
General Career Information

1 Timeline for Finding Intern

1 实习的Timeline:大约感觉找暑期的话开学前就得准备好简历和刷题,以后看到更多的TL再扔过来


Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-699010-1-1.html

通常一个学校最大限额不会超过3%总实习人数,如果公司决定招1500个实习生,那么一个学校就只招45人,就算浮动一些,也不会超过60个。 注意这45个里面包括了博士,硕士和1,2,3年级的本科生一起。 CMU,MIT,STANFORD, CALTECH强的不行的背景被秒拒的多了去,原因就是因为坑没了。 实习生面试很简单,通常就2道median题,认真准备了的学生基本上进入面试阶段就等于拿到实习。 因此手快很重要,8,9月开始,发动一切资源尽早投,成功率会高很多。

8月开始计划下一年实习 9月启动招人 12月基本填满 2月内部招员工担任manager 3-4月员工和实习生配对 4-5月员工写项目计划并通过高层审核 5月底实习生入职

刚刚看完了楼主的原po和回复。楼主很多事情说的很对。但是,有些可能是因为是博主面的是phd intern 或者 博主有段时间没有interview了 (不太了解只是猜测),和我的了解有些不同。也给大家一些别的perspective。本人是今年的cs本科ng,去年在加州老厂做的实习。所以可能会更符合一些朋友们的情况。关于实习,博主说的很对,越早越好,投的越多越好。然后建议除了学校的career fair,也去参加 ghc, tapia,或者别的 conference 的career fair。公司也会有专门给去那些conference的人留headcount。然后在我的经验里behavior question还是很重要,而且大部分时候都会问。毕竟地里 也经常看到明明题都写出来了但是还是被拒的例子,然后这种情况很大部分就是 behavior question 没有答好。比较经常问的问题:why us? what's your strength/weakness? Did you ever had a conflict with a partner? 有一些公司会问(比较少): what is your favorite product created by us? If you could improve one of our product, what would you improve? 所以一定得好好查查你要面的公司,他们的culture 是什么 比较有名的product 是什么之类的。像楼主说的 大部分的behavioral question 用你之前做的项目或者experience (最好是resume上的)来回答。我是自己会写一个Google doc 把所有之前碰到的behavior question和自己的答案写上去了。之后别的公司问到同样的题话就按照自己之前写的答就好了。

关于ng,timeline和intern其实是差不多的。(秋招)7月底8月开始出岗位,9月10月初/中面试,12月差不多完全fill。所以如果你12月毕业,你完全可以找到工作然后直接上班。或者你5月毕业,你秋招找到工作后 你可以闲鱼一个学期然后去上班。如果秋招没上岸,那就只有春招了,春招的headcount应该不会比秋招多,我记忆里春招应该是1月中/底开始出岗位,2-3月面试 ,4月应该是都fill了(本人并没有经历过春招,希望有经验的朋友可以分享)。但是今年情况特殊,f家几乎没招ng,大部分都是return,g家是今年3月才出的ng swe岗位。但是感觉以后还是会恢复到这个7-12月的schedule (毕竟别的厂和unicorn/startup都还是这个时间)。 同意楼主说的以后可能ng的position会越来越少,所以朋友们intern 加return才是你们最强有劲的后盾啊。而且有return offer 面试别家的时候都底气足,还可以谈价。然后ng还是a家捞人最多。 还有就是如果有幸有很多interview lined up的话,把想去的公司往后面放,先面别的 体验一下 刷刷经验。毕竟就算mock很多了,真正面试的时候还是会有些不同且慌张。用别的公司 累计经验和反省自己可能没有做的太好的地方(collect一些可能会问到的behavior question,把答案好好谢谢),然后再去面最喜欢的公司。

