • The first approach: define an event handler for the load event using JavaScript
            // Style 1
            window.onload = () => {
            console.log("Page loaded");

            // Style 2
            window.addEventListener("load", () => {
            console.log("Page loaded");
          • The second approach: add an onload attribute to the <body> element
            function loadHandler() {
            console.log("Page loaded");

            <body onload="loadHandler()">
            <!-- -->
      • The unload event
        • Fired on the window object when a document has completely unloaded, typically fired when navigating from one page to another and is most often used to clean up references to avoid memory leaks
        • Can be assigned using JavaScript or the unload attribute on the <body> element
      • The resize event
        • Fired on the window object when the browser windows is resized to a new height or width
        • Can be assigned using JavaScript or the resize attribute on the <body> element, prefer to use the JavaScript approach
        • You should make the resize event handler as simple as possible
          • IE, Safari, Chrome, and Opera fire the resize event as soon as the browser isw resized by one pixel and then repeatedly as the user resizes the browser window
          • Firefox fires the resize event only once when the user stops resizing the browser window
      • The scroll event
        • Even though the scroll event occurs on the window, it actually refers to changes in the appropriate page-level element
        • In quirk mode, the changes are observed using the scrollLeft and scrollTop of the <body> element, in standards mode, the changes occur on the <html> element in all browsers except Safari
        • Similar to the resize event, the scroll event is repeatedly executed, so it should be computationally efficient
    • Focus events
      • Focus events work in concert with the document.hasFocus() and document.activeElement properties to give insight as to how the user is navigating the page
      • The six focus events
        • blur: fired when an element has lost focus, does not bubble and is supported in all browsers
        • DOMFocusIn: fired when an element has received focus, this is a bubbling version of the focus HTML event, only Opera supports this event, DOM level 3 events deprecate DOMFocusIn in favor of focusin
        • DOMFocusOut: fired when an element has lost focus, this is a bubbling version of the blur HTML event, only Opera supports this event, DOM level 3 events deprecate DOMFocusOut in favor of focusout
        • focus: fired when an element has received focus, does not bubble and is supported in all browsers
        • focusin: fired when an element has received focus, this is a bubbling version of the focus HTML event
        • focusout: fired when an element has lost focus, this is a bubbling version of the blur HTML event
    • Mouse and Wheel events
      • Mouse events are the most commonly used group of events on the Web, because mouse is the primary navigation device used
      • There are 9 mouse events defined in DOM level 3 events:
        • click: fired when the user clicks the primary mouse button or when the user presses the Enter key, onclick can be executed using the keyboard and the mouse
        • dblclick: fired when the user double-clicks the primary mouse button
        • mousedown: fired when the user pushes any mouse button down, cannot be fired via the keyboard
        • mouseenter: fired when the mouse cursor is outside of an element and then the user first moves it inside of the boundaries of the element, this event does not bubble and is not fired when the cursor moves over descendant elements
        • mouseleave: fired when the mouse cursor is inside of an element and then the user moves it outside of the boundaries of the element, this event does not bubble and is not fired when the cursor moves over descendant elements
        • mousemove: fired repeatedly as the cursor is being moved aro7und an element, cannot be fired via the keyboard
        • mouseout: fired when the mouse cursor is over an element and then the user moves it over another element, the element moved to may be outside of the bounds of the original element or a child of the original element, this event cannot be fired via the keyboard
        • mouseover: fired when the mouse cursor is outside of an element and then the user first moves it inside of the boundaries of the element, this event cannot be fired via the keyboard
        • moustup: fired when the user releases a mouse button, this event cannot be fired via the keyboard
      • All elements on a page support mouse, all mouse events bubble except mouseenter and mouseleave, and they can be canceled, which affects the default behavior of the browser
      • There is also a subgroup of mouse events called wheel events: wheel events are really just a single event, moustwheel, which monitors interactions of a mouse wheel or a similar device such as the Mac trackpad
    • Keyboard and text events
      • There are 3 keyboard events:
        • keydown: fired when the user presses a key on the keyboard and fired repeatedly while the key is being held down
        • keypress: fired when the user presses a key on the keyboard that results in a character and fired repeatedly while the key is being held down, deprecated in DOM level 3 events in favor of the textInput event
        • keyup: fired when the user releases a key on the keyboard
      • All elements support the 3 keyboard events, when the uses press a character key, the keydown is fired first, then the keypress, and finally the keyup event
      • 1 text event: textInput, an augmentation of the keypress event, fired just before text is inserted into a text box
      • Key codes: for keydown and keyup events, the event.keyCode property contains an integer code that maps to a specific key on the keyboard
      • Character codes: for keypress events, the event.charCode property contains an integer code that maps to a specific character on the keyboard
      • TextInput properties
        • event.data: contains the input text
        • event.inputMethod: contains an integer code that maps to the input method used to insert the text
    • Composition events
      • Composition events were first introduced in DOM level 3 to handle complex inpu8t sequences
      • There are 3 composition events
        • compositionstart: fired when the text composition system of the IME is opened, indicating that input is about to commence
        • compositionupdate: fired when a new character has been inserted into the input field
        • compositionend: fired when the text composition system is closed, indicating a return to normal keyboard input
    • HTML5 events
      • The DOM specification doesn't covert all events that are supported by all browsers, HTML5 has an exhaustive list of all events that should be supported by browsers
      • The contextmenu event
        • Context menu: right click on Windows, Ctrl+click on Mac
        • The contextmenu event is used to indicate when a context menu is about to be displayed
        • The contextmenu event bubbles
      • The beforeunload event
        • The beforeunload event is fired on the window and is intended to give developers a way to prevent the page from being unloaded
        • This event cannot be canceled
      • The DOMContentLoaded event
        • The load event may take a long time because it needs to wait the entire page to be loaded, while the DOMContentLoaded event is fired when the DOM tree is completely formed and without regard to other resources
      • The readystatechange event
        • This event is first defined by IE to provide information about the loading state of the document or of an element
        • Each object that supports the readystatechange event has a object.readyState property that can have five possible string values: uninitialized, loading, loaded, interactive, complete
      • The pageshow and pagehide events
        • Firefox and Opera introduced a feature called the back-forward cache (bfcache), designed to speed up page transitions when using the browsers's Back and Forward buttons, the cache effectively keeps the entire page in memory
        • The pageshow event is fired whenever a page is displayed, whether from the bfcache or not. On a newly loaded page, pageshow is fired after the load event, on a page in the bfcache, pageshow is fired as soon as the pages's state has been completely restored
        • The pagehide event is fired whenever a page is unloaded from the browser, immediately before the unload event
      • The hashchange event
        • This event is used as a way to notify developers when the URL hash has changed
        • The onhashchnage must be attached to the window object, and it is called whenever the URL hash changes
        • The event.oldURL and event.newURL properties are used during the process
    • Other events
      • Device events
      • Touch and gesture events
  6. Memory and performance
    • Introduction
      • In JavaScript, the number of event handlers on a page directly relates to the overall performance of the page, there are several reasons:
        • Each function is an object and takes up memory
        • The amount of DOM access needed to assign all of the event handlers up front delays the interactivity of the entire page
    • Event delegation
      • The solution to the too many event handlers issue is called the event delegation, each delegation takes advantage of event bubbling to assign a single event handler to manage all events of a particular type
        <div id="myLinks">
        <li id="goSomewhere">Go somewhere</li>
        <li id="doSomething">Do something</li>
        <li id="sayHi">Say Hi</li>
        // Multiple event handler approach
        let item1 = document.getElementById('goSomewhere');
        let item1 = document.getElementById('doSomething');
        let item1 = document.getElementById('sayHi');

        item1.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
        location.href = "https://www.google.com";

        item2.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
        document.title = "New Title!";

        item3.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
        // Single event handler approach
        let links = document.getElementById('myLinks');

        links.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
        let target = event.target;
        if (target.id === 'goSomewhere') {
        location.href = "https://www.google.com";
        } else if (target.id === 'doSomething') {
        document.title = "New Title!";
        } else if (target.id === 'sayHi') {
    • Removing event handlers
      • Another way to solve the too many event handlers issue is to remove event handlers when they are no longer needed
  7. Simulating events
    • JavaScript can be used to fire specific events at any time, and those events are treated the same as events that are created by the browser. This capability can be extremely useful in testing web applications
    • DOM event simulation
      • An event object can be created at any time by using the document.createEvent(stringEventType) method
      • The method argument can be UIEvents, MouseEvents, or HTMLEvents
      • Procedure
        • Create an event of a specific type
        • Initialize the event with appropriate properties
        • Fire the event with node.dispatchEvent(event) method
    • IE event simulation
      • The logic are the same: create an event object, assign the appropriate information, and then fire the event using the object
      • Use document.createEventObject() to create an event object
      • You need to manually assign the properties of the event
      • Use node.fireEvent(stringEventType, eventObject) to fire the event

Animation and Graphics with Canvas

  1. Introduction
    • The <canvas> tag introduced in HTML5 designates an are of page where graphics can be created using JavaScript
    • All major browsers support <canvas> to some degree
    • <canvas> is made up of a few API sets, and not all browsers support all API sets, there is a 2D context with basic drawing capabilities and a 3D context called WebGL. The latest versions of the supporting browsers now support both the 2D context and WebGL
  2. Using requestAnimationFrame
    • For a long time, timers and intervals have been the state of the art for JavaScript-based animations, while the requestAnimationFrame API gained widespread adoption and is now available across all major browsers
    • Early animation loops
      • The typical way to create animation in JavaScript is to use setInterval() to manage all animations
      • The delay should be short enough to handle a variety of different types smoothly but long enough so as to produce changes the browsers can actually render. Since most monitors have a refresh rate of 60Hz, so the best intervals should be 1000ms/60, or about 17ms
      • The problems is that the intervals are not precise, and the code may be delayed
    • requestAnimationFrame(callback)
      • This method indicates to the browsers that some JavaScript code is performing an animation, so the browser can optimize appropriately after running some code
      • This method accepts a single argument, which is a function to call prior to repainting the screen, you make appropriate changes to DOM styles that will be reflected with the next repaint in the function
    • cancelAnimationFrame(id): this method accepts a request ID which can be used to cancel the request of repainting
  3. Basic canvas usage
    • The canvas element requires at least its width and height attributes to be set in order to indicate the size of the drawing to be created. Any content between the opening tag and the closing tag is the backup data that is displayed only if the canvas element is not supported
      <canvas id="myDrawing" width="100px" height="200ox">A drawing of nonsense! </canvas>
    • You need to retrieve a drawing context to begin drawing, you should pass "2d" as the argument to retrieve 2D context
      let drawing = document.getElementById('myDrawing');
      let context = drawing.getContext('2d');
    • Image created by canvas can be exported using the toDataURL() method, the exported image is PNG by default, you can use drawing.toDataURL("image/jpeg") to export a JPEG for example
      let drawing = document.getElementById('myDrawing');
      let context = drawing.getContext('2d');
      if (context) {
      let image = drawing.toDataURL();
  4. The 2D context
    • Introduction
      • The 2D drawing context provides methods for drawing simple 2D shapes
      • The coordinates in a 2D context begin at the upper-left corner of the canvas element, which is considered to be (0, 0), with x increasing to the right and y increasing toward to the bottom
      • The width and height indicate how many pixels are available in each direction
    • Fills and strokes
      • Fills and strokes are the two basic drawing operations
      • Fills automatically fills in the shape with specific color, strokes colors only the edges
      • Fills and strokes are displayed based on the context.fillStyle and context.strokeStyle properties, both of which can be set using a string, a gradient object or a pattern object
    • Drawing rectangles: context.fillRect(x, y, width, height), strokeRect(x, y, width, height), clearRect(x, y, width, height)
    • Drawing paths: arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise), arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius), bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y), ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise), lineTo(x, y), moveTo(x, y), quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y), rect(x, y, width, height)
    • Drawing text: fillText(text, x, y), strokeText(text, x, y), measureText(text)
    • Transformations: rotate(angle), scale(x, y), translate(x, y)
    • Drawing images: drawImage(image, x, y)
    • Shadows: context.shadowColor, context.shadOffsetX, context.shadowOffsetY, context.shadowBlur
  5. The WebGL
    • WebGL is a 3D context for canvas, it's a web version of OpenGL ES 2.0
    • The context
      let drawing = document.getElementById('myDrawing');
      // option is an object containing some properties, such as `alpha`, `depth`, `stencil`, `antialias`
      let gl = drawing.getContext('webgl', options);

Scripting Forms

  1. Form basics
    • Web forms are represented by the <form> element in HTML and by the HTMLFormElement type (this type inherits the HTMLElement type) in JavaScript
    • Some properties and methods
      • acceptCharset: the character sets that the server can process, HTML accept-charset attribute
      • action: the URL to send the request to, HTML action attribute
      • elements: an HTMLCollection of all controls in the form
      • enctype: the encoding type of the request, HTML enctype attribute
      • length: the number of controls in the form
      • method: the type of HTTP request to send, HTML method attribute
      • name: the name of the form, HTML name attribute
      • reset(): resets all form fields to their default values
      • submit(): submits the form
      • target: the name of the window to use for sending the request and receiving the response, HTML target attribute
    • Get a specific form
      • Using form id: document.getElementById('myForm')
      • Using form index: document.forms[index]
      • Using form name: document.forms[name]
    • Submitting forms
      • Forms are submitted when the user clicks the submit button
      • Submit methods:
        • Via input: <input type="submit" value="Submit">
        • Via button: <button type="submit"> Submit </button>
        • Via image: <input type="image" src="submit.gif" alt="Submit">
      • When a form is submitted, the submit event is fired before the request is sent to the server, this gives you the opportunity to validate the form data and decide whether to allow the form submission to occur
        let form = document.getElementById('myForm');
        form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
        // 1. Prevent the form from being submitted first
        // 2. Validate form inputs
        // some code here
        // 3. Submit the form
    • Resetting forms
      • Forms are rest when the user clicks the reset button
      • Reset methods
        • Via input: <input type="reset" value="Reset">
        • Via button: <button type="reset"> Reset </button>
      • When a form is reset, the reset event is fired, which gives you the opportunity to cancel the reset if necessary
        let form = document.getElementById('myForm');
        form.addEventListener('reset', function(event) {
        // 1. Prevent the form from being reset first
        // 2. Validate form inputs
        // some code here
        // 3. Reset the form
    • Form fields
      • All form fields are parts of an elements collection that is a property of each form, the elements collection is an ordered list
      • Retrieve form fields
        let form = document.getElementById('myForm');
        // get the first form field
        let input0 = form.elements[0];
        // get the form field whose name is `myField`
        let input1 = form.elements.myField;
        // get the amount of form fields
        let inputCount = form.elements.length;
        <form method="post" id="myForm">
        <li><input type="radio" name="color" value="red"></li>
        <li><input type="radio" name="color" value="green"></li>
        <li><input type="radio" name="color" value="blue"></li>
        let form = document.getElementById('myForm');
        // since multiple fields have the same name, this return an HTMLCollection
        let colors = form.elements["color"];
        // this return the first field
        let firstFormField = form.elements[0];
        let colorFields = colors[0];
        let firstColorField = colors[0];
        console.log(firstColorField == firstFormField); // true
      • Common form-field properties: disabled boolean, form read-only, name, readOnly boolean, tabIndex, type, value
      • The type property
        • For input elements, the type is equal to the HTML type attribute
        • For other elements, the type is one of these: select-one, select-multiple, submit, button, reset, submit
      • Common form-field methods: focus(), blur()
      • Common form-field events: blur, change, focus
  2. Scripting text boxes
    • Two ways to represent text boxes in HTML: a single-line version using <input> and a multiline version using <textarea>
    • The <input> text boxes
      • Default type is text
      • The size attribute specifies the width of the text box
      • The value attribute specifies the initial value of the text box
      • The maxlength attribute specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the text box
    • The <textarea> text boxes
      • The rows and cols attribute specifies the size of the text boxes in number of characters'
      • The initial value is between <textarea> and </textarea>
      • You cannot specify a maxlength attribute for <textarea>
    • Text selection
      • Both text boxes support the select() method, which selects all of the text in a text box, this method only selects the text, it does not return the selected text
      • There is also a select event, which is fired when the text is selected in a text box
      • There are two integer properties that can be used to determine the selection range: selectionStart and selectionEnd
    • HTML5 constraint validation API
      • HTML5 introduces the ability for browsers to validate data in forms before submitting to the server, this capability enables basic validation even when JavaScript is unavailable or fails to load
      • Required fields
        • Use the required attribute
        • Check if the browser supports the required attribute: "required" in document.createElement("tagName");
        • Different browsers behave differently when a form field is required
          • Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Opera prevent the form from submitting and opo up a help box beneath the field
          • Safari does nothing and doesn't prevent the form from submitting
      • Alternate input types
        • HTML5 introduces the ability to use different input types, for example email, password, url
        • These type attributes not only provide additional information about the type of data expected but also provide some default validation
        • Check if certain type is supported
          let input = document.createElement("input");
          input.type = "typeName";
          // if the type is not supported, the type property will be `text`
          console.log(input.type == "typeName");
      • Numeric ranges
        • Type values: number, range, datetime, datetime-local, date, month, week, time
        • For these numeric types, you can specify the range and step using the min, max and step attributes
        • Some browsers do not support the above types, you should check carefully before you use them
      • Input patterns: use the pattern attribute to specify a regular expression that the input must match
      • Checking validity
        • Use the checkValidity() method to check if any given field on the form is valid
        • This method is provided on all elements and returns a boolean value
      • Disabling validation: use the novalidate attribute on the form to disable validation
  3. Scripting select boxes
    • Select boxes are created using the <select> and <option> elements
    • The HTMLSelectElement type provides the following properties and methods in addition to those that are available for all form fields
      • add(newOption, relOption): add a new option before the related option
      • multiple: a boolean value indicating if multiple selections are allowed, equal to the HTML multiple attribute
      • options: an HTMLCollection of option elements in the control
      • remove(index): removes the option in the given position
      • selectedIndex: 0-based index of the selected option or -1 if no options are selected
      • size: the number of rows visible in the select box, equal to the HTML size attribute
    • The type of a select box is either select-one or select-multiple
    • The value of the select box is determined using the following rules
      • If no option is selected, the value of the select box is an empty string
      • If one option is selected and has a value attribute, then the value of the select box is the value of the selected option
      • If one option is selected but does not have a value attribute, then the value of the select box is the text of the selected option
      • If multiple options are selected, the value of the select box is the value taken from the first option according to the rules above
    • The <option> element
      • Each option element is represented in the DOM by an HTMLOptionElement object
      • Properties: index, value, text, label, selected
    • Getting the selected option
      let select = document.getElementById("mySelect");
      let selectedOption = select.options[select.selectedIndex];
    • Adding options
      let select = document.getElementById("mySelect");
      let newOption = document.createElement("option");
      newOption.text = "New option";
      newOption.value = "new-value";
    • Removing options
      let select = document.getElementById("mySelect");
      let optionToRemove = select.options[removeIndex];