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-756824-1-1.htmls

2 一个汇总实习和秋招春招的网站:

https://pittcsc.org/ 他们主页

https://pittcs.wiki/guides 读书/求职攻略

https://github.com/pittcsc 这里的repo会放公司和职位

2 Relocate Information


Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-705144-1-1.html

  1. Bloomberg,去London(engineering抽不到的话)/Tokyo

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-705144-1-1.html

3 Company Growth in Last 2 Years From LinkedIn Premium Company Insights

Employer Growth(Amount of total employees)
Airtable 312%
Robinhood 272%
Doordash 204%
Nuro 186%
Gitlab 179%
ByteDance 156%
Confluent 154%
Databricks 151%
Snowflake 147%
Tusimple 145%
Asana 139%
Twilio 139%
Instacart 114%
Chegg 106%
Stripe 98%
Okta 94%
Affirm 93%
Amazon 84%
Atlassian 73%
Gusto 71%
Slack 69%
Wish 68%
Coinbase 66%
Shopify 59%
Spotify 58%
Pinterest 52%
Square 52%
Facebook 49%
Venmo 49%
Twitch 47%
Amplitude 44%
AppFolio 44%
WalmartLab 42%
Splunk 40%
Vimeo 40%
Grubhub 39%
Cruise 37%
RokuTV 34%
Google 33%
Salesforce 33%
Dropbox 32%
Apple 31%
Netflix 27%
Tinder 27%
Twitter 27%
nvidia 26%
Snap 26%
Wealthfront 25%
Indeed 24%
Hulu 23%
Uber 23%
Zillow 23%
udacity 18%
Wayfair 18%
Microsoft 15%
Linkedin 14%
eBay 9%
Box 8%
Adobe 6%
Intuit 5%
Lyft 5%
Oracle 3%
Cisco 1%
Airbnb 0%
Tripadvisor -1%
Blizzard -3%
Expedia -5%
Ondeck -16%
Houzz -18%

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-707104-1-1.html

4 Wage level of tech companies

  1. Common Wage for non- FAANG companies in NJ: ~85K

  2. Common Wage for non- FAANG companies in Bay Area: ~80k - 120k

  3. Common Wage for FANNG companies: NG150K-200K,total package includes base,sign on,bonus,stock,relocation fee

  4. A dp from Amazon: 125K -> 165K -> 228K -> ~ 276K(estimated for this year)

  5. A video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s25CTFhSQbk

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-710180-1-1.html

5 Compare Benefits Among FAANG and Other Companies:

  1. You can compare company benefits from levels.fy :

source: https://www.levels.fyi/benefits/?companies=Facebook,Microsoft,Amazon

  1. Some comments from the Chinese forum 1point3acres:
  • Google

    • additional salary for on call, roughly 20k per year.
    • Others not mentioned in this thread
  • Amazon

    • Amazon 10% discount( up to $ 100)
    • Free bananas
    • 401K match 2%, must be returned if leave Amazon in three years
    • $170/month commute reimbursement
    • Free Seattle bus card
    • $50/month phone charge reimbursement, in some group only reimbursed if you are on call
    • Up to $500 office allowance
    • Some free online courses like oreilly.com
    • MEGA backdoor IRA
    • Moving expense reimbursement, must be returned in proportional if you leave Amazon in two years
  • LinkedIn

    • $100/year small office allowance
    • $2000/year wellness allowance
    • One-time $1000 office allowance
    • ~ Several hundred Bravo Points during the covid period
    • Monthly reimbursement for phone/Internet charge
    • MS ESPP 10% discount(ESPP: employee stock purchase plan)
    • MEGA backdoor IRA
    • Free LinkedIn services
  • Facebook

    • Match 3.5% 401K
    • $720/year for wellness
    • ~ Several thousand for child daycare
    • $100 - $ 200/month for transportation such as uber/ public bus
    • A noise-canceling headphones worthy of less than $300
    • Free food, free drinks
  • Microsoft

    • $1200/year for fitness

    • $160/month for azure credit

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-711900-1-1.html

6 GHC Database

Students can submit their resumes into the GHC database.

Here are the useful links related to GHC:

GHC: https://ghc.anitab.org/

GHC Membership: https://membership.anitab.org/

GHC Resume Database: [https://careercenter.anitab.org/

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37L2Ce5XdmU

7 Recommended Companies in Different Areas

  1. Boston Area:

Recommend: Google, Facebook, Oracle, HubSpot, Salesforce, MathWorks, Akamai, Bose

Don't recommend: Wayfair

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-715857-1-1.html

  1. Seattle Area:

Some Unicorns in Seattle: Auth0, Convoy, Icertis, OfferUp, Outreach, Qumulo, Remitly, San Biotechnology, Tanium, Zenoti

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-715857-1-1.html

8 Facebook: Return to Work Program & Rotational Software Engineer Program

This position has a 16-week duration. All candidates are expected to commit to a consecutive 16 week timeframe for successful completion of the program. At the end of the term, those participants who have demonstrated their ability to succeed and make an impact at Facebook will be considered for a full-time position. Roles are filled as candidates are identified.