JavaScript API

  1. Atomics and SharedArrayBuffer
    • A SharedArrayBuffer features an identical API to an ArrayBuffer, the primary difference is that a reference to an ArrayBuffer must be handed off between execution contexts, a reference to a SharedArrayBuffer can be used simultaneously by any number of execution contexts
    • Sharing memory between multiple execution contexts means that concurrent thread operations are possible, thus race condition is a problem
    • The Atomics API was introduced to allow for thread-safe JavaScript operations on a SharedArrayBuffer
    • Atomics basics
      • The Atomics object exists on all global contexts, and it exposes a suite of static methods for performing thread-safe operations
      • The Atomics API offers a simple suite of methods for performing an in-place modification called AtomicReadModifyWrite operations: read from a location in the SharedArrayBuffer, modify the value at that location, and write the new value back to the same location in the SharedArrayBuffer
      • Methods: Atomics.add, Atomics.sub, Atomics.or, Atomics.and, Atomics.xor, ...
      • Atomic exchange: Atomics.exchange, Atomics.compareExchange
  2. Cross-context messaging
    • Cross-document messaging (XDM), is the capability to pass information between different execution contexts
    • The core method of XDM is the postMessage(msg, recipient[, options]) method
      • msg is a string message
      • recipient is a string indicating the intended recipient origin
      • option: an optional array of transferable objects
    • The message event
      • The event is fired asynchronously on the window object when an XDM message is received
  3. Encoding API
    • The encoding API allows for converting between strings and typed arrays
    • Related classes for conversions: TextEncoder, TextEncoderStream, TextDecoder, TextDecoderStream
    • Encoding text
      • Two ways to convert a string into its typed array binary equivalent: a bulk encoding, and a stream encoding
      • The encoder always uses UTF-8
      • Bulk encoding: the JavaScript engine synchronously encodes the entire string
      • Bulk encoding is accomplished using an instance of a TextEncoder
        const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
        const decodedText = "foo";
        // this method returns an Unit8Array
        const encodedText = textEncoder.encode(decodedText);
        // returns an object with two properties
        // res.read: the amount of characters encoded from decodedText
        // res.written: the amount of characters encoded into encodedText
        const res = textEncoder.encodeInto(decodedText, encodedText);
      • Stream encoding: it accepts a decoded text stream into the TextEncoderStream (it's simply a TextEncoder in the form of TransformStream) and yields a stream of encoded text chunks
    • Decoding text
      • Two ways to convert a typed array into its string equivalent: a bulk decoding, and a stream decoding
      • Unlike the encoder classes, when going from typed array to string, the decoder supports a large number of string encoding
      • Bulk decoding: the JavaScript engine synchronously decode the entire string
      • Bulk decoding is accomplished using an instance of a DecoderEncoder
        const textDecoder = new TextDecoder();
        // f encoded in utf-8 is 0x66 (102), o encoded in utf-8 is 0x6f (111)
        const encodedText = Unit8Array.of(102, 111, 111);
        // this method returns a string
        const decodedText = textDecoder.decode(encodedText);
        // returns an object with two properties
        // res.read: the amount of characters decoded from encodedText
        // res.written: the amount of characters decoded into decodedText
        const res = textDecoder.decodeInto(encodedText, decodedText);
      • Stream decoding: it accepts an encoded text stream into the TextDecoderStream (it's simply a TextDecoder in the form of TransformStream) and yields a stream of decoded text chunks
  4. Blob and File APIs
    • History of interaction with file
      • The legacy way to interact with file in a form is to use the <input type="file"> element
      • The Blob and File API were designed to allow web developers access to files on the client computer in a secure manner that allows for better interaction with those files
    • The File type
      • The File API is still based on the file input filed of a form but adds the ability to access the file information directly
      • The files collection in HTML5 contains a sequence of File object, each object has several read-only attributes: name, size, type, lastModifiedDate
        let fileList = document.getElementById("myFile");
        fileList.addEventListener("change", (event) => {
        let files = event.target.files;
        let n = files.length;
        for (let file of files) {
        console.log(`{file.name} {file.size} {file.type} {file.lastModifiedDate}`);
    • The FileReader type
      • The FileReader type represents an asynchronously file-reading mechanism
      • Related methods: readAsText(file, encoding), readAsDataURL(file), readAsBinaryString(file), readAsArrayBuffer(file)
      • Because the read happens asynchronously, there are events published by each FileReader: progress, error, load
        • The progress event is fired roughly every 50 ms and has the following properties: lengthComputable, loaded, total and result
        • The error events is fired if the file cannot be read for some reason
        • The load event is fired when the file has been successfully loaded and will not be fired if the error event has already been fired
      • You can use the abort() method to stop a read progress
    • The FileReaderSync type: the FileReaderSync is the synchronous version (blocking read) of the FileReader type
    • Blobs and Partial reads
      • Use the file.slice(startByte, byteAmount) to create a Blob object to read part of the file
      • A blob (binary large object) object, is a JavaScript wrapper for immutable binary data, it is the super type of File
      • Blobs can be created from an array containing strings, ArrayBuffers, ArrayBufferViews, or even other blobs
        console.log(new Blob(["test", "abc"])); // Blob {size: 7, type: ""}
        console.log(new Blob(["test"], {type: "testType"})); // Blob {size: 4, type: "testType"}
      • Useful blob properties and methods: size, type, slice()
  5. Media elements
    • HTML5 introduces two media-related elements to enable cross-browser audio and video embedding into a browser baseline without any plug-ins: <audio> and <video>
    • Each of the elements requires a src attribute to specify the source of the media
    • You may optionally specify multiple different media sources because not all browsers support all media formats: omit the src attribute from the element and instead include on or more <source> elements
    • Properties: autoplay boolean, buffered time range, duration float amount of seconds, loop boolean, muted boolean, paused boolean, played time range, volume float between 0.0 and 1.0, ...
    • Events: abort downloading has been aborted, canplay playback can begin, error, ended, play, pause, ...
    • Custom media players: you can manually control the playback of a media file, using the play() and pause() methods
  6. Notifications API
    • The Notifications API provides greater degree of customizability than the alert() dialogue boxes
    • Notification permissions
      • Two security features are enforced to prevent potential abuse
        • Notifications can be triggered only by code executing in a secure context
        • Notifications must be explicitly allowed by the user on a per-origin basis
      • The user grants notification permission to an origin insider a browser dialogue box
      • Unless the user does explicit allow or deny permission, the browser will remember the decision and will not ask again for the same origin
    • Showing and hiding notification
      • Use the constructor to create and show notifications: new Notification(title[, options]), the title argument is the title of the notification dialogue box, the options is an object containing specification information
      • Use the notification.close() method to close an notification
        let notification = new Notification("Notification title", {
        lang: "en-US",
        body: "Notification body",
        tag: "notification-tag",
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 5000);
    • Notification lifecycle callbacks
      • Notification aren't always just for displaying text strings, they are also designed to be interactive
      • Callbacks
        • onshow: triggered when the notification is displayed
        • onclick: triggered when the notification is clicked
        • onclose: triggered when the notification is dismissed or closed via close();
        • onerror: triggered when an error occurs that prevents the notification from being displayed
  7. Page visibility API
    • When a page is minimized or hidden behind another tab, it may not take sense to continue functionality of the page, the Page Visibility API
    • Three parts of the Page Visibility API
      • document.visibilityState: a string value, can be one of hidden, visible, prerender
      • visibilitychange event: fired when a document changes from visible to hidden, or vice versa
      • document.hidden: a boolean value indicating if the page is hidden from view
  8. Streams API
    • The streams API solves the problem of web applications consuming information in sequential chunks rather than in bulk
    • Application situations
      • High-level concepts:
        • A block of data may not be available all at once
        • A block of data can be processed in small portions
      • Concrete examples:
        • Handle network request
        • Read/write to disk
    • Introduction to streams
      • Three types of streams
        • Readable streams: streams from which chunks can be read via a public interface, data enters the stream internally from an underlying source and is processed by a consumer
        • Writable streams: streams to which chunks can be written via a public interface, a producer writes data into the stream, and the data is passed internally in an underlying sink
        • Transform streams: made up of two streams: a writable stream to accept input data, and a readable stream to emit output data
      • The fundamental unit in streams is the chunk, a chunk can be of any data type, but frequently it will take the form of a typed array. The size and arrival time of different chunks can also be different
      • The ideal stream has approximately the same size and arrive at approximately regular intervals, the entrance and exit of an ideal stream are also in equilibrium
    • Readable streams
      async function* ints() {
      for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      yield await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, i));
      // Create a readable stream using the ReadableStream constructor
      const readableStream = new ReadableStream(
      // the first argument is the underlyingSource, the start function inside has
      // a controller object as its sole argument, the controller object is an instance
      // of the ReadableStreamDefaultController class
      async start(controller) {
      for await (let chunk of ints()) {
      // add the chunk to the stream
      // signal the end of the stream

      // read the stream using the readableStreamReader instance
      const readableStreamReader = readableStream.getReader();
      while (true) {
      const { done, value } = await readableStreamReader.read();
      if (done) {
    • Writable streams
      async function* ints() {
      for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      yield await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, i));

      const writableStream = new WritableStream(
      async write(value) {
      // producer
      const writableStreamWriter = writableStream.getWriter();
      for await (let chunk of ints()) {
      await writableStreamWriter.write(chunk);
    • Transform streams
      async function* ints() {
      for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      yield await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, i));
      const {writable, readable} = new TransformStream(
      async transform(chunk, controller) {
      controller.enqueue(chunk * 2);
      const transformStreamReader = transformStream.readable.getReader();
      const transformStreamWriter = transformStream.writable.getWriter();

      // consumer
      while (true) {
      const { done, value } = await transformStreamReader.read();
      if (done) {
      } else {


      // producer
      for await (let chunk of ints()) {
      await transformStreamWriter.ready;
    • Piping streams
      • The ReadableStream can be piped into a TransformStream using the pipeThrough() method
      • The ReadableStream can also be piped into a WritableStream using the pipeTo() method
  9. Timing APIs
    • Page performance is an area of concern for web developers, the interface on the window.performance object provides a way to measure the performance of a web page
    • Several timing APIs involved: High Resolution Time API, Performance Timeline API, Navigation Timing API, User Timing API, Resource Timing API, Paint Timing API
    • High Resolution Time API
      • Issues with Date.now()
        const to = Date.now();
        // some function here;
        const t1 = Date.now();
        const diff = t1 - t0;
        // diff can be 0 (when the difference is less than 1ms), negative (when
        // the system clock is set backwards), or very large (when the system clock
        // is set forwards)
    • Use of the window.performance.now()
      • It returns a floating point number with up to microseconds precision
      • It's also a relative time, the 0 value is when its execution context is spawned, so it's not possible to compare values in different execution contexts
    • Performance Timeline API
      • This performance information is stored in different PerformanceEntry objects, all entry records can be get using the window.performance.getEntries() method
      • Entry properties: name, entryType, startTime, duration, ...
  10. Web Cryptography API
    • Random number generation
      • Math.random() uses the PosudoRandom Number Generation algorithm (PRNG), it's not fully random, the web browser simply applies a fixed algorithm on an internal state to emulate randomness
      • The Cryptographically secure PRNG (PSRNG) incorporates a source of entropy as its input, so it's slower than the normal PRNG, but it's emited values are more difficult to predict
      • The Cryptography API provides a CSPRNG that can be accessed on the global Crypto object via crypto.getRandomValues(typedArray)