This program is open to all candidates who have relevant professional experience and have been out of the workforce for 2 years or longer immediately prior to the start of the program. New graduates with less than 1 year since matriculation, please apply for open positions through the students and grads career page.

Some info from the post of the thread:

  1. A rolling program: accept resumes through Feb to Sep, begin the program between May to Dec
  2. Two years without job, you should study for more than a year if you chose to go to a program
  3. Past working experience is needed, otherwise you will be redirect to the student program
  4. After referral submitted infor about the candidate, the candidate can apply for intended positions up to three
  5. No SWE position here, if you are not confident about applying directly for the SWE position, you can apply for the rotational SWE program(a one-year program for candidates with past experience more than 2 years, one needs to meet E3(ng) in the first half and meet E4 in the second half to become a fulltime employee)

An article of past participant of the return to work program: https://www.facebook.com/careers/life/how-facebook-empowers

Source: Return to work Program: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=709957&extra=&authorid=111371&page=1

​ Rotational Software Engineer Program: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-424714-1-1.html

9 Freezing period before reapplication for different companies

  • Google:

    • pools for intern and full-time positions are separate, if you fail for intern positions, you can still apply for full-time ones, the freezing period doesn't apply for inter-category positions
    • freezing period is related to positions, if you fail one, you can apply immediately for other ones
    • general freezing period of 1 year if you fail OA/onsite, None if you fail in the resume selection procedure
    • From Google China HR: no freezing period
  • Uber: 6 months

  • Airbnb: 1 year

  • Facebook: 6 months if earlier feedback is on the boundary, 1 year otherwise

  • Amazon/AWS:

    • Non if you fail for resume without OA/onsite
    • One comment says: 1 year for Amazon/AWS
    • Another comment says: 6 months for Amazon SDE I fulltime
  • Bloomberg:

    • Some comment: 6 months
    • Another comment: 1 year
    • Another comment: you can simply change your resume, email and reapply immediately, the poster got an offer in this way
  • Cisco Meraki: 4-6 months

  • Pure Storage: 1 year


https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-486195-1-1.html for Google separate pools, I also verify these info from an Googler

https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-209495-1-1.html for Google position-related freezing period

https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-275061-1-1.html for Bloomberg

https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-489861-1-1.html for others

10 Tips for OPT and STEM OPT


  • 在可申请的时间段内务必尽早申!千万寄送到USCIS的时间不要超过可以申请的最早日期。
    • Initial是学校最后一个学期I20到期前90天,STEM是EAD到期前90天。
    • 早申请没有任何坏处,哪怕没有拿到offer也要早申请,可以EAD开始时间填的晚一些。
    • 有些学校是可以90天前提前开始申请I20的,也就是说I20的issue date会比90天早,亲测只要符合I20-30/60的规则就是没有问题的。当然有一些学校不允许90天前开始申请I20也就没有办法了。
  • 要在I20 issue dat的30天(Initial)或60天(STEM)内将材料寄到USCIS。
  • 表格要打印出来之后手写签字,千万不要电子签字或者在ipad上签字。
  • 最新的I765表格,不要过期的。有些学校的说明不是最新的,千万要取USCIS官网上面找最新的表格version。
  • 要用30天内近照,背面用铅笔写上名字,生日,i-94和servis ID。最好是放在透明的那种ziploc里面。
  • I-765上的28.c要的是employer's e-verify number,不是i-983上的那个EIN。. check 1point3acres for more.
  • STEM的话所有材料都要重新检查一下,不要直接用Initial的,比如I94的表格上面会有一个过期日期,千万要用最新的。
  • 如果STEM的话记得把offer letter,学校毕业证,成绩单copy各种都附上。
  • 申请的过程中最好不要去申请新的I20,比如申请新的为了travel,务必要保证servis系统里面最新的i20就是你用来申请的i20。
  • 如果半年内要搬家,最好用一个不搬家的朋友的地址,因为最近USCIS处理速度极慢。
  • 不要用订书机!!!因为USCIS要拆材料,拆坏了也不服也。最好是用回形针或者小夹子,我比较喜欢小夹子因为不容易掉。
  • 所有材料都要单页,不要双页!
  • 最好不要用credit card,容易出问题。用money order的话比较保险,但是不容易查是否被cash。用personal check的话也不容易出问题,并且可以自己随时查看是否被cash。
  • 费用金额千万要去USCIS官网查看最新的,因为之前有说要增加至550但之后又被ban,现在还是410。
  • 寄材料但时候一定要确认你的deliver方式是需要签收的,这样如果又经历receipt delay,至少可以凭着签字人的名字和同天寄到的人比对,来确认自己的包裹没有寄丢或者寄错。

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-723661-1-1.html


  • 申请时间:最早不超过opt到期前90天!!!所以一定要算清楚。比如我opt6月15过期,差一点想当然地就3月15号寄申请(3月15号-6月15号其实大于90天)。所以一定要算清楚,宁可晚个几天交也别提前,万一因为交太早被拒就很耽误时间;

  • 照片:要30天内近照!不要冒险用申initial opt的照片,不要用护照照片,老老实实去弄新的。背面用铅笔写上名字,生日,i-94 number, sevis ID(这个每个学校的要求可能有出入,但是稳妥起见还是都写齐全,我推测是为了防止照片和材料不小心分开;而且用铅笔不要用水笔,晾不干的话上面的照片会把下面的搞糊。不要冒这个险!);

  • 最新的I-765!用最新的官网下载的,不要用申请initial opt的,可能会因为表格过期被拒;

  • i-765建议在pdf上电子填写,签名一定要是手写的!

  • i-765上的28.c要的是employer's e-verify number!!!不是i-983上的那个EIN!!!(我填错了但是运气好还是approve了,看地里有帖子,不少人都填错过,有些正常批准了,有些rfe了,有些就悲剧了)。记得问hr要那个6位数的e-verify number;

  • 准备材料的时候对着学校International Student and Scholar Services(不同学校叫法不同)给的check list准备齐材料,打印出来Check List一个一个打勾。这个check list每个学校也有出入,我们学校的要求了offer letter,有些学校就没有要求。总之,好好按着check list来准备,我个人理解是宁可多交也不要少交,一旦rfe来来回回就不知道要耽误多少时间;

  • 我自己还遇到一个小细节问题,结论就是所有打印的材料都重新印,不要懒省事用申请opt剩下的。我本来准备用去年印多的i-20复印件和护照copy,然后自己意识到了我中间回国又回来,签证页的海关戳有变化,如果不小心用了去年剩的复印件,这个签证页就和i-94对不上了。所以不要懒,所有材料都重新扫描打印!!!

  • 半年内要搬家的就不要填自己的地址了,part 2的mailing address写成不搬家的朋友的(in care of name)。我房子6月23到期,opt6月15到期,自信觉得卡着90天提前申请就能在搬家前拿到卡。。。然后还是要改地址,很麻烦,而且还是会担心uscis的系统靠不靠谱。。。

  • 最后一个是在其他帖子看到的,有同学拿了朋友的i-765改,结果有部分内容忘记改成自己的忘记改性别。。。朋友们,不要懒!自己下最新的表格一项一项填!改别人的表格看起来省劲其实很容易漏改。

  • 最后的最后,如果这些点都注意到了但是还是出了错,也不要慌,及时联系学校isss一起想办法解决。

  • 最后的最后的最后,尽量早申请!给自己容错的时间和机会。

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=653700

Watch this vedio!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8vuagmGOlc Advice from Columbia University ISSO on OPT start date

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-727162-1-1.html

11 Soft Skill

From a senior amazoner Amazonian

1.对于刚加入新组(公司)的小伙伴: a) stand up之前在纸上一句一句写下来自己想要说什么,这样每天早上你给人感觉都是条理清晰且有活可汇报,哪怕写下来提纲也比啥都不准备的强。 ->我也经常犯懒,会发现这样说出来支支吾吾好多语气助词还心虚。。。