Error handling and Debugging

  1. Browser error reporting
    • Desktop consoles: all modern desktop web browsers expose errors through their web console
    • Mobile consoles:
      • Mobile phonse will not offer a console interface directly on the device
      • Chrome and Safari come bundled with utilities that allow you to connect the device to a host operating system running that same browser, and ytou can then view the errors through the paired desktop browsers
      • It's also possible to use a third-party utility to debug directly on the mobile device
  2. Error handling
    • Introduction
      • Greate care is usually taken by the server-side team to defined an error-logging mechanism that categories erros by type, frequency, and any other metric that may be important
      • Error handling on the browser side of web applications has slowly been adopted
    • The try-catch statement
      • Syntax
        try {
        // code that may throw an error
        } catch (error) {
        // code to handle the error
      • The finally clause
        try {
        // code that may throw an error
        } catch (error) {
        // code to handle the error
        } finally {
        // code to run regardless of whether an error occurred or not
      • Error types: Error, InternalError, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError
    • Throwing errors
      • The throw operator can be used to throw custom erros at any point in time
      • The throw operator must be used with a value but places no limitation on the type of value that can be thrown
    • The error event
      • Any error that is not handled by a try-catch causes the error event to be fired on the window object
      • Arguments of the error handler function: the error message, the URL on which the error occured, the line number
        window.onerror = (msg, url, line) => {
        console.log(msg, url, line);
        // By returning false, this function actually becomes a try-catch
        // statement for the entire document
        return false;
    • Error handling strategies
      • Identify where errors might occur: type coerciosn erros, data type erros, communication errors
      • Distinguishing between fatal and nonfatal errors
      • Log errors to the server
  3. Debuggin techniques
    • Logging messages to a console
      • Methods: console.error(msg), console.warn(msg), console.info(msg), console.log(msg), console.debug(msg)
    • Understanding the console runtime: a REPL
    • Using the JavaScript debugger: debugger keyword
    • Loggin message to the page

XML in JavaScript

  1. XML DOM support in browsers
    • DOM level 2 core
      // create a blank XML document
      let xmldom = docuemnt.implementation.createDocument(namespaceUri, root, doctype);
    • tHE DOMParser type
      let parser = new DOMParser();
      let xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml");
    • The XMLS erializer type
      let serializer = new XMLSerializer();
      let xmlString = serializer.serializeToString(xmlDoc);
  2. XPath support in browsers
    • XPath was created as a way to locate specific nodes within a DOM document
    • DOM level 3 XPath
      • Determine if a browser supports DOM level 3 XPath
        if (document.implementation.hasFeature("XPath", "3.0")) {
        // do something
      • Use the XPathEvaluator to evaluate Xpath expressions with a specific context
      • Use the XPathResult tp get the result of the evaluation
  3. XSLT support in browsers
    • XSLT is a companion technology to XML that makes use of XPath to transform one document representation into another
    • The XSLTProcessor type
      • The XSLTProcessor type allows developers to transform XML documents by using XSLT in a manner similar to XSL processor in IE


  1. Introduction
    • XML was the de facto standard for transmitting structured data over the internet
    • JSON is a strict subset of JavaScript, making use of several patterns found in JavaScript to represent structured data
    • The most important thing is that JSON is that it is a data format, not a programming language
  2. Syntax
    • Three types of values represented by JSON
      • Simple values: strings, numbers, booleans, null; undefined is not supported by JSON
      • Objects
      • Arrays
    • Variables, functions, or object instances are not supported in JSON
    • Simple values: JSON strings must be enclosed in double quotes
    • Objects: JSON properties are named with double quotes
    • Arrays: arrays are represented in JSON using array literal
  3. Parsing and serialization
    • JSON can be parsed into a usable object in JavaScript, but XML must be parsed into a DOM document first
    • The JSON object
      • Use the JSON.stringify(obj) method to convert a JavaScript object into a JSON string
      • Use the JSON.parse(jsonString) method to convert a JSON string into a JavaScript object
      • The JSON string is inside a pair of single quotes
    • Serialization options
      • The JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, space) method can be used to specify a replacer and/or a space argument
      • The replacer is an array of strings that specify the names of the properties to be included in the serialization
      • The space is a string or number: if the space is a number, it indicates the amount of white space characters used for indention, if the space is a string, the string is used as white space
      • The toJSON() method: this method can be added to JavaScript objects to introduce customized serialization, and is called when JSON.stringify() is called on an object
    • Parsing options
      • The JSON.parse(jsonString, reviver) method can be used to specify a reviver function
      • The reviver function has two arguments: the key and the related value, it also needs to return a value
      • A very common use of the reviver function is to turn date strings into Date objects

Network Requests and Remove Resources

  1. Introduction
    • AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript + XML) allows making server requests for additional data without reloading the web page
    • AJAX uses XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to makes request to the server
    • An XHR object could be used to retrieve the data and then the data could be inerted into the page using the DOM
  2. The XMLHttpRequest object
    • IE 5 was the first browser to introduce the XHR object
    • All modern browsers support a native XHR object that can be created using the XMLHttpRequest constructor: let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    • XHR usage
      • The open(type, URL, async) method is used to open a connection to the server
        • type: can be either get, post, ...
        • URL: the URL of the server to connect to
        • async: a boolean value indicating whether the request should be sent asynchronously or not
      • To send a specific request, use the send(body) method
        • The body can be a document, an XMLHttpRequestBodyInit object, or null
      • XHR response related properties
        • xhr.responseText: the text taht was returned as the body of the response
        • xhr.responseXML: contains an XML DOM document with response data if the response has a context type of "text/xml" or "application/xml"
        • xhr.status: the HTTP status of the response
        • xhr.statusText: the description of the HTTP status
          if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status == 304) {
          // do something with successful response
          } else {
          // do something with error response
      • XHR readyState property
        • Integer value indicating the phase of the request/response cycle
        • 0 : Uninitialized, the open() method has not been called yet
        • 1: Open,the open() method has been called, but the send() method has not been called yet
        • 2: Sent, the send() method has been called, but no response ahs been received
        • 3: Receiving: some response data has been retrieved
        • 4: Complete, all of the response data has been retrieved and is available
    • HTTP Headers
      • The XHR objects expose both the HTTP request headers and the HTTP response headers
      • Related headers sent in an XHR request is sent: Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Connection, Cookie, Host, Referer, User-Agent
      • Use the xhr.setRequestHeader(header, value) method after the xhr.open() and before the xhr.send() method to set the value of a request header
      • Use the xhr.getResponseHeader(header) method to get the value of a response header
    • GET requests
      • The query string must be present and encoded correctly on the URL that is passed to the open() method
      • Each query-string name and value msut be encoded using the encodeURIComponent() before being attached to the URL, and all of the name-value pairs must be separated by an ampersand
        function addURLParam(url, name, value) {
        // for the first name-value pair, add the ? first, for other pairs, and
        // an & first
        url += (url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&");
        // encode the name and value, and append the pair to the URL
        url += encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
        return url;
    • POST requests
      • The body of the post request can contain large amount of data of any format
      • You can pass XML DOM document or a string as the argument in the send() method
      • Mimic form submission using post request
        let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.open("POST", "URL", ture);
        // add this header to tell the server to submit a form
        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        let form = document.getElementById("form");
        // the form should be serialized
    • XMLHttpRequest level 2
      • Not all browsers implemented all parts of the level 2 specification, but all browsers have implemented some of the functionality
      • The FormData type
        let data = new FormData();
        // append a namme-value pair to the form
        data.append("name", "value");

        // pass the form data to the xhr send method
        let form = document.getElementById("form");
        xhr.send(new FormData(form));
      • Timeouts
        • All browsers support the timeout event and the ontimeout event handler
          xhr.timeout = 1000; // 1 second
          xhr.ontimeout = function() {
          // do something
  3. Progress events
    • The Progress Events specification is a W3C Wroking Draft defining events for client-server communication
    • The events were first targeted at XHR explicitly but have now also made their way into other similar APIs
    • The 6 progress events
      • laodstart: fired when the first byte of the response has been received
      • progress: fired repeatedlty as a response is being received
      • error: fired when there was an eror attempting the request
      • abort: fired when the connection was terminated by calling abort() method
      • load: fired when the response has been fully received
      • loaded: fired when the communication is complete and after firing, abort, or loade
  4. Cross-origin resource sharing
    • One of the major limitations of Ajax communication via XHR is the cross-origin security policy: by default, XHR objects can access resources only on the domain from which the containing web page originates
    • CORS (cross-origin-resource-sharing) defines how the browser and server must communicate when accessing sources across origins
    • The basic idea behind CORS is to use custom HTTP headers to allow both the browser and the server to know enough about each other to determine if the request or response should succeed or fail
    • Modern browsers support CORS natively throught the XMLHttpRequest object
      • The open method specifies the URL of the reources to be accessed
      • CORS allows access to the status, statusText properties, and synchronous requests
      • There are also some limitations on CORS XHR object for security reason:
        • Custom headers cannot be set using setRequestHeader() method
        • Cookies are neither sent nor received
        • The getResponseHeaders() method always returns an empty string
    • Preflighted requests
      • CORS allows the use of custom headers, methods other than GET or POST, and different body content types through a transparent mechanism of server verification called preflighted requests
      • When the browser tries to make a request with one of the advanced options, a preflight request is made to the server
      • The server can determine whether or not it will allow requests of this type by sending a response with appropriate headers
    • Credentialed requests
      • By default, CORS requests do no provide credentials, you can specify that a request should send credentials by setting the with-Credentials property to true
      • If the server allows credentialed requests, then it responds with the following HTTP header: Allow-Control-Allow-Credentials
      • If a credentialed request is sent and this header is not sent as part of the response, then the browser doesn't pass the response to JavaScript
  5. Alternate cross-domain techniques
    • Image pings
      • Images can be loaded cross-domain by any page without restrictions, this is the main way that online advertisements track views
      • You can dynamically create images and use their onload and onerror event handlers to tell you when the response has been received
      • Image pings are simple, cross-domain, one-way communication with the server. The data is sent via query-string arguments and the response can be anything
      • The browser cannot get any specification data back from an image ping but it can tell whether the response has been received by listening for the load and error events
      • Image pings are frequently used for tracking user clicks on a page or dynamic ad impressions
    • JSONP
      • JSONP is short for JSON with padding and is a special variant of JSON that has become popular for web services
      • JSONP looks like JSON except that the data is wrapped within what looks like a function call
      • JSONP format is made up of two parts: the callback and the data
        • The callback is the function that should be called on the page when the response has been received
        • The data is simply the JSON data to pass to the function
        • Example
          function({"k1": "v1", "k2", "v2"});
      • JSONP is sued through dynamic <script> elements assigning the src to a cross-domain URL
        // this is in the server domain, the file is called jsonp.js
        // this is the jsonp callback function
        callbackFun({"k1": "v1", "k2", "v2"});
        // this is in the browser domain, which is different from the server domain
        function callbackFun (data) {