  1. 解决meeting不发言问题:大部分因为对项目不熟悉,很多人说英语不好不敢在那么多人面前发言,不对,如果叫你describe a city you lived in,你当着那么多人也不会怯场。一般开会都会给10分钟阅读要讨论的doc,那我们就笨鸟先飞,前一天就读1-2遍这个doc,读懂了以后打印出来,标记上要提的问题,第二天开会再跟着一起读一遍。

c)第1-3个月,ask as many question as you can,没有人会说你什么,但是如果你那时候抹不开没面子,3个月以后你遇到了不得以再问,senior很有可能觉得你not learning fast。一开始开会我也啥都不懂,但是我给自己定下规则,每个会都要问至少一个问题,多傻都行,你会发现你从此每个会议都会认真听讲,并且别人觉得你很有参与感,相信我,holding meeting的人就希望你们问问题,尤其是他能回答的这种简单问题。当然了,随着时间你问的问题也就越来越有水平,3个月以后就谨慎问特别特别基础的问题了,如果开会还是有,ping一下国人小伙伴(或者onboarding buddy)互相了解一下。

d)发design doc和邮件之前,请组里关系好的大哥大姐们帮你私下review一遍,当然要是有人愿意私下review一遍你的cr就更完美了。注意一定是私下,不留痕迹那种,这样可以给其他人你的high quality work的形象。

e)有问题问人的顺序:国人同level小伙伴->onboarding buddy/非技术问题external mentor->mentor/国人高一级小伙伴->senior->manager


2.对于想要转组的小伙伴: 如果你在老板的嘴里听到了worries about your performance, delivery issue, assign you more coding task,请转组!这是我在第一个组老板的嘴里听到的,所以在还没dev之前直接走人了。到了第二个组非常拼了一阵子,每天10点起床就干活,除了吃饭和玩一会,干到半夜1点睡觉,如果你工作了>1.5年才转到第二个组,并且还想赶紧升职,你就得这么拼。别听信别人说还什么组里多么多么轻松,那是他们幸运也有可能是他们绿茶。。 当然如果你像我一样只想苟,那请记得和组员打好关系,给自己的task estimation time * 1.5-2倍实际需要, 这样就不用担心自己delay,前提是经理不太懂技术。

3.对于刚来面试的小伙伴: bq结合自己的经历编几个小故事背下来吧求你们了,我面过写题还不错的小伙伴,被经理以bq不行生生拦下。另外,一般面试时候有点凶凶的那个官大一点,请积极取得他的strong hire,我也经历过和为了小伙伴和bar raiser argue最后没争过的情况

4.Remote onboard




d)因为remote了,人家很难看到你的working status,所以做一个task如果能create一个doc记录就更好,毕竟stand up过一天就会被忘记,但是如果你写了一个general guide的话,就名流千古哈哈哈哈

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-725466-1-1.html

12 Experiences shared by FAANG people

1 From FAANG to startups, success and failure:

  1. 7 yoe at FaceBook, got a bunch of offers from Pre-IPO starups, his YouTube Channel is Smilence, he also has a blog.

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-726130-1-1.html

  1. 3 yoe at Google, failed interviewing a lot of startups>, not strong at system design

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-724738-1-1.html

2 High-lever engineers' ama:

  1. Facebook E6

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-732244-1-1.html

  1. Google L6

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-732616-1-1.html

  1. Amazon L7

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-732735-1-1.html

13 Open Source Community Intern

  1. GSoC: very competitive, only in summer
  2. LFX Mentoring: three times a year
  3. 中科院: 开源软件供应链点亮计划——暑期2020 (很可能有2021)

Source: https://lfx.linuxfoundation.org/tools/mentorship/



14 Frequently Asked Leetcode Questions

1 Microsoft

Min Deletions to Make Frequency of Each Letter Unique Min Swaps to Make Palindrome Min Steps to Make Piles Equal Height Largest K such that both K and -K exist in array Max Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters Unique Integers That Sum Up To 0 Partition array into N subsets with balanced sum Jump Game [Experienced] Meeting Rooms II Count Visible Nodes in Binary Tree Largest Alphabetic Character Pattern recognition

Numbers With Equal Digit Sum Min Moves to Make String Without 3 Identical Consecutive Letters

Max Network Rank Min Swaps to Make Palindrome

Longest Substring Without 3 Contiguous Occurrences of Letter Lexicographically Smallest String

Min Deletions to Make Frequency of Each Letter Unique String Without 3 Identical Consecutive Letters

Longest Semi-Alternating Substring Min Steps to Make Piles Equal Height

Day of Week Max Inserts to Obtain String Without 3 Consecutive ‘a’

Concatenated String Length with unique Characters Largest K such that both K and -K exist in array

Min Swaps to Group Red Balls Max Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters

Unique Integers That Sum Up To 0 Min Deletions To Obtain String in Right Format

Particle Velocity Partition array into N subsets with balanced sum

Widest Path Without Trees [Experienced] Jump Game [Experienced]

Fair Indexes Meeting Rooms II

Light Bulb Switcher Plane Seat Reservation

Crop Words Max Chunks to Sort Array

Largest number X which occurs X times Largest M-aligned Subset

Min Cost to Get String Without 2 Identical Consecutive Letters Riddle

Count Visible Nodes in Binary Tree Largest Alphabetic Character

[23/05/2020] Count Of Hours Variations

Source: https://molchevskyi.medium.com/best-solutions-for-microsoft-interview-tasks-cae6b0f3ff86

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=723816

2 Facebook

953 301 680 238 973 1249 560 67 273 426 124 158 297 282 269 438 125 76 523 621 199 211 23 636 65 415 340 139 785 173 986 543 98 71 31 253 304 133 987 34 278 689 56 349 824 270 896 863 721 161 215 398 825 1004 767 247 1027 33 246 314 140 708 143 88 1197 958 416 29 350 146 1216 200 1094 126 528 43 380 1060 32 480 489 15 938 286 114 236 138 42 490 319 1123 162 79 921 91 568 111 10 691 227 75 1146 311 1 109 249 394 766 494 339 22 637 647 969 1008 405 317 498 865 50 157 283 277 78 549 341 214 325 210 616 358 885 1213 207 529 788 266 567 166 257 614 20 17 791 593 239 347 129 378 295 312 692 597 428 935 53 505 540 642 305 8 128 105 212 5 102 37 3 46 348 241 223 127 694 298 414 208 670 452 334 242 772 875 463 73 13 336 81 41 419 36 977 1091 364 417 387 388 515 2 188 163 622 121 112 229 137 224 74 516 51 329 21 442 230 703 496 153 303 4 1021 240 39 1108 103 724 24 344 844 328 209 113 852 28 49 151 12 116 7 11 54 152 104 9 48 26 62 100 19 136 70

Source: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-581631-1-1.html

15 Useful websites

  1. Stackshare.io

You can check stacks used by big tech firms here.

16 Use University Career Fair


17 Google Team Match Information

  1. Comment 1:有人说不要去Shopping Ads,也听人说不要去Android

  2. Comment 2

    1. 喜欢infra可以去TI下面的borg, db/storage, data center networking, Core下面的F1
    2. 喜欢product可以去search ads, youtube, ads
    3. 既喜欢技术又要customer impact可以去产品组的infra, search infra, youtube infra, 或者GCP里的GKE, Cloud Spanner, Big Query
    4. Research可以去DeepMind, Google research尤其是Google Brain
    5. 问题的关键倒不是没有好组, 而是G实在太大, 外面的人很难了解. team match太看人品而且挑选确实是相互的, 上面提到的不少组都是有门槛的
  3. Comment 3: 僧多粥少了解下,externalhire大概率不会进好组内部transfer更加trustworthy可以看历史perf, cl等等

  4. Comment 4:


    1. 如果我是一个L3/L4,我可能会选一个成熟的infra组,包括最核心的产品(search, youtube, search ads, etc)的backend infra teams,内部的核心且尚未计划换代的Platform/infra(Borg, Flume, F1, Spanner, TPU, 各个networking team, etc),一方面多学点技术,一方面impact上面吃大锅饭,不用太依赖老板们挖的坑/画的饼。
    2. 如果我是个L5,我会根据自己之前的经验选一个有延续性的组,并且尽量靠近产品,选的时候想办法了解这个组的leadership靠不靠谱。
    3. 如果我是L6及以,上跟L5类似的,同时我会只在GCP下面选评分。

Souce: https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-763435-1-1.html