        <script src="jsonp.js"> </script>
      • Limitations of JSONP
        • Some executable code is pulled into the page from another domain, and this may cause security issues
        • There is no easy way to determine that a JSONP request has failed
  6. The fetch API
    • The Fetch API can perform all tasks as an XMLHttpRequest, but is much easier to use, has a more modern interface, and is able to be used by modern web tools
    • The XMLHttpRequest is optionally asynchronous, but the Fetch API are strictly asynchronous
    • Basic API utilization
      • Dispatching a request: let r = fetch(URL);
      • Reading a response
        .then((response) => response.text())
        .then((data) => console.log(data));
      • Handling status codes and request failuers
        .then((response) => {
        if (response.ok) {
        return response.text();
        } else {
        throw new Error(response.statusText);
        .then((data) => console.log(data))
        .catch((error) => console.log(error));
    • Common fetch patterns
      • Sending JSON data
        fetch(URL, {
        method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify(data),
        headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      • Sending parameters in a request body
        let info = "foo=bar&baz=qux";
        let paramHeaders = new Headers({
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        fetch(URL, {
        method: "POST",
        body: info,
        headers: paramHeaders
      • Sending a file
        let formData = new FormData();
        formData.append("file", file);

        fetch(URL, {
        method: "POST",
        body: formData
      • Sending a cross-origin request
        fetch(URL, {
        method: "no-cors""
        .then((response) => response.text())
    • The Headers object
      • The Headers object is used as a container for all outgoing request and incoming response headers
      • Basic usage
        let h = new Headers();
        h.set("key": "value");
        console.log(h.has("key")); // true
        console.log(h.get("key")); // value
      • Header guards
        • In some cases, no all HTTP headers are mutable by the client, and the headers object uses guards to enfore how set(), append(), and delete() behave
        • Violating the guard restriction will throw a TypeError
    • The Request object
      • Creating request object
        let request = new Request("URL", options);
      • Cloning request object
        • The request constructor does not always create the exact copy of a request
          let r1 = new Request("URL"m {method: "GET"});
          let r2 = new Request(r1, {method: "POST"});
        • The clone() method
          let r1 = new Request("URL"m {method: "GET"});
          let r2 = r1.clone();
      • Using request objects with fetch
        • You can pass a request object to the fetch() method, and the options in fetch() method will override the options in the request object
          // request object with method set to GET
          let req = new Request("URL", {method: "GET"});
          // the method is overridden to POST
          fetch(req, {method: "POST"})
          .then((response) => response.text())
          .then((data) => console.log(data));
    • The Response object
      • Creating response object
        • Use the response constructor
          let response = new Response();
        • The most common way is to use the fetch() method, which returns a promise that resolves to a response object that does represent an actual HTTP response
          .then((response) => console.log(response));
        • The Response.redirect("url", statusCode) generates a redirected response object
        • The Response.error() method produces a response that you would except from a network error, which would cause a fetch promise to reject
      • Cloning response object
        • Use the clone() method to create an exact copy with no opportunity to override any values
          let r1 = new Response("data");
          let r2 = r1.clone();
        • Use the response constructor can also do pseudo-cloning
          let r1 = new Response("data");
          let r2 = new Response(r1);
  7. The Beacon API
    • To maximize the amount of information transmitted about a page, many analytical tools send data to a server as late in the page's lifecycle as possible. As a result, the optimal pattern its to send a network request on the brwoser's unload event
    • During the unload event, the browsers is being discarded, so any pending network requests like asynchronous requests created by XMLHttpRequest or fetch() are cancelled. But the analytics tools still need to cease collecting information and ship off what they have to the server
    • Solution 1: analytics use synchronous XMLHttpRequest to force delivery of the request, but doing so causes the browser to pause waiting for the request
    • Solution 2: use the Beacon API
      • The navigator.sendBeacon(url, payload) sends a POST request to the server with a data payload. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the request was successfully sent
      • The sendBeacon() method can be called at anytime during the browsers' lifecycle
      • Once the method is called, the browsers adds the requests to an internal request queue, and eagerly attempt to send requests in the queue
      • The browsers guarantees it will attempt to send the request
  8. Web sockets
    • The goal of Web Socket is to provide full-duplex, bidirectional communication with teh server over a single, long-lasting connection
    • Create a Web Socket in JavaScript
      • An HTTP request is sent to the server to initiate a connection
      • When the server responds, the connection uses the HTTP Upgrade header to switch from HTTTP to Web Socket protocol
      • This means the Web Sockets cannot be implemented with a standard HTTP server and must use a specialized server supporting the protocol to work properly
    • The url scheme for web socket does not begin with hppt:// or https://, but instead begins with ws:// or wss://
    • The API
      • Creating a web socket
        • The url in the constructor must be an absolute url
        • THe same-origin policy does not apply to web socket
          let ws = new WebSocket("ws://**********");
      • The readyState property for a web socket instance
        • WebSocket.OPENING(0): the connection is being established
        • WebSocket.OPEN(1): the connection has been established
        • WebSocket.Closing(2): the connection is beginning to close
        • WebSocket.CLOSE(3): the connection is closed
        • There is no readystatechange event
      • Close a websocket: we.close()
      • Sending/receiving data
        let ws = new WebSocket("ws://**********");
        let stringData = "Hello World";
        let arrayBufferData = Uint8Array.from(["f", "o", "o"]);
        let blobData = new Blob(["f", "o", "o"]);
      • Other events
        • open: fired when teh connection has been successfully made
        • error: fired when an error occurs, the connection is unable to persist
        • close: fired when the connection is closed

Client-Side Storage

  1. Cookies
    • HTTP cookies were originally intended to store session information on the clicent
    • A server sends a Set-Cookie HTTP header containing session information as part of any response to an HTTP request. Browsers store such session information and send it back to the server via the Cookie HTTP header for every request after that point to uniquely identify the client from which the request was sent
    • Restrictions
      • Cookies are tied to a specific domain, when a cookie is set, it is sent along with requests to the same domain from which it was created
      • Other restrictions
        • 300 cookies in total
        • 4096 bytes per cookie
        • 20 cookies per domain
        • 81920 bytes per domain
    • Cookie parts
      • Name: unique name to identify the cookie, case-insensitive, the name must be URL-encoded
      • Value: stirng value, must be URL-encoded
      • Domain: domain for which the cookie is valid, all requests sent from a resource at this domain will include the cookie information
      • Path: path within the specified domain for which the cookie should be sent to the server
      • Expiration: timee stamp indicating when the cookie should be deleted, by default, all cookies are deleted when the browsers session ends, but it is possible to set another time for the deletion. The value is in GMT format (DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT)
      • Secure flag: when specified, the cookie information is sent to the server only if an SSL connection is used
    • Cookies in JavaScript
      • document.cookie: returns a string containing a series of name-value pairs separated by semicolons, each name and each value is separated by an equal sign
      • The name and value should be URL-encoded
        document.cookie = encodeURIComponent("name") + "=" + encodeURIComponent("value");
    • Subcookies
      • Subcookies are smaller pieces of data stored within a single cookie
      • The idea is to use the cookie's value to store multiple name-value pairs within a single cookie
  2. Web Storage
    • The Web storage is intent to overcome some of the limitations imposed by cookies when data is needed strictly on the client, with no need to continuously send data back to the server
    • The are two primary goals of the Web Storage specification
      • To provide a way to store session data oustide of cookies
      • To provide a mechanism for storing large amounts of data that persists across sessions
    • All major browsers support the following two storage objects as properties of the window object:
      • localStorage: the permanent storage mechanism
      • sessionStorage: the session-scoped storage mechanism
    • The Storage type
      • The Storage type is designed to hold name-value pairs up to a maximum size
      • Related methods
        • clear(): removes all values, not implemented in Firefox
        • getItem(name): retrieves the value for the given name
        • key(index): retrieves the name fo the value in the given numeric position
        • removeItem(name): removes the name-value pair identified by name
        • setItem(name, value): sets the value for the given name, you can also do sotrage.name = value
      • The sessionStorage object
        • This object stores data only for a session, meaning that the data is stored until the browser is closed
        • Data stored on sessionStorage is accessible only from the page that initially placed the data onto the object, making it of limited use for multipage applications
        • All modern browsers implement storage writing as a blocking synchronous action, so data added to storage can immediately be read. Older IE implementations write data asynchronously so there may be a lag, you can use sessionStorage.begin() and sessionStorage.commit() to ensure that all assignments have been made
          for (let key in sessionStorage) {
          let value = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
          console.log(`${key} = ${value}`);
      • The localStorage object
        • In the revised HTML5 specification, the localStorage object superceded globalStorage as a way to store persistent client-side data
        • In order to access the same localStorage object, pages must be served from the same domain, using the same protocol, and on the same ports
        • The localStorage object can use all methods from the storage objects
      • The storage event
        • Whenever a change is made to a Storage object, the storage event is fired on the document
        • The event object has the following four properties
          • domain: the domain for which the storage changed
          • key: the key that was set or removed
          • newValue: the value that the key was set to, or null if the key was removed
          • oldValue: the value prior to the key being changed
  3. IndexedDB
    • The Indexed Database API (IndexedDB), is a structured data store in the browser, the idea is to create an API that easily allowed the storing and retrieval of JavaScript objects while still allowing querying and searching
    • IndexedDB is designed to be almost completely asynchronous
    • Databases
      • The IndexedDB is an example of the NoSQL databases
      • Connecting to a database
        let db = null;
        let request = window.indexedDB.open("dbName", version);
        request.onerror = (event) => {
        alert(`Failed to open database: ${event.target.errorCode}`);
        request.onsuccess = (event) => {
        db = event.target.result;
    • Object stores
      let user = {
      username: "007",
      firstName: "James",
      lastName: "Bond",
      password: "secret"

      request.onupgradeneeded = (event) => {
      const db = event.target.result;
      if (db.objectStoreNames.contains("users")) {
      db.createObjectStore("users", {
      keyPath: "username"
    • Transactions
      • Create transactions: let transcation = db.transaction();
      • Create transactions with different objects: let transcation = db.transaction(["users"]);
      • Use the objectStore(storeName) method to access a particular object store, use add(), put(), get(), and delete() on the store object to conduct CRUD operations
    • Insertion
      • Use add(obj) and put(pbj) to insert data into the database
      • The difference occurs only when an object with the same key already exists in the object store, add() will cause an error while put() will simply overwrite the object
    • Querying with cursors
      • Transactions can be used directly to retrieve a single item with a known key, when you want to retrieve multiple items, you need to create a cursor with the transaction
      • A cursor is a pointer to a result set
      • IDBCursor instance properties and methods
        • direction: the direction of the cursor, can be next, nextunique, prev, prevunique
        • key: the key of the object
        • value: the value of the object
        • primaryKey: the key being used by the cursor, could be the object key or an index key
        • continue([key]): moves to the next item in the result set, if the optional argument key is specified, moves to the specified key
        • advance(count): moves the cursor ahead by count number of items
          const transaction = db.transaction("users");
          store = transaction.objectStore("users");
          const request = store.openCursor();
          request.onsuccess = (event) => {
          const cursor = event.target.result;
          if (cursor) {
          request.onerror = (event) => {
          console.log(`Failed to open cursor: ${event.target.errorCode}`);
    • Key ranges
      • Key ranges are used to make working with cursors a little more efficient, a key range is represented by an instance of IDBKeyRange
      • Use the only method and retrives values with the specified key: const onlyRange = IDBKeyRange.only("keyName")
      • Use the lower bound method to defines a lower bound for the result set (where the cursor should start):
        • Starts at a specific key:const lowerRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound("keyName")
        • Starts after a specific key: const lowerRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound("keyName", true)
      • Use the upper bound method to defines an upper bound for the result set (where the cursor should end):
        • Ends at a specific key: const upperRange = IDBKeyRange.upperBound("keyName")
        • Ends before a specific key: const upperRange = IDBKeyRange.upperBound("keyName", true)
      • Use the bound method to specifies both lower bound and upper bound
        • Starts at key1, ends at key2: const boundRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("key1", "key2")
        • Starts after key1, ends at key2: const boundRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("key1", "key2", true)
        • Starts after key1, ends before key2: const boundRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("key1", "key2", true, true)
        • Starts at key1, ends before key2: const boundRange = IDBKeyRange.bound("key1", "key2", false, true)
      • Use key range in the cursor
        const store = db.transaction("users").objectStore("users");
        let range = IDBKeyRange.only("007");
        const request = store.openCursor(range);
        request.onsuccess = (event) => {
        const cursor = event.target.result;
        if (cursor) {
    • Concurrency issues
      • Although IndexedDB is an asynchronous API inside of a web page, there still can be concurrency issues: if the same web page is open in two different browser tabs at the same time, it's possible that one may attempt to upgrade the database before the other is ready
      • You should assign an oversionchange event handler to tackle the concurrency issues, the best response to this event is to immediately close the databse so that the version upgrade can be completed
        let request, database;

        request = indexedDB.open("dbName", 1);
        request.onsuccess = (event) => {
        database = event.target.result;
        database.onversionchange = () => {


  1. Understanding the module pattern
    • Module pattern ideas
      • Break logic into pieces that are totally encapsulated from the rest of the code
      • Allow each piece to explicitly define what parts of itself are exposed to external pieces
      • Allow each piece to explicitly define what external pieces it needes to execute
    • Module identifiers
      • Module systems are essentially key-value entities, where each module has anidentifier that can be used to reference it
      • The module identifier can be a string, or an actual path to a module file
      • Native browser module identifiers must provide a path to an actual JavaScript file. In addition, NodeJS will perform a search for module matches in side the node_modules directory, and can also match an identifier to a directory containing index.js
    • Module dependencies
      • The local module declares to the module system a list of external dependencies
      • The module system inspects the dependencies and in turn guarantees that these modules will be loaded and initialized by the time the local module executes
    • Module loading
      • When an external module is specified as a dependency, the local moduel excepts that when it is executed, the dependencies will be ready and initialized
      • In the context of browsers, all dependencies should be sent to the browsers and loaded before the local module executes
    • Entry points
      • A network of modules that depend upon each other must specify a single module as the entry point, where the path of execution will begin
      • Dependencies between modules in an application can be represented as a directed graph
    • Asynchronous dependencies: it is useful to laod modules on demand by allowing JavaScript code to instruct the module system to load a new module, and provide the module to a callback once it is ready
    • Programmatic dependencies
      • Some module systems requier you to specify all dependenciesa at the beginning of a module, but some module system will allow you to dynamically add dependencies inside the program structure
      • Programmatic dependencies allow for more complex dependency utilization, but make static module analysis more difficult
    • Static analysis
      • The JavaScript you build into modules and deliver to the browsers is often subject to static analysis, where tools will inspect the structure of your code and reason about how it will behave without performing program execution
      • More complicated module behaviro, such as programmatic dependencies, will make static analysis more difficult
  2. Pre-ES6b module loaders
    • Prior to ES6, JavaScript codebases using modules essentially wanted to use a language feature that was not available by default. Therefore, codebases would be written in a module syntax that conformed to a certain specification, and separate module tooling would server to bridge the gap between the module syntax and the JavaScript runtime
    • CommonJS
      • The CommonJS specification outlines a convertion for module definition that uses synchronous declarative dependencies
      • The specification is primiarily intended for module organization on the server, but it will also be used on the client side
      • CommonJS module syntax will not work natively in the browser
      • Example
        var moduleB = require("./moduleB");

        module.export = {
        stuff: moduleB.doStuff();s
        // equivalent to :
        // module.exports.stuff = moduleB.doStuff();
      • Modules are always singletons, irrespective of how many times a module is referenced inside require()
      • Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded, subsequent attempts to load a module will retrieve the cached module
      • Module loading in CommonJs is synchronous, so require() can be programmatically invoked inlin in a module
        if (condition) {
      • NodeJs can use absolute or relative paths to modules, the path to the module definition might reference a directory, or it might be a single JavaScript file
    • Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)
      • CommonJs is targeted at a server execution model, all loading of modules is synchronous, the AMD system is targeted at browser execution model, where there are penalties from increased network latency
      • The strategy for AMD is for modules to declare their dependencies, and the module system runninng in the browsers will fetch the dependencies on demand and execute the module that depends on them once they have all loaded
      • The core of the AMD module implementation is a function wrapper around the module definition, which prevents global variable declaration and allows for the loader library to control when to load modules
      • AMD allows you to speficy the string identifier for your module
        // definition for a module with id moduleA, moduleA depends on moduleB,
        // which will be loaded asynchronously
        define("moduleA", ["moduleB"], function(moduleB) {
        return {
        stuff: moduleB.doStuff();
      • AMD also supports the require and exports objects, which allow for construction of CommonJs style modules inside an AMD moduel factory function
    • Universal Module Definition (UMD)
      • The UMD module system was introduced to create module that could be used by both the CommonJS and the AMD module systems
      • The UMD pattern defines module in a way that detects which module system is being used upon startup, configures it as appropriate, and wraps the whole thing in an immediately invoked function expression
    • Module loader deprecation
      • The above module systems will become increasingly obsolete as support broadens for the ECMAScript 6 module specification
      • The intense conflict between CommonJS and AMD cultivated the ECMAScript 6 module specification that we now enjoy
  3. Working with ES6 modules
    • ES6 module specification is simpler than its predecessor module loaders, and native browser support means that loader libraries and other preprocessing is not necessary
    • Module taggin and definition
      • Modules in ES6 exist as a monolithic chunk of JavaScript, a script tage with type="module" will signal to the browser that the associate code should be executed as a module, as apposed to execution as traditional script
        // inline module
        <script type="module">
        // module code goes here
        // external module file
        <script type="module" src="./myModule.js"> </script>
      • Downloading a module file begins immediately after the module script tag is parsed, but execution is delayed until the document is completely parsed
      • The order in which module script tag appears on the page is the order in which it will be executed
        // executes 3rd
        <script type="module" src="./myModule1.js"></script>
        // executes 4th
        <script type="module" src="./myModule2.js"></script>
        // executes 1st
        <script type="text/javascript" src="./jsFile1.js"></script>
        // executes 2nd
        <script type="text/javascript" src="./jsFile2.js"></script>
      • ES 6 modules associated with a <script type="module"> tag are considered to be the entry module for a module graph. There are no restrictions as how many entry modules there can be on a page, and there is no limit to overlap of modules. No matter how many times a module is loaded in a page, irrespective of how that load occurs, it will only ever load a single time
    • Module loading
      • ES 6 modules are unique in theri ability to be loaded both natively by the browser as well as in conjunction with third-party loaders and build tools
      • A browser that supports ES6 modules will load the entire dependency graph from a top-level module, and it will do so asynchronously
    • Module behavior
      • Best features from CommonJS and AMD:
        • Module code is only executed when it is loaded
        • A moddule will only ever be loaded a single time
        • Modules are singletons
        • Module can define a public interface with which other modules can observe and interact
        • Modules can request that other modules be loaded
        • Circular dependencies are supported
      • New features introduced in ES6
        • Modules by default execute in strict mode
        • Modules do not share a global namespace
        • The value of this at top-level of a module is undefined, as opposed to the window object in normal scripts
        • var declarations will not be added to the window object
        • Modules are loaded and executed asynchronously
    • Module exports
      • Modules can use exports from other modules using the import keyword, import must appear in the top level of a module
      • A module identifier can be either the relative path to that module file from the current module or the absolute path to that module file form the base path
      • Imports are treated as read-only views to the module, effectively the same as const-declared variables
        // moduleA.js
        const foo = "foo";
        const bar = "bar";
        const baz = "baz";
        export {foo, bar, baz};
        // moduleB.js
        import * as Foo from "./moduleA";
        console.log(Foo.foo); // "foo"
        console.log(Foo.bar); // "bar"
        console.log(Foo.baz); // "baz"

        // moduleC.js
        import { foo, bar, baz as myBaz} from "./moduleA";
        console.log(foo); // "foo"
        console.log(bar); // "bar"
        console.log(myBaz); // "baz"
      • Module passthrough exports
        • Imported values can be piped directly through to an export
          // moduleA.js
          export const foo = "foo";

          // moduleB.js
          export * from "./moduleA";
          export const foo = "baz";

          // moduleC.js
          import * as Foo from "./moduleB";
          console.log(Foo.foo); // "baz"
      • Worker modules: ES 6 modules are fully compatible with Worker instances


  1. Introduction to workers
    • A single JavaScript environment is essentially a virtualized environment running inside the host operating system, each open page in a browsers is allocated its own environment. Each page has its own memory, event loop, DOM, and so on. The environments of differeng pageas are in parallel
    • Using workers, browsers are able to allocate a second child environment that is totally separated from the original page environment. The child environment is prevented from interacting with single-thread-dependent constructs such as the DOM, but is otherwise free to execute code in parallel with the parent environment
    • Workers and threads
      • Similarities
        • Workers are implemented as actual threads
        • Workers execute in parallel
        • Workers can share some memory: workers are able to use a SharedArrayBuffer to share memory between multiple environments
      • Difference
        • Workers do not share all memory
        • Worker threads are not essentially part of the same process
        • Worker threads are more expensive to create
    • Types of workers
      • Dedicated web worker: aka dedicated worker, web worker, or just worker, can only be accessed by the page that spawned it
      • Shared web worker: similar to a dedicated web worker, but can be accessed across multiple contexts
      • Service worker: different from a dedicated web worker or a shared web worker, the primary purpose of a service worker is to act as a network request arbiter capable of intercepting, redirecting, and modifying requests dispatched by the page
    • The WorkerGlobalScope
      • On a web page, the window object exposes a suite of global variables. Inside a worker, its global object is an instance of WorkerGlobalScope, which can be accessed using the self keyword
      • Properties and methods
        • navigator: returns the WorkerNavigator object
        • self: returns the WorkerGlobalScope object
        • location: returns the WorkerLocation object
        • performance: returns a Performance object
        • console: returns the Console object
        • caches: returns the CacheStorage object
        • indexDb: returns an IDBFactory object
        • isSecureContext: returns a boolean indicating whether the context of the window is secure
        • origin: returns the origin of the WorkerGlobalScope object
        • Methods with the same name and function on window: atob(), btoa(), clearInterval(), clearTimeout, createImageBitmap(), fetch(), setInterval(), setTimeout()
      • Subclasses
        • A dedicated worker uses a DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
        • A shared worker uses a SharedWorkerGlobalScope
        • A service worker uses a ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
  2. Dedicated worker basics
    • Dedicated workers can be described as background scripts
    • Creating a dedicated worker (the worker itself exists in a separate JavaScript environment)
      // pass a javascript file to the worker constructor to 
      // let it load the script file in the background
      const worker = new Worker("./emptyWorker.js");
    • Worker security restrictions: worker script files can only be loaded from the same origin as the parent page, otherwise an error is thrown when attempting to construct the worker
    • Using the worker object
      • The Worker object returned from the constructor is used as the single point of communication with the newly created dedicated worker, it can be used to transmit information between the worker and the parent context
      • Worker object event handlers
        • onerror called when an error is thrown inside the worker
        • onmessage: called when the worker script sends a message back to the parent context
        • onmessageerror: called when a message is received that cannot be deserialized
      • Worker object methods
        • postMessage(): used to send information to the worker via asynchronous message events
        • terminate(): used to immediately terminate the worker, no opportunity for cleanup
    • The DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
      • The global scope inside a dedicated worker is the DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, this inherits from WorkerGlobalScope
      • A worker is able to access this global scope using the self keyword
      • Methods and properties for the DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope instance
        • name: optional string identifier
        • postMessage(): counterpart to the Worker object's postMessage() method
        • close(): counterpart to the Worker object's terminate() method
        • importScripts(): used to import an arbitrary number of scripts into the worker
    • The dedicated worker lifecycle
      • The Worker() constructor is the beginning of life for a dedicated worker
      • Once created, a dedicated worker will last the lifetime of the page unless explicitly terminated either via self-termination (self.close()) or external termination(worker.terminate())
    • Worker data transfer
      • In languages that wupport traditional models of multithreading, you can use locks, mutexes, and volatile variables to transfer data between threads. In JavaScript, you have three ways: the structured clone algorithm, transferable objects, and shared array buffers
      • Structured clone algorithm
        • This algorithm can be used to share a piece of data between two separate execution contexts
        • This algorithm is implemented by the brwoser behind the scenes, but it cannot be invoked explicitly
        • Common JavaScript data types are supported by this algorithm
        • Once copied, changes to data in the original context will not affect the copied data
        • Attemptying to clone an Error object, a Function object, or a DOM node will throw an error
        • Object property descriptors, getters, setters, prototype chains are not cloned
      • Transferable objects
        • It is possible to transfer ownership from one context to another using transferable objects
        • This is useful when it is impratical to copy large amounts of data between contexts
        • Transferable data types: ArrayBuffer, MessagePort, ImageBitmap, OffscreenCanvas
      • SharedArrayBuffer
        • When passing a SharedArrayBuffer inside postMessage(), the browser only passes a reference to the same block of memory, each context is free to modify the buffer as it would with a normal ArrayBuffer
        • Sharing memory blocks between parallel threads introduces a risk of race condition
    • Worker pools: because starting a worker is quite expensive, there are situations where it is more efficient to keep a fixed number of workers alive and dispatch work to them as necessary
  3. Shared workers
    • Two different pages on the same origin can share a single worker to reduce computational overheads
    • Shared worker basics
      • Creating a shared worker
        // pass a javascript file to the worker constructor to 
        // let it load the script file in the background
        const worker = new SharedWorker("./emptyWorker.js");
      • Shared worker identity and single occupancy
        • The Worker() constructor always creates a new worker instance, the SharedWorker() constructor will only create a new worker instance if one with the same identity does not already exist
        • Shared worker identity is derived from the resolved script URL, the worker name, and the document origin
      • Using the SharedWorker object
        • The SharedWorker object returned from the constructor is used as the single point of communication with the newly created shared worker, it can be used to transmit information between the worker and the parent context via a MessagePort, as well as catch error events emitted from the worker
        • Related properties
          • onerror: called when an error is thrown inside the worker
          • posrt: the MessagePort for communication with the worker
      • The SharedWorkerGlobalScope
        • The global scope inside a shared worker is the SharedWorkerGlobalScope, which can be accessed using the self keyword
        • Properties and methods: name, importScripts(), close(), onconnect
      • The shared worker lifecycle
        • A shared worker's lifecycle has the same stages and features of a dedicated woker
        • A dedicated woker is inextricably bound to a single page, a shared worker will persist as long as a context remains connected to it
  4. Service workers
    • A service worker is a type of web worker that behaves like a proxy server inside the browser, it allows you to intercept outgoing requests and cache the response
    • The service worker allows a web page to work without network connectivity, as some or all of the page can potentially be served from the service worker cache
    • Multiple pages on a single domain will all interact with a single service worker instance
    • Two primary tasks for a service worker
      • Act as a chahing layer for network requests
      • Enable push notifications
    • Service worker basics
      • The ServiceWorkerContainer
        • Service workers have no global constructor, they are managed through the navigator.serviceWorker object, which is a ServiceWorkerContainer object
      • Creating a service worker: navigator.serviceWorker.register(filePath), this returns a Promise object that resolves to a ServiceWorkerRegistration object
      • Using the ServiceWorkerContainer object
        • Event handlers:
          • oncontrollerchange: called when a new activated ServiceWorkerRegistration is required
          • onerror: called when an error is thrown inside any associated service worker
          • onmessage: called when the service worker script sends a message event back to the parent context
        • Properties:
          • ready: returns a Promise object that resolves to a ServiceWorkerRegistration object when the service worker is ready to receive messages, this promise will never reject
          • controller: returns the activated ServiceWorker object associated with the current page, or null if there is no active service worker
        • Methods
          • register(url, options): creates or updates a ServiceWorkerRegistration using the provided url and options object
          • getRegistration(): returns a promise, which will resolve with a ServiceWorkerRegistration object that matches the provided scope, or resolve with undefined if there is no matching service worker
          • getRegistrations(): returns a promise, which will resolve with an array of all ServiceWorkerRegistration objects that are associated with the ServiceWorkerContainer, or an empty array if there are not associated service workers
          • startMessage(): starts the transmission of message dispatches via Client
      • Using the ServiceWorkerRegistration object
        • Event handlers
          • onupdatefound: called when a new version of this service worker begins installation
        • Properties
          • scope: returns the full URL path of the service worker's scope
          • navigatyionPreload: returns the NavigationPreloadManager instance associated with this registration object
          • pushManager: returns the PushManager instance associated with this registration object
          • installing: returns the service worker with a state of installing if there is currently one, else null
          • waiting: returns the service worker with a state of waiting if there is currently one
          • active: returns the service worker with a state of activating or active if there is currently one, else null
        • Methods
          • getNotifications(): returns a promise, which resolves with an array of Notification objects
          • showNotifications(): displays a notification configurable with a title and options arguments
          • update(): re-requests the service worker script directly from the service and initiates fresh installation if the new script differs
          • unregister(): attempts to un-register a service worker registration, this allows service worker execution to complete before performing the unregistration
      • Using the ServiceWorker object
        • Event handlers
          • onstatechange: called when the service worker changes state
        • Properties
          • state: returns the current state of the service worker, one of installing, installed, activating, activated, redundant
          • scriptURL: returns the URL of the service worker script
    • The service worker cache
      • Before service workers, web pages lacked a roubust meahcnism for progrmatically caching network requests
      • Some features of service workers
        • The service worker cache does not chache any request automatically
        • The service worker cache has no concept of time-based expiration
        • Service worker cache entries must by manually updated and deleted
        • Caches nust by manually versioned
        • The only browser-enfored eviction policy is based on storage available for the service worker cache to use
      • The CacheStorage object
        • The CacheStorage object is a key-value store of string keys mapping to Cache objects, the CacheStorage object features an API that assembles an asynchronous Map
        • Get the CacheStorage object: use the global object caches
        • Get the cache for a given key: caches.open(key), non-string keys are converted to a string
        • Check if a cache exists in the cache storage: caches.has(key)
        • Delete a cache: caches.delete(key)
      • The Cache object
        • The Cache also resembles an asynchronous Map, Cache key can either be a URL string or a Request object, these keys will map to Response object values
        • The service worker cache is intended to only cache GET http requests, because the response will not change over time
        • Methods
          • put(request, response): add the key-value pair to the cache, the key can be a URL string or a Request object, the value should be a Response object
          • add(request): used when you only have the key, this method will dispatch a fetch() to the network and cache the response. Returns a promise, which resolves when the cache entry is successfully added
          • addAll(requests): used when you wish to perform an all-or-nothing bulk addtion to the cache
          • matchAll(request, options): returns a promise, which resolves to an array of matching cache Response objects
          • match(request, options): returns a promise, which resolves to a matching cache Response object, or undefined if there are no cache hits
          • cache.keys(), cache.delete(key), etc.
      • Maximum cache storage
        • There is no uniform specification for maximum cache storage
        • The navigator.storage.estimate() returns the approximate space available and how much is currently used in bytes
    • Service worker clients
      • A service worker tracks an association with a window, worker, or service worker with a Client object, sertice workers can access the Client objects via the Clients interface using the self.clients property
      • Client object properties and methods
        • id, type (window, worker, sharedWorker), url, postMessage(msg) (send a targeted messaging to a single client)
        • openWindow(url): allows you to open a new window at the specified URL, effectively adding a new Client to the service worker
        • claim(): forcibly set the service worker to control all clients in its scope
    • Service workers and consistency
      • In order to enable web pages to emulate native application behavior, service workers should support versioning
      • Two primary form of consistency
        • Code consistency: since web pages commonly undergo incremental upgrades, service workers should provide an encorcement mechanism to ensuer that all concurrently running pages on the same origin are always built from the assets from the same version
        • Data consistency: since web I/O format may change between different versions, service workers consistency mechanism should also ensure that web I/O behaves identically for all concurrently running pages on the same origin
    • Service worker lifecycle
      • There are six states a service worker might exist in: parsed, installing, installed, activating, activated, redundant. A full lifecycle for a service worker will always visit these states in this order
      • A service worker that encounters an error during installation or activation will skip to the redundant state
      • The parsed state
        • A newly created service worker is in the parsed state
        • This state has no event or ServiceWorker.state value
      • The installing state
        • This state is where all service worker setup tasks should be performed
        • If a service worker reaches this state, the ServiceWorkerRegistration object will fire the updatefound event
        • This state is frequently used to populate the service worker's cache
        • If there is no error thrown or promise rejected, the service worker proceeds to the installed state
      • The installed (waiting) state: this state means the service worker has no additional setup tasks to perform and is prepared to assume control of clients once it is allowed to do so
      • The activating state
        • This state indicates that the service worker has been selected by the browsers to become the service worker that should control the page
        • While in the activating state, no functional events such as fetch or push will be fired until the service worker reaches the activated state
      • The activated state
        • This state indicates that the service worker is in control of one or many clients
        • In this state, the service state will capture fetch() events inside its scope as well as notification and push events
      • The redundant state: this is the graveyard for a service worker, no events will be passed to it, and the browser is free to destroy it and free up its resources
    • Intercepting a fetch event
      • The interception ability of service workers is not limited to the fetch event, but can also intercept requests for JavaScript, CSS, images,and HTML
      • Service workers use the event.respondWith() method to decide how to handle a fetch event
      • Return a response from network: a passthrough for a fetch event. This strategy is suitable for requests that need to reach the server
        self.onfetch = (fetchEvent) => {
      • Return from cache: a cache check. This strategy is suitable for requests that are guaranteed to be in the cache
        self.onfetch = (fetchEvent) => {
      • Return from network with cache fallback: gives prefernence to up-to-date responses from the network but will return values in the cache if they exist. This stragety is suitable for finding the most up-to-date information ASAP
        self.onfetch = (fetchEvent) => {
        fetch(fetchEvent.request).catch(() => {
        return caches.match(fetchEvent.request);
      • Generic fallback: this strategy accounts for scenarios where both the cache and network fail to produce a resource
        self.onfetch = (fetchEvent) => {
        caches.match(fetchEvent.request).then((response) => {
        return response || fetch(fetchEvent.request);
    • Push notifications
      • A wqeb application should be able to support push notifications, which means it should be able to receive a push event from a server and display a notification on the device
      • In order for push notifications to work, the service workers should be able to display notification, handler interactions with those notifications, subscribe to server-event push notifications, handle push messages even when the application is not in the foreground or open
      • Displaying notifications
        • Service workers have access to the Notification API via their registration object
        • Use ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification(title, options) to display a notification
      • Handling notification events: handle the self.onnotificationclick event and self.onnotificationclose event
      • Subscribing to push events
        • The subsctiption must happen via the service worker's PushManager object
        • Use the ServiceWorkerRegistration.pushManager.subscribe(options) method to subscribe to push events
      • Handling push events
        • Once subscribed, the service worker will receive push events each time the service pushes a message

Best Practices

  1. Maintainability
    • What is maintainable code
      • Understandable: someone else can pick up the code without a walk-through by the original developer
      • Intuitive: no matter how complex the operation is, things in the code seem to make sense
      • Adaptable: the code is written in such a way that variation in data does not require a complete rewrite
      • Extendable: the code allows for extension of the core functionality in the future
      • Debuggable: the code gives you enough information to identify the issue when something goes wrong
    • Code conventions
      • Readibility
        • Indentation is usually done by using foure spaces instead of by using the tab key
        • Make comments for functions and methods, large sections of code, complex algorithms and hacks
      • Variable and function naming
        • Variable names should be nouns, function names should begin with a verb
        • Use logical names for variables and functions, without worrying about the length
        • Variables, functions, and methods should begin with a lowercase letter and camelCase
        • Be descriptive and sensible with names
      • Variable type transparency
        • Variables are loosely typed in JavaScript, it is easy to lose track of the type of data that a variable should contain
        • The first solution is through initialization: initialize a variable with a value of the correct type after declaring it
        • The second solution is to use Hungarian notation: prepend one or more characters to the beginning of a variable to indicate the data type. o for objects, s for strings, i for integers, b for booleans, f for floats, etc.
    • Loose coupling
      • Whenever parts of an application depend too closely on one another, the code becomes too tightly coupled and hard to maintain, this usually happens when objects refer directly to one another in such a way that a change to one always requires a change to other
      • Decouple HTML/JavaScript
        • JavaScript that appears inline in HTML, either using a script tag with inline code or using HTML attributes, is too tightly coupled
        • HTML and JavaScript are also closely coupled when HTML is contained in JavaScript, this usually happends using innerHTML to insert HTML into the page
        • When HTML and JavaScript are too tightly coupled, interpreting an JavaScript error means first determining whether the error occured in the HTML portion or in the JavaScript portion, which reduces the readbility of the code
      • Decouple CSS/JavaScript
        • The most common example of tight coupling is using JavaScript to change individual styles
        • Modern web applications use JavaScreipt to change styles frequently, so it is not possible to completely decouple CSS and JavaScript, the coupling can be made looser by changeing element class attributes instead of individual styles
      • Decouple application logic/event handlers
        • Rules for loose coupling of application and business logic
          • Do not pass event object into other methods, pass only the data from the event object
          • Every action that is possible in the application should be possible without executing an event handler
          • Event handlers should process the event and then hand off processing to application logic
        • An example
          // The application logic and event handler are highly coupled
          function handleKeyPress(event) {
          if (event.keyCode === 13) {
          let target = event.target;
          let value = 5 * parseInt(target.value);
          if (value > 10) {
          document.getElementById("error-msg").style.display = "black";

          // Code after decoupling
          function validateValue(value) {
          value = 5 * parseInt(value);
          if (value > 10) {
          document.getElementById("error-msg").style.display = "black";

          function handleKeyPress(event) {
          let target = event.target;
    • Programming practices
      • Respect object ownership
        • If you are not responsible for the creation or maintenance of an object, its constructor, or its methods, you shouldn't be making changes to it
        • You can create a new object with the functionality you need, and interact with the object of interest
        • You can create a custom type that inherits from the type you want to modify, you can modify the custom type with additional functionality
      • Avoid globals
        • Avoid global variables and functions whenever possible
      • Avoid null comparisons
        • JavaScript does not do any automatic type checking, it's the developer's responsibility
        • Checking a value against null is overused, and frequently leads to erros due to insufficient type checking, use typeof and instanceof for type checking
      • Use constants
        • The goal of relying on constants is to isolate data from application logic in such a way that it can be changed without risking the introduction of errors
        • Repeated values, user interface strings, URLs, and any value that may change should be stored in a constant
  2. Performance
    • Be scope-aware
      • As the number of scopes in the scope chain increases, so does the amount of time it takes to access variables outside of the current scope
      • It is alwasys slow to access a global variable than it is to access a local variable
      • Avoid global lookups, avoid with statements (a with statement creates its own scope)
    • Choose the right approach
      • Avoid uncessary property lookup
      • Optimize loops: simplify the terminal condition, simplify the loop body, use postest loops
    • Minimize statement count
      • A single statement can ocmplete multiple operations faster than multiple statements each performing a single operation
      • Multiple variable declaration should be in one statement
      • Insert iterative values
        // Before
        let name = values[i];
        // After
        let name = values[i++];
      • Use array and object literals
    • Optimize DOM interactions
      • Minimize live updates
      • User innerHTML: for large amounts of updates, using innerHTML is faster than using the standard DOM methods (like the createElementById() method)
      • Beware of HTMLCollection: anytime you access an HTMLCollection, whether it be a property or a method, you are performing a query on the document, an that querying is quite expensive
  3. Deployment
    • Build process
      • You should not pass your untouhed code to a browser for test purpose
        • Intellectual property issues: post source code online let others to figure what you are doing
        • File size: source with large amount of comments is good for maintainability but bad for performance
        • Code organization: the way you organize code for maintainability is not necessarily the best wasy to deliver it to the browser
      • File structure: spearate JavaScript files in different files
      • Task runners: a task runner with automate tasks is a good idea
      • Tree shaking
        • Tree shaking is an effective strategy for reducing payload size
        • Tree shaking is capable of determining which parts of the codebase are not needed at all, and remove them from the codebase to reduce bundle size
      • Module bundlers: used to identify the landscape of JavaScript dependencies in an application, combine them into a monolithic application, make decition about how the modules should be organized and concatenated, and generate the output files that will be provided to the browser
    • Validation
      • Checking code in the browser suffers from several issues
        • The validation canot be easily automated or ported from system to system
        • Aside from syntax errors, problems are encountered only when code is executed, leaving it possible for errors to occur
      • Several tools like JSLint and ESLint are popular JavaScript debugging tools
    • Compression
      • File comprression involves two aspects
        • Code size: the number of bytes that need to be parsed by the browser
        • Wire weight: the number of bytes that are actually transmitted from the server to the browser
      • Code minification: remove extra white space, remove all comments, shorten variable names, function names, and other identifiers
      • JavaScript compilation: remove unused code, transform parts of code to use more concise syntax, global inlining of function calls, constants and variables
      • JavaScript transpilation: transpilation will allow you to wield all the newest syntactical specification features without having to worry about backwards browser compatibility
      • HTTP compression
        • All major browsers support client-side decompression or resources that they receive
        • The srever can compress JavaScript using sever-dependent capabilities, and include a header indicating the compression